Saturday, November 18, 2017


Hi everyone! We're back for DAY 2 of our wonderful PRP Pre-Black Friday Sale and Giveaway, and we are so excited! Today we are featuring our FIRE STAR PRESS and PRAYERS AND PROMISES imprints, with more super stories than you can shake a stick at!

Our first feature deal of the day is one of our recent boxed sets from FIRE STAR PRESS based on music! This was such a fun collection to put together and very different. Each story deals with a theme from a different decade, with the music of the time woven throughout. It's on sale for only .99!

Some song titles evoke memories not only of the song, but also of the time…the era…the place. They call for stories all their own, and at Fire Star Press they’ve inspired a new boxed set!

From the 1940’s through the 1980’s, each decade is represented by a song that was made powerhouse-popular during the time. In Tanya Hanson’s “NEARBY”, two lonely people in war-time wish for “Someone to Watch Over Me”—but they may be surprised to know who that “someone” is.

Racial tension divides a small town in LOVE AND PREJUDICE by B.J. Betts when two young people wonder what could happen “If I Loved You”…

Can true love happen in “This Magic Moment” when two young lovers fall for one another at CRAZY HORSE HIGH by Sara Swann-Barnard?

Ella M. Kaye’s A MELODY IN THE DARK turns near-tragedy into something “Wonderful Tonight” for a young Pittsburgh couple.

In C.A. Jamison’s A DANCE TO REMEMBER, a burning-hot one night stand with The Phantom, a male stripper, leaves a beautiful fashion designer with one thought—“I’m On Fire”…

Pull up a chair and settle in for five music-inspired love stories through the decades that will take you down a breathless walk through memory lane…

STALKING HER DREAMS is the first in a contemporary series by Agnes Alexander, featuring a middle-aged hero and heroine. This story will have you on the edge of your seat, and hoping for a happy ending! This is one story you will be staying up late to finish once you start it! Available now at a special price of only .99!

At a book signing, Heather Masterson, a successful mystery author, comes face-to-face with a successful rancher who bears the name of one of her fictional characters. The “real” Alex Hargrove is fascinated by Heather, and she is just as captivated by him.

They both believe that they are fated for one another as their feelings evolve quickly, and a simple friendship becomes love in a short period of time.

But in a diabolical mystery plot of her own, Rachelle Albright, an unstable alcoholic fan of Heather’s, has a different idea of the way this story should come to a close. She fancies herself in love with the fictional Alex—and the only way to have him for herself is to rid the world of Heather.

A storybook ending doesn’t seem possible for Heather as Rachelle enlists the aid of a man from the past who’s out to settle the score with Alex. How can there be a happy-ever-after ending for Heather when someone is STALKING HER DREAMS…

For another wonderful story, jump over and snap up Sarah J. McNeal's CAST AWAY HEART, available now FREE!

After her fiancé humiliates her and breaks her heart on what was to be their wedding day, Ella Dubois has vowed never to open her heart again. Nickoli Vesa, a Romanian pianist, has loved Ella for years, but she sees him only as her best friend. How can a deserted piano heal a shattered spirit and inspire it to sing again?

Our last featured offering today is from our PRAYERS AND PROMISES imprint, a story of hope, SHATTERED VOWS by Linda LaRoque. It's FREE right now, so be sure to snap it up!

Annie and Stuart Rayburn have loved each other since high school. Their life is idyllic until their baby dies of SIDS, and Annie falls into a deep depression. Months of therapy help her recover, and they look forward to another child sometime in their future.

Despite his own grief Stuart tries to comfort Annie, yet when he reaches for her in the night, his advances are rebuffed. In a moment of weakness, he turns to another woman. Stu learns his night of infidelity produced a baby girl. The mother died in a car crash, and her will gives Stu custody.

Stu can’t deny the child is his, and he’s determined to raise her. He begs Annie’s forgiveness. Hurt and angry, Annie must face her demons, decide if she can forgive Stu, and love the innocent child, or divorce him and move on without the only man she’s likely to love.







  1. Hey everyone! Hope y'all have snapped up each and every one of these excellent reads--and we have a surprised for you on TUESDAY, the last day of the sale! What could it be? Don't forget to stop in on Tuesday and see!!!

  2. Hey! There's Wishing for a Cowboy! Thanks!

    1. Tracy the numbers are really good on Wishing for a Cowboy! And they should be--for FREE! Such a deal, and what a great bunch of stories we put together!

  3. What a great lineup. How does a gal decide which ones to read? You don't, you just get them all or at least put them on your TBR list. Golly it just keeps growing. Love the concept of MUSIC OF THE HEART-- all sound delightful. And of course the others with their blurbs are a must too. Wonderful list.

    1. Bev, MUSIC OF THE HEART is really different and really GOOD. I loved those stories. I think I say that about all of these anthologies, but I really DO! LOL Yep, you just stock up and wait for winter and you won't run out of anything to read while you're sitting in front of the fire!

  4. Thanks for putting this sale together, Chery. I want all these books because I need lots of reading material in the winter. My only problem is,my Kindle isn't working. It won't let me download. If I can't make it work, looks like I have to buy myself a new one for Christmas.

  5. I've let my fingernails get too long. Sorry I messed up your name, Cheryl. I am hitting between the keys and think I've hit the right one.

    1. Agnes, my oldest sister called me "Cherry" as a nickname for many years. LOL

      YES you need a new kindle! You might get a new deal on one now with all the sales already starting. LOL

      Livia and I are glad to put these sales together for everyone--we enjoy it and have fun with it. Here's to many more new readers as well as those who are already familiar with our work!

  6. This is awesome thank you Cheryl. What a great way to be introduced to new books.

    1. Tonya I know you'll find some new-to-you authors that you'll enjoy--and maybe some old ones, too? LOL Be sure to come back on Tuesday (last day) for a surprise.

  7. Tonya Cherry. Thanks for the invite

    1. Hi Tonya! So glad you're here--Y'all be sure to sign up for our newsletter in the sidebar, too!
