Thursday, November 17, 2016

New Release -- BRIDGEPORT HOLIDAY BRIDES by Zina Abbott -- Giveaway!

Eastern Sierra Brides 1884 Book 5

With the arrival of Beth Dodd’s sister, Hazel, in California, Beth and her fiancé, Val Caldwell, are now able to make wedding plans.  Thanksgiving seems to be a good time to tie the knot and bring the Caldwell family together, as well, but when Val’s older half-brother, Edwin, and his family show up for the wedding, things fall apart. Edwin’s advice to Val to wrest control of Beth’s holdings and absorb them into the Caldwell Ranch leads to bad blood and fisticuffs between the brothers. Will Beth call the wedding off to protect what she’s worked so hard to gain?

As Beth’s younger sister, Hazel, realizes she’s falling in love with Val’s younger brother, Luther, she learns the feeling is mutual. Luther has bought a ring and plans to announce their engagement at Thanksgiving, as well. But Beth has a stormy relationship with her future brother-in-law, and believes her sister is too young to marry. Headstrong and determined to control their own destinies, will happiness also be possible for these BRIDGEPORT HOLIDAY BRIDES?


     “Beth, when I went into the brothel kitchen that night, I had no idea Flora would say something like that. I went there because I had made my delivery, and I didn’t like the idea of leaving you all alone in the brothel. But, after she started talking about your late husband and his—deficiencies—while you sat there having your most personal experiences revealed, if the floor could have opened up and swallowed me, I would have welcomed it.”
     Beth remembered that time. She had never been so dumbfounded in her life. “If you was that discomfited, why didn’t you just light on out of there?”
     “I wasn’t leaving you alone with Miss Flora, Beth. I was determined to stay until you were ready to leave, especially after knowing you just learned of your husband’s fate. But, I never quite forgot that revelation about your first marriage. And, since I haven’t had all that much experience in that sort of thing, well…” Val shrugged and offered a weak smile. “It did cross my mind that it might be smart to learn more about pleasing a wife in bed.”
     Beth half-stood and leaned forward until her nose was only inches from Val’s face. Keeping her voice low enough to not be heard across the room, she hissed, “Don’t you nary go nowhere near Miss Flora or her girls, Val Caldwell. You do, it ain’t goin’ to turn out good for none of you.”
     Val shook his head and assured her. “I have no intention of doing that. It’s just that…I love you, and don’t want to disappoint you.”
     “Long as you love me, Val, you ain’t goin’ to disappoint me none.”


  1. Sounds very exciting and lots of emotions.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Thank you for commenting, Debby. I did my best to keep things hopping. I had a lot of fun writing about all three Caldwell brothers and the big wedding.

  2. Oh Wow! Can't wait to read this! Been waiting!
    Kris Ball

    1. Thank you, Kris. Tied up a lot of ends with this book and I don't think it will disappoint.

  3. I love historicals in any way, shape or form. Your book sounds exciting.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Becky. I did my best to keep my characters facing new challenges and achieving great things. I hope you read and enjoy this book.

    2. Congratulations, Becky Lower. You are the winner of a copy of BRIDGEPORT HOLIDAY BRIDES. I will contact you by email.

  4. I've just started getting into western romance and Can't wait to read your books

    1. Thank you for stopping by the blog today, Judy. I hope you come away with an appreciation of historical eastern California after reading this book. I loved going to the two localities to do my research.

  5. Congratulations Zina! Sounds like another winner. Doris

    1. Thank you, Doris. It was a winner for me. I loved writing this story.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. I kept my characters in one pickle after another, so I hope it will be entertaining to read. Appreciate you stopping by.

  7. Love this book blurb! Adding to my TBR list, can't wait to read it!!

    1. Thank you for stopping by the blog, Margaret. I hope you enjoy reading this story.

  8. Congratulations on your new release!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Kaye. I've looked forward to this release for a long time.

  9. Oh, I have the best job in the world! I get to read all these wonderful tales before anyone else! LOL And Zina, you sure know how to spin a great yarn about these times, people and predicaments. I love these stories of yours, and this one is no exception!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I do my best to tell a good story with more than the run of the mill--no pun intended although my post on this blog a few days ago dealt with the sawmills in the area where this story takes place. I appreciate your hard work and support to get my stories to publication.

  10. Wow, love is blossoming all over the place in this novel. I know this title is going to get a lot of attention--and a very timely release!
    I wish you all the very best.

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah. It was a fun one to write as all these sweethearts become brides.

  11. Congratulations, Becky Lower. You are the winner of a copy of BRIDGEPORT HOLIDAY BRIDES. If you enjoy it, I hope you will voluntarily choose to leave a review.
