Thursday, December 1, 2016

New Release -- A HEART FOREVER WILD (An Everlasting Heart Book 4) by Sara Barnard -- Giveaway!

Sanderson and Charlotte set out on the dangerous journey to California Territory along with Minerva, Jerry, and the children. Though Charlotte doesn’t want to leave Arkansas, Sanderson is looking forward to building a life for Charlotte, Cotton, and little Charlie in the vibrant new territory. But when they arrive at Fort Bidwell, Sanderson and Jerry are immediately faced with a hard decision—they must free the captive Indians they have been hired to hunt down.

In a world where women are expected to be silent, Charlotte refuses to ignore injustice. When she defies the powerful bank president, it causes repercussions that can devastate the Redding family. In standing up to the town bullies to protect Cotton, Charlotte finds an unlikely ally in the handsome young half-Chinese outlaw, Johnny Tan. But will Johnny prove to be Sanderson’s nemesis or his saving grace?

Charlotte knows she can’t stay in Fort Bidwell, where circumstances seem to be ripping her once-happy family apart. Determined to leave, she must convince Sanderson to give up the security of his railroad job, pull up stakes, and head for Idaho, with A HEART FOREVER WILD…


The thundering hooves from both the stampede and the onslaught of soldiers vibrated the ground. “Sanderson!” Charlotte had to shout to be heard over the growing din. The scene before her unfolded in slow motion as Jerry lifted Minerva, Jay Jay, and Cotton into the wagon with expert precision, one after the other.
Cotton’s normally musical voice tore from his throat in a hysterical shriek. “Mr. Sanderson! Don’t forget Button and George!” Tears left wet trails down his bronze face while more still shimmered in his clear, blue eyes. His arms trembled as they reached for his wolf pup.
George whimpered, scared and helpless, until Jerry plopped Button into the wagon beside him. At once, the gray pup ceased his cries and began to snarl and snap at his brother and friend, both of their fluffy tails wagging, oblivious to the mortal danger that careened toward them from seemingly all directions. Cotton folded his little body over the puppies as Minerva draped her arm over Cotton. Her emerald eyes, wide and staring, darted to and fro.
Sanderson’s strong hands snapped Charlotte from her trance. “Come on!” Her grip tightened around tiny Charlie. “We gotta clear out!”
Nicolai flung his huge head as the herd of wild horses drew nearer and the shouts of the soldiers grew louder. He stomped his hooves as though he may take off with the mustangs at any moment. Achilles, hooked to pull the wagon alongside the younger stallion, glanced over his gray shoulder and whuffed.
Cocoa and Peanut zipped through Jerry’s legs as he pitched a few bags out of the birthing tipi that Charlotte had called her home—the warm, snug, safe place where precious Charlie had come into the world and she herself had almost exited it. Both buckskin and cloth bags landed at her feet in the thin layer of mud. Careful not to trip over them, Charlotte quick-stepped to Sanderson and shoved Charlie into his waiting arms.
Once Charlotte was safe in the wagon bed with her family, Jerry tossed in the rest of the bags as she reached for Charlie.
Sanderson’s eyes were as wild as she’d ever seen. As she accepted their child from him, he was looking everywhere but at her. “Hunker down, going to be a rough ride,” he called, disappearing around the side of the wagon. Nicolai stomped and reared, making the wagon lurch as snippets of conversation made its way back to the bed where Charlotte tried to remain brave. Sanderson’s voice was the clearest. “You drive and I’ll ride!”
Cries from the Indians drowned out Jerry’s reply.
Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ebook of A HEART FOREVER WILD.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Looks great. Love the cover
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks Debby! This was my favorite of the entire four book series.

  3. Sara, I really did enjoy this series featuring Sanderson and Charlotte! This last book had me wondering if they were going to "come out of it" all right...and...well, I can't give it away! LOL Anyhow, just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed every one of the EVERLASTING HEART stories. Kept me turning the pages, for sure!

  4. Sara,

    You have a gem of a series with your Everlasting Heart stories. I'm in awe of authors who write connected stories and can keep the series going. You've done this well. *grin* I look longingly at the idea of writing a series, but I've never come up with a viable plot, so I enjoy reading other authors' series stories. :-) Best of luck with this installment.

    1. Thank you so much Kaye!! There was much art imitating life in this series for sure!

  5. Can't wait to read, love stories of Native Americans.

    1. This series was so much fun to research and write. You'll find people you recognize in these pages!

  6. Awesome would love to add to my book collection.

  7. I have loved this series. So happy to see this book.

    1. Thank you for being a champion of Charlotte and Sanderson since day one, Robyn <3

  8. You have a winner in this series, Sara. Loved all three and now eagerly looking forward to this fourth. I so enjoy series, especially if they are as intriguing and heartwarming as the ones you write. Wishing you much continued success with this one as well as the entire series and future stories as well. Terrific cover too.

    1. Oh Bev thank you!!! I loved this series -- it was my first series ever!!! And Livia does a bang up job on covers, doesn't she!!!

  9. Wow! Great excerpt. Sounds like a barn burner. I'm going to add this series to my TBR pile.

  10. Congratulations on your new release in your series, Sara. I love the title: A HEART FOREVER WILD. I know it's going to be another great story.

  11. So happy for you Sara, but sad also. I'm going to miss these wonderful people. Doris

  12. I have wanted to read your series for a long time. This one sounds really great. I guess it would be best if I read the other 3 first. It's just my reading list is very long, but I really look forward to it.

  13. Yet another series I have to start :-)

  14. Congratulations, Sara. Looking forward to reading this series.
