Thursday, September 7, 2017

New Release -- WILD TEXAS HEARTS by Tracy Garrett

A broken man…
Revenge has driven Wolf Richards since the brutal murders of his wife and young daughter. Returning home with his son, Cal, he faces memories and loss at every turn. Raising Cal alone seems to be more of a challenge than he can handle. He can never replace his perfect Emily—until a rough-edged female falls into his arms—and living becomes a new adventure.

An unlikely woman…
Lizzie Sutter is as rough as a cowboy and as compelling as a stormy sky. Dressing as a man allows her to hire on with a cattle drive, only to be discovered and set adrift near Civil, Texas. When she stumbles onto an abandoned cabin, she makes herself at home. Then the owner of her newfound home shows up and Lizzie discovers just what’s missing from her life—and her heart.

Two wild hearts tamed…
Lizzie hasn’t a feminine thing about her, yet she calls to something deep inside Wolf, something he can’t deny.  Being a woman has always left her feeling lacking, until he shows her their WILD TEXAS HEARTS belong together…


    Nothing moved. Not even the chickens were pecking in the grass for feed they might have missed. And the wash was still hanging on the line beside the house. Emily never left it out past noon. A wave of foreboding scratched down the length of his spine and stabbed into his gut. He took two steps forward, studying the little house.
     No smoke. There was no fire burning in the hearth, no smoke staining the brilliant blue sky behind the house.
     Something was wrong.
     Wolf picked up his pace. “Emily?” He called for his wife, then his two children. “Calvin? Amanda!” The corral was empty. The barn door stood open. Feathers were strewn around the coop.
     He took the last two hundred yards at a run. Vaulting over the stairs, he slammed through the half-open door, then skidded to a halt. Chairs were overturned, dishes were smashed, clothes were strewn in a trail leading from the children’s bedroom. Dark puddles of jam dripped from the kitchen table to the floor. Where the hell was his family?



  1. Loved the excerpt where Wolf walks into an empty house that looked like an invasion took place. A mystery right there.
    I want to wish you all the best and continued success with this new release of WILD TEXAS HEARTS.

  2. Thank you, Sarah! I'm really excited about this story seeing the sunlight and grateful to Livia & Cheryl for giving Wolf a chance.

  3. Gosh, Tracy, I have waited a LONG time for Wolf to get his revenge and to learn whatever became of him and little Cal. What a great story, and I'm so glad he gets his HEA. If anyone ever deserved it, it was HIM! Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve for the next story!

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! I had a great time getting Wolf and Lizzie together--and some difficulties, too. Glad you liked the story. And there's a certain red-headed Ranger who's telling me it's his turn.

  4. It arrived on my Kindle last night. Now to find the time to read it. Oh the frustration and suspense. *Grin* Doris

    1. Thanks, Doris! I hope you enjoy it--when you get a chance to read it.

  5. Tracy, WILD TEXAS HEARTS sounds awesome. Full of intrigue, suspense and a delightful pull between the hero and heroine. Looking forward to reading this one for sure. Am putting it on my Kindle right now as I'll have plenty of time on the plane to make sure I can read it while traveling next wk. to MT, etc. next wk. Yes! Wishing you much success with this one.

  6. Wow! Tracy,

    "Where the hell was his family?"... Must. Have. More.

    1. Kaye, I wrote that scene because my M-I-L, who read the first chapter, asked for "something to remind us what happened." I'm glad I listened to a reader.

  7. Is this a sequel to another book or a stand alone (from a comment, sounded almost like a sequel perhaps)? It sounds intriguing! Especially that little excerpt!

    1. It's a stand alone, Michelle, but Wolf was first introduced in TEXAS GOLD. He was one of those characters that wouldn't let me go once he walked into the scene. :)

  8. Wow! This certainly got my attention. Congratulations on piquing my interst, TracyG. May God continue to give you intriguing stories for your readers.

    1. Thank you, Laurean! I appreciate your blessing.
