Thursday, July 13, 2017

New Release -- A RESTLESS KNIGHT by Deborah Macgillivray -- Giveaway!

Dragons of Challon Book 1

Had the music stopped, or had she just ceased to hear it?  All she could do was stare into the dragon green eyes.  Drown in them.  This man was her destiny.  Nothing else mattered.  He removed the netting from her grasp and then dropped it.

Shaking, Challon took her face in both hands.  The hunger in his eyes rippled, tangible.  So strong, it nearly robbed her of breath.  With a need, tempered with reverence, he took her mouth with his.  Lightly at first.  Then deeper, more desperate, more demanding.  The primitive male desire to mate unleashed.  Beneath it all was his need for her—in ways she knew he did not begin to understand.

She smiled.  He would.

Lost in the power, Tamlyn was not aware of the hundreds of other people around them or their celebrating.  To her, the world stood still, narrowed, until there was nothing but the star-filled night.

 And Challon.


     “My lady! My lady!”
     The shrill cry rent the stillness of the remote Highland glen. Startled, scores of ravens took wing, blotting out the sky. Their cacophony echoed the call…my lady, my lady. For a peculiar instant, the world held its breath as the heavens were turned black.
     Tamlyn MacShane paused from picking the first violets of spring. Straightening from the stooped-over position, she arched her shoulders to relieve the crick in her back. Loch winds were lifting, sweeping up the steep incline. They swirled about her with ghostly, playful hands, tugging wisps of her honey-colored hair from the simple braid hanging down her back. Whilst the heavy mass had nary a curl, ’twas imbued with a will all its own.
     Brushing stray strands from her face, her eyes followed the spiraling path of the noisy blackbirds.
     An ill omen, The Kenning whispered to her mind.
     A frisson of disquiet snaked up her spine. Her fey gift to sense things, and the strange behavior of the birds, summoned fragments of the lingering nightmare that had awakened her this morn. Vague, just at the edge of her thoughts...something about screaming ravens and a coming storm. She shivered.
     “‘Blackbirds fleeing before noontide sun, fate changes before the day be done.’” She repeated the augury in a hushed tone.
     When the lad topped the crest of the tòrr, he screamed once more, “My lady! He comes!”

Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ebook.



  1. Intriguing excerpt. Piqued my interest. Thanks for the intro.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. This book is so compelling--you'll fall in love with all the Challons, but Julian... well, he's the first. :)

    1. Thanks, Jacquie. It's no longer Mr. L...but i think this cover does the book justice.

  3. It's sitting on my device awaiting the time I can sit and read. Can't wait. Doris

    1. Waring the Challon lads can be quite demanding.

      Thank you!

  4. Sounds great. It has a air of mystery to it. I look forward to reading it. Best wishes for success on your release.

  5. Congratulations on your release, Deborah!


    1. thanks, Dee. I am so excited to get the launch of the whole series with PRP. I am so thrilled to see the book doing with TLC.

  6. Deborah,

    These lines gave me goosebumps: '...her eyes followed the spiraling path of the noisy blackbirds. An ill omen, The Kenning whispered to her mind. A frisson of disquiet snaked up her spine...'

    Loved the excerpt. :-)

    1. Thanks...I think the scene so evocative, for a murder of ravens can make a sound like no other bird. Always send goosebumps over my scalp! :-)

  7. I loved the way the excerpt read almost like poetry with the foreboding of danger. This is going to be an enchanting story.
    I want to wish you every success with A RESTLESS KNIGHT and all the books that will follow in this series. Congratulations, Deborah!

    1. Thank you. I had been dragging my feet, tired of trad publishers, and not wanting to go Indy. Then Cheryl contacted me and asked if I would like to write for PRP. I am firm believer in Fate, and so glad I said yes. PRP is the BEST.

  8. Oh, be still my heart! I've said it before and I'll say it again--there is no one more swoonworthy than Julian Challon! But I love Tamlyn so much I can't even be jealous of her! Oh...did I mention that MY name is Tamlyn? Just thought I'd throw that out there...

    1. I started writing the story back in the late 70s. Spent years researching it, since I got the idea from family history. I wrote it as a saga, which originally included four novels in one!! I understood later that was a big much to ever get published. So I pulled the other three books out, and concentrated on this one. I cannot thank you and PRP enough to see it out there in original form. I have had many releases before, but somehow, this one feels like "coming home to where I belong."

    2. Deborah, it's a wonderful story--I can't even imagine having to cut parts of this out--it flows so well--and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us with the other Challon men! So glad to have you with us at PRP! XOXO

    3. it hurt. I sat one day saying keep true to what I wanted or commercialize it. So I went with the sure way to get published. It proved such a hit, but I always felt I needed to say "but that isn't all there was to it." Today, I hold that book of my heart knowing it's been done right. PRP simply gave me back the LOVE of the process.

    4. Bless your heart, Deborah! I'm so glad we were able to connect and make it happen!

  9. Wow, Deborah! That's a killer excerpt--really drew me in. I wish you every success with your release!

    1. Thanks, Patti. It's good to know you "set the hook"

  10. The research that goes into a Deborah MacGillivray historical is phenomenal. Add this to her historical voice and you have the absolute best in Scottish tales. The romance is sweet to spicy, and the story always contains the most interesting characters. Scotland is literally in her blood.

    1. Thanks, Di. It's so good to see the book in it's full form. The rest of the series will follow shortly. It's so exciting.

  11. The first romances I read were Medieval Highland stories. They hooked me on the romance genre. The blending of history, romance, and the belief in things that border on and blend into the magical make it a rich era to draw from for stories. This series sounds like one I will enjoy.

    1. Thank you. This one is actually based on a writing of family history. I was so intrigued the English knight coming to claim a Scottish woman. I spent several years researching and trying to prove it all. Did some, other things remained elusive. I finally realized, it was amazing tale, passed on. My grandfather, a retired, historian, wasn't keen on me turning it into a romance. But he read it. I recall going into him when he was done. He was sitting there, a tear in his eye and he said, "You did good." For him VERY high praise.

      I just cannot thank PRP enough for allowing me to do the story in its full form.

    2. All the more special for being a family story. I am so glad you were ablate share it with your grandfather. From his reaction, it has got to be good.

  12. Stunning, Deborah! Love the blend of medieval magic and melee! Wishing you much success with the series!

    1. Thank you!! It's so exciting after 11 years of doing this!! :-)

  13. and the winner is LibraryPat -- I know it says eBook, but if you prefer you can have the print version. Please email me at to arrange deliver.

    Thank everyone for stopping by and leaving a comment!!
