Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Do you have a focus for 2017? by Kaye Spencer

I'm not a resolution-maker, but this year, with a gentle nudge from an author-friend who does this, I am embracing a focus word. This word will be my mantra for the year. It will be right here watching me and reminding me of how I will approach my day-to-day living demands, my publishing/writing/marketing endeavors, my personal well-being, my interactions with people, and so on.

I considered a boatload of words, not the least of which were love, hope, friendship, happiness, positivity, family, thankfulness. None of them quite hit the spot. I was looking for concrete word, a tangible word.

So, I was stewing one morning about the need to get several lingering home projects finished and that I'm sitting on previously published books that need to be republished and that I have new stories chomping at the bit to be written, and...and...and...

That's when my focus word appeared.


For 2017, my focus is to tidy-up the annoying little incompletes in my life so I can focus on what I really want to complete. Finish what I start. Tie-up loose ends.

Easy peasy...I hope.

Until next time,


Writing the West one romance upon a time

Valentine's Day Anthology
Available on


  1. I'm a lot better at starting than finishing. Good luck with your focus word. You can make it work!

    1. Jacquie,

      I'm pretty good at finishing what I start, but it seems over the past couple of years I've gotten behind in the 'completing' aspect of my life. I think it's a matter of deciding what really needs to be completed and what needs to be abandoned because it's just not worth the effort or payoff to see it through to completion. Not all things/tasks/activities are created equal on the completion-worthiness meter.

  2. That's a good word. I want that to be my word too!!

    1. I realize there's a fine line between "complete" and "non-procrastination". To complete feels like a positive approach, whereas just stop procrastinating and putting things off has such a negative connotation. *grin*

  3. Some friends and I have been doing words for a few years. They do help, but for some reason I haven't chosen one for this year. Best get busy! Doris

    1. I went so far as to make a spreadsheet/grid with the word COMPLETE in each box. When I complete something worthy of being completed, I'll swap 'complete' for the item. It will be interesting to see my progress 11 months from now.

  4. Well Kaye, I may just borrow your 2017 focus word, "complete", only I may tweak it to fit my own need which is FINISH. Close enough to "complete" I guess except I start a bunch of projects and then get distracted and have a difficult time getting to the end of any one project. Maybe I should just use the word "Focus" because that's what I really need to do.
    I liked this idea of one word to focus on for the year. Thank you for the tip.

    1. Sarah,

      I actually considered the word FINISH. Ultimately, I chose 'complete', because it better fit my need to not just finish *things*, but to do them thoroughly and with all my heart. More times than not, I finish something just to get it done rather than put the right amount of completeness to it. (Hope that made sense) *grin*
