Thursday, October 6, 2016

New Release -- THE GUNFIGHTER'S WOMAN by Kaye Spencer -- Giveaway!

When beautiful widow Brenna Gérard comes upon semi-conscious gunfighter Matt Caddock, all hell is about to break loose. An unholy storm’s a-brewin’, and Brenna makes a split-second decision to save Matt from the spectral fire-eyed cowboys who forever chase the devil’s herd—and pick up lost souls along the way.

Once they reach the safety of the ranch, Brenna cares for Matt’s wounds and makes him welcome—no questions asked. But Matt must learn to accept the fact that Brenna is being guarded for a while longer by her deceased husband’s spirit—and he’s not leaving her just yet.

Though Matt and Brenna are fast falling in love, there’s the matter of a fortune in gold that stands between them—gold that Matt never wanted, but now must find and use to keep Brenna’s ranch from failing. Archer, an outlaw who Matt once partnered with, wants that gold just as badly—and he’s prepared to kill for it.

Can Matt settle the score with Archer and keep Brenna safe? And when the ghost riders return on the next lightning-laced storm, will they be taking Matt with them? Or will the love of THE GUNFIGHTER’S WOMAN be enough to ensure the future they hope for together?


     It wasn’t the first time her husband had returned since his death. A few weeks after his funeral, she’d awakened to find him standing at her bedside, a silent, oddly comforting presence, yet a disconcerting one all the same. Gregory had been as easy to talk to as he was a considerate listener, so she’d asked him why he was there. His voice came to her as a distant, hollow whisper on a breath as fleeting as butterfly wings in flight.
     I’m watching over you until he arrives.
     She knew well of whom he spoke. How often this mysterious man had come into her dreams, she couldn’t say. She didn’t know his name or his face, and he never spoke, but she knew his eyes—eyes as wild and untamed as the man himself. When he visited, he arrived from nowhere and left the same way, lingering just long enough in her sleeping mind for her to know he was waiting for her. There was strength and love in his heart, and she felt safe and satisfied whenever she dreamed of him. She couldn’t explain why, but Gregory had felt it, too, for the man had wandered into Gregory’s dreams not long before his death. He’d taken it as a portent of her future well-being and happiness, and because believing in this man gave him peace, Brenna accepted it, too.

Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ebook of The Gunfighter's Woman.



  1. I love westerns and this looks to be great.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Ah, shucks, thanks. :-) Here's a micro-teaser scene:

      “No! Not going. They’re not taking me!”

      “What is that?”

      The man snaked an arm around Brenna’s waist and tossed her to the saddle then swung up behind her. “Hang on!” Clamping one arm around her middle, he grabbed the saddle horn with his other hand, and slapped spurs to Samson.

      The horse reared, leaped, and came down at a dead run, ears flattened against his head, and his neck stretched out. A mournful, skin-prickling cry cut through the air. Hot wind whipped their clothes; lightning-scorched air left an acrid sulphur stench in its wake. Brenna twisted to look behind. The sight coming at them was terrifying and fascinating...

  2. Ah, a ghost! I love ghost stories. I bet you wrote this just for me. Hahaha. Congrats on your new release, Kaye!

    1. I love ghost stories, too, as long as they're paranormal-lite and not so scary I have to sleep with the light on.

      Wait. I always sleep with the light on. 0_o

      Thanks for the well-wishes.

  3. Kaye, I love paranormal stories and ghosts--and ohmagosh, in a western! How great is that? This is perfect timing for your release. Loved the excerpt and it's description of Matt, the mystery man. Yummy!
    I wish you great success with this new release. It sounds amazing.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. Your comments are like cyber-hugs--they make me feel warm and fuzzy. *grin*

  4. Sounds like a great read. And in time for Halloween, too.

    1. Autumn is my favorite time of year and that Halloween falls in the middle of it is the icing on the cake for me. *wink* Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Kaye, It arrived on my device and now I've just got to find time to read it. I love these stories. Thank you for bringing this one to life. Doris

    1. Thanks, Doris. I know what you mean by finding time to read all the wonderful stories out there, especially the books written by our sister Roses. Sometimes I feel like I'm just hoarding books. Must. Read. More. *grin*

  6. Excellent. I love ghost stories. It is the perfect time of year for them and this looks like a perfect read. Congratulations and good luck.

    1. Thank you, Keith. I'm looking forward to your "Steampunk-weird western" story. Steampunk is a genre I look at longingly to write in, but I haven't come up with a viable plot. (translated: I'm just a little envious of Steampunk writers) :-)

  7. Sounds like a fun story. Best wishes on your success.

    1. Thanks Robyn! I appreciate your well-wishes. :-)

  8. Using the name-drawn-from-a-hat method, the winner of a complimentary copy of The Gunfighter's Woman is Debby. I hope you enjoy it. :-)

  9. Well Kaye, this story is just in time for Halloween, but for me, it's a good story for any time of year. I like the vision you created by the "red-eyed cowboys" chasing "the Devil's herd". Now that was super. I also like that Brenna's husband, though deceased, hasn't left yet. Matt and Brenna are going to make for some fun reading.
    Congratulations, Debby, on winning what is certain to be a great story.
    All the best to your corner of Earth, Kaye.

  10. Thank you, Sarah. *hugs right back at ya*
