Monday, November 20, 2017


All right! Here we are on DAY 4 of our wonderful PRE-BLACK FRIDAY SALE AND GIVEAWAY! Just take a look at what we've got in store for you today from our PAINTED PONY BOOKS and TORNADO ALLEY PUBLICATIONS imprints!

Let's start with JAMES J. GRIFFIN'S A RANGER TO RIDE WITH--the first book in his LONE STAR RANGER series! Available now for only .99!

Nathaniel Stewart’s life changes in the blink of an eye when his family is murdered by a band of marauding raiders. They’ve made one terrible mistake…they didn’t finish the job. Fourteen-year-old Nathaniel is very much alive and ready to exact the justice his mother, father, and older brother deserve.

Taken in by a company of Texas Rangers, he begins to learn what it means to survive in the rugged wilds of Texas. Each of the Rangers have something to teach Nate, as they come to call him, and he’s a fast learner. When some of the same raiders later return, Nate proves his mettle when he saves the Rangers from being ambushed and wiped out.

A RANGER TO RIDE WITH is the first story in the western series, LONE STAR RANGER. Look for A RANGER TO RECKON WITH, book 2, and all the others that follow!

From our TORNADO ALLEY PRESS imprint, ANGELA CRIDER NEARY'S LI'L TOM AND THE PUSSYFOOT DETECTIVE BUREAU: THE CASE OF THE PARROTS DESAPARECIDOS is on sale for only .99! Angela's debut novel is the first of a delightful series that you will not want to miss--for the cat lovers on your list, especially!

Someone is stealing the parrots of Telegraph Hill! San Francisco is plagued with a rash of exotic birdnappings, and it's up to Li'l Tom and Lola of the Pussyfoot Detective Bureau to track down the culprits and put an end to this sinister scheme. With the help of a motley crew of cats, one rat, and a dog, they'll venture into the dangerous back alleys of Chinatown to rescue the brilliantly plumaged captives!

LI'L TOM AND THE PUSSYFOOT DETECTIVE BUREAU: THE CASE OF THE PARROTS DESAPARECIDOS is a whimsical, all-ages mystery featuring a pair of charming feline detectives. Packed with action, humor, colorful characters, and vivid settings, it's a delightful reading experience for young and old!

And for our FREE offerings being featured today--RICHARD PROSCH'S WAITING FOR A COMET is available! FOR FREE! WAITING FOR A COMET is the first in Richard's incredible series of stories about Jo Harper's growing up years in 1910 Wyoming.

During the long, hot spring of 1910 it seemed all 12-year-old Jo Harper could do was wait. Wait for her father, wait for her friends, wait for the comet that might appear in the sky and wipe out the whole town of Willowby, Wyoming once and for all. But when wild west legend Abby Drake arrives in town lugging an orphaned baby calf, an old-fashioned revolver, and a mystery shrouded with superstition, it’s up to Jo to take action. Why is Abby in town? Who is she after? And what secrets can Jo coax out of her own arch enemy, Emily Bly?

Action, humor, and real life history combine for an exciting mystery about one girl’s summertime quest for family, friendship, and justice on the windburnt Wyoming range at the dawn of a new century.

Another wonderful story we're featuring today is RANDY LEE EICKHOFF'S THE DONKEY THAT CARRIED MARY. FOR FREE! This is from our PRAYERS AND PROMISES imprint, and what a great tale this is!

Sara is a blessed donkey with a magical story to tell! She has been with the Holy Family since before Jesus was born—for she was THE DONKEY THAT CARRIED MARY. From the seemingly endless journey to Bethlehem that long-ago night of his birth, to the dark day of his crucifixion, Sara bears witness to the most important happenings of all time. When she saves the Holy Family from two would-be robbers, Jesus grants Sara immortality—a gift she takes seriously. Never far from Mary’s side, Sara vows to protect her from other humans who would cause her harm.

Join Sara and Mary on their travels together in this unforgettable story for all ages. Who can say that animals cannot talk if they wish? Especially one as special as THE DONKEY THAT CARRIED MARY…

From teenagers to Grandma and Grandpa, everyone will love this story told by Sara, the donkey who carried Jesus’ mother, Mary, on their journey and lived out the long life Jesus promised her, always at Mary’s side. Not a Sunday school lesson, but a warm and funny story of animals and people that brings Biblical events alive in a new way.
—Judy Alter, WWA Hall of Fame writer and author of the Kelly O'Connell Mysteries

What a great bunch of stories we've got on sale! Remember, tomorrow is our last day of the "PRE-BLACK FRIDAY SALE" here at PRP! Be sure to snap up these great bargains, and spread the word to everyone else about these wonderful reads for .99 and FREE!







  1. Again, another day of interesting and exciting and must-be-read stories. A bit for all tastes. Oh the TBR lists of mmine and so many others continue to grow. Thank you PRP. What delightful reads. And Happy Black Friday.

    1. Bev, every one of these stories is wonderful that we have included in the sale/giveaway. I have probably re-read The Donkey That Carried Mary about 4 times. It's one of those stories that I discover something I didn't see before every time I read it. And Angela as another instalment of her series coming next year, as does Jim Griffin. Richard's Jo Harper series would make fantastic movie material--and those are just the ones we're "featuring" today--with all of the books/anthologies/stories listed being on sale or free for five days, we are sorry to see the sale come to a close, we've had such a good response. And tomorrow, we'll have some other .99 boxed sets added to the mix!
