Thursday, February 23, 2017

New Release -- MY NOBLE KNIGHT by Cynthia Breeding -- Giveaway!

Beautiful Deidre of the Languedoc is on a mission—she must search Scotland for the precious Philosopher’s Stone that has been stolen from her priestess mother—upsetting the natural rhythm of the religion of the Goddess. Separated from her escort and caught up in the spectacle of the fires of Beltane revelry, Deidre is saved from rape by a divinely handsome archangel complete with sword—Gilead MacOengus, the son of a powerful laird.

But once Gilead takes Deidre to the castle for safety, she is in more danger than she’s ever been before. Her would-be rapist, Niall MacDouglas, vows to have Deidre at all costs—and Gilead’s father, Angus, promises her to the cruel MacDouglas in order to prevent war. The strong-willed seeress must find a way to keep the wedding from happening—she’s falling in love with Gilead, and her time to find the secret location of the Philosopher’s Stone is short.

Though Deidre’s romantic heart yearns for the fables of Camelot to have some foundation in reality, she is disappointed again and again—is there not one noble knight in all of Scotland? The truth can only be revealed with the discovery and return of the Philosopher’s Stone to its rightful place. Only then can true love be brought into balance for Deidre and the one she claims as MY NOBLE KNIGHT…



     Gilead had moved closer. Subtly, his face changed as he studied hers. His pupils dilated, turning the irises near purple. Slowly a hand came up to cup her chin and he traced her lips lightly with his thumb.
     “Ye want to be kissed, lass?” It really wasn’t so much a question as a statement.
     Dear God. She shouldn’t. He had made it clear with his strict formality that he didn’t want to have anything to do with her. This would mean nothing to him. She should pull away; she really should. He wasn’t holding her forcefully, but the gentle touch of his fingers might as well have been an iron collar. Deidre shut her eyes and parted her lips.
     She heard his sharp intake of breath and then his lips brushed hers, tantalizing her as he kept the pressure easy and gentle. It was slow torture, and finally she could stand no more. She thrust her tongue deep into his mouth.
     He hesitated but a moment and then brought his arms around her waist, pulling her to him as he responded… 

Be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a free ebook.



  1. Sounds like a wonderful story, filled with action and mystery.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks Debby. I like adding a bit of mystery to my books!

  2. Cynthia, My Noble Knight looks fantastic. medieval tales are among my favorites. I wish you every success with your new release.

  3. Oh my, be still my heart. What a story this seems to be. Dang, my summer reading will go into next winter,and I'm still working on the winter stories.

    Wishing you the best on this story! Doris

    1. Well, Gilead will keep you warm on a cold, winter (k)night!

  4. This sounds like a great story! I've never read one in medieval times. Will have to check these out!

    1. Kind of like Highlanders on steroids!

    2. Congrats! You are the winner of a free copy! Please give me your email address and I'll send it to you also, please indicate whether you prefer Mobi or a PDF. Happy reading!!!

    3. Yay! Thank you so much!! My email is sallyshupe1 at gmail dot com. Mobi would be great. Thank you!!

  5. Sounds fabulous! Checking it out now.

  6. I'm excited to see "My Noble Knight" released and back in print!!!! This book won first place in the historical category of the Barclay Gold contest in 2008 when it was
    first published by Kensington and has been one of my best-selling books. Hot, medieval romance!

  7. Ooh, a seeress--that gift is as much of a blessing as it is a curse. I'll bet she can get herself into all sorts of interesting situations without even meaning to.

  8. I love all your stories, Cynthia, but this one really grabbed me and held on for dear life! LOL Loved this, and I look forward to many more medieval tales from you!

  9. Medieval Highland stories were the first romances I read and are still favorites. Women's positions and abilities were quite different and very restricted.

    1. Absolutely. Women were property with no real rights until the 1800s. I think that's one reason why writing about strong-willed medieval ladies is so much fun!

  10. I would like to thank everyone who commented. It's always great to get readers' perspectives!!!
    The winner of the giveaway is Sally Shupe. If she'll send email address, I'll send book. Thanks again to everyone!

  11. Cynthia, Sorry I'm so late, but just caught this. Love the premise and of course I adore Medievals. I got goosies when he kissed her. Oh, oh! This one is bound to be a winner.
