Thursday, June 29, 2017

New Release -- MYRA’S ESCAPE by Agnes Alexander -- Giveaway!

Escape is her only choice…

Myra Felton’s grandfather has sold her to a banker to pay his debts! But Myra will not become the property of the evil Cosmos Hubbard—she plans her escape… With her future uncertain, she leaves in the dead of night for Charleston, the largest city of any size, vowing to lose herself there. But a chance encounter with a marriage broker gives her the best plan of all—with no money of her own, she agrees to travel to Wyoming, as far from Cosmos Hubbard as she can get!

He’s desperate for a cook…

Anson Barlow fears mutiny from his four younger brothers if he
can’t come up with someone to cook a decent meal for them all once in a while! It’s hard enough to run a thriving ranch such as the Circle B without having to worry about cooking and cleaning—talents the Barlow brothers lack. When he signs a contract for a housekeeper, he doesn’t realize that also means a wife.
Love is waiting…

When Anson meets Myra at the train station, she’s not at all what he’s expecting. He can’t protect her from the gossips if he takes her home without marrying her—and though he may be many things, he is not that cruel. But though the marriage may protect her from vicious jealousy in the town, what will happen when Cosmos Hubbard shows up to claim the woman he says is rightfully his? Will MYRA’S ESCAPE have been for nothing?


     “What do you mean, you hate Myra?”
     “I didn’t never want no more young’uns after my son turned out so rotten, but Myra was our granddaughter and Emmie Mae said it was only right that we take her in. After our son died, the girl was in an orphanage for a couple of years or so. She was ten or twelve years old by the time Emmie Mae found her.”
     “Why did she come to live here?”
     “When my sorry son and his wife died and there weren’t no-where else for the girl to go ’cept the orphanage. Spite me saying we ought to leave her there to grow up, Emmie Mae wouldn’t hear to it. She said it was our duty to raise the girl. I finally give in to Emmie Mae ’cause she swore she’d not cook my meals no longer if’n I didn’t let the girl come to live here.”
     Myra’s heart almost stopped. She knew she and her grandfather didn’t get along very well, but she never dreamed he actually hated her. Though she’d never cared for him as much as she did her grandmother, she always thought they were family, and therefore cared somewhat for each other. That was one reason she’d stayed on at the farm after her grandmother’s death. She felt she should look after her grandpa out of respect. But his words had changed everything.
     She decided her duty to him was over and she would no longer worry about him or his farm. It was time to start taking care of herself. After all, she would soon be twenty years old. It was time to get away from here and live her own life somewhere else.
     Before she could think of a way to get away and out of her grandfather’s hideous plan, Cosmos shouted, “I know you’re listening, Myra Felton. So to make it clear, you better be at my house on Saturday by the time I get home from work. Don’t get it in your head to try to run away because there’s no place in South Carolina or anywhere else that I’ll not find you. I’ll follow and find you anywhere you run. I’ve wanted you for a long time, and you will be mine, whether or not you want to be.”
     She didn’t answer aloud, but in her mind, she thought again, When Hell freezes over.

Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ebook.



  1. Well, who wouldn't want a cook for Pete's sake? I want one at my house.
    You have your heroine in a fine predicament if Cosmos comes looking for her. What made you choose the name "Cosmos"? Wyoming is my favorite western state.
    I can't help but wonder, with all those younger brothers, are you by some chance planning a series here?
    I wish you all the best with new release and I have to say before I go, the cover is just amazing.
    All good things to you...

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I love Wyoming, too. Have set several of my books there. I like unusual names and Cosmos just seemed right for this evil guy. Yes, this is the first in the Barlow Wives Series. I plan to get them all 'married up' in different ways. I was delighted with the cover, too. It's probably my favorite of all my books. Thanks for posting.

  2. Agnes,

    Congratulations on your new release. From the blurb and excerpt, I suspect Myra's Escape has some great twists and turns in the story. I like Anson's sense of honor, but I also love a deliciously evil villain. *grin*

    1. Thank you, Kay. Anson is a strong and thoughtful man and Cosmos is just the opposite. They don't come much more evil than him. He was fun to write, but I cringe to think there are probably people out there today just as mean as he is.

  3. Oh my, what a romp this will be. Congratulations! I'm intrigued and of course it's on the TBR list. Winters coming so...? Doris

    1. Thanks, Doris. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for posting.

  4. Great excerpt..and the premise for the story is fun and fast and feisty--just the way we like our heroines. Much luck, Agnes, with your latest adventure.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks, Celia. It always makes me feel good to get a compliment from a writer whose work I enjoy reading.

  6. This sounds like a wonderful story, I love these mail order bride stories, and settling the West stories. This one looks amazing. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I enjoyed writing this one very much.

  7. Sounds like fun, Agnes! Congratulations on your release.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. Working with PRP is such a good experience.

  8. Sounds so great-I love marriages of convenience that turn into the real thing! Congratulations, Agnes!!

    1. Thank you, Tanya. I enjoy this type story, too.

  9. Loved this brand new start to a great series, Agnes!

    1. I'm glad you liked it, Cheryl. I look forward to getting the second in the series to you. It's such a pleasure to work with you and Livia. Thanks for taking me as one of the PRP family.

  10. Congrats, Agnes. Got the book and look forward to reading it. Best wishes on its success.

    1. Thank you, so much Robyn. I hope you enjoy it. It was such a fun book to write. I couldn't help loving those Barlow men.

  11. WOW! This sounds like an absolute delight. Am really looking forward to this calamity. Great cover too. Congratulations and wishing you much success with this and all others. Keep them coming.

    1. Thank you, Beverly. It was a fun book to write. I like the cover, too. I think Livia out did herself on this one.

  12. Sadly many mail-order brides ended up in positions much like Myra had with her grandfather and the man he sold her to. Lucky for her, her escape led her to someone who sounds much different. Best wishes for the success of this book and series.

  13. I put all your names in a basket and had my sister draw the winner's name. Congratulations, Sarah J. McNeal. I hope you enjoy the book.

  14. Thank you so much, Agnes. I am so happy to have won your book. Lucky me. I already have it and I'm looking forward to reading it. Thanks again for your book, MYRA'S ESCAPE.
