Thursday, October 13, 2016

New Release — CAMELOT’S DESTINY by Cynthia Breeding — Giveaway!

Britain, 6th century AD…a place of Pagan magic and Christian piety, a place of mystery, treachery, and dark enchantment.  Here the legend of Camelot is born and, with it, bold passions and forbidden desire.

Young, lovely, and willful, fiery-tempered Gwenhwyfar is chosen by Arthur to be his wife and queen…an honor she reluctantly accepts.  Soon, however, she cannot ignore the awakening passion Britain’s new king ignites.  He is a lover who delights her with his touch, yet whose desires are not shared with her alone.

Seared by the forbidden kiss of Arthur’s most-trusted warrior, Lancelot, Gwenhwyfar is swept into a world of passion, torn by loyalty and love to a husband who betrays her and a man she cannot have.

But in a time where good and evil clash, where magic and chivalry reign, love will prove a weapon as powerful as any sword.

     “I will not marry Arthur!” Gwenhwyfar suddenly lost her appetite for the still-warm bannocks and freshly churned butter. She pushed away from the table in the private dining quarters of the Romano-Briton villa and stomped across the blue mosaic tile, her boots clattering, to the window overlooking the bailey. She pressed her head against the frame. Her father didn’t know about the tall, dark-haired fantasy man who had visited her in her dreams for years. That man was definitely not Arthur.
     Outside, her father’s people went about their early morning tasks, scurrying across the dusty courtyard. The dairymaids lugged warm pails of milk to the kitchens, the field workers were past the gates, the potter had his kiln’s wheel humming. Their lives were structured, routine, and secure. They knew Cameliard would provide for them.
     Leodegrance sighed and leaned back in his oaken chair. “Daughter, the messenger said that Bedwyr and Arthur would be stopping to discuss a permanent alliance to protect the land north of Eboracum. The last time Bedwyr visited, he said Arthur was thinking of settling down. What else could it be?”
     Gwenhwyfar snorted. She turned away from the window and saw her father wince. “Let him marry Elaine, then,” she said more gently. “Ever since she has lived with us, she’s prattled on about how much she wants to be married. Pelles’ lands would offer Arthur even more protection from Pictish barbarians.”

Be sure and leave a comment to enter your name in a drawing for a Camelot's Destiny ebook.



  1. I love the title and it sounds like an amazing book to go with the title
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. The Arthurian legends have always been a favorite of mine. I hope you enjoy my version!

  2. I loved this story of yours, Cynthia! One of the things that really stood out for me was the way you humanized the characters--characters we've read about all our lives became more real, with their mistakes, regrets, and desires. An EXCELLENT story!

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! I wanted folks to stop blaming Gwenhwyfar!!!

  3. Cynthia,

    The King Arthur legend is an interesting story to play around with. There are so many different angles to focus on when creating your own 'legend'.

    1. I think I read somewhere that the Arthurian legends have been the most rewritten stories ever. They just don't get old.

  4. It is so amazing how Camelot and the legend of King Arthur has held such a fascination for generations of humans. And authors have delighted us with variations on this ancient theme. I am positively fascinated by your story premise, Cynthia. And the cover is gorgeous.
    I wish you every success with Camelot's Destiny.

    1. I love the cover too! I really wanted to give Gwenhwyfar's point of view in this one.

  5. I believe I will enjoy your version of the Arthur legend. The excerpt pulls you right in. Best to you. Doris

    1. I've always thought Gwen got a bad rap, so this is kind of her story

  6. I love the legend of Arthur and would like to read this story.

  7. This is an amazing book, an amazing series. Glad to see the series come to PRP. Congrats!

    1. The first book I got published! I still love the story, not to mention Lancelot as my all-time favorite guy.

  8. I'd like to thanks everyone for their posts. Please do
    Let me hear from you if you want to express an opinion of the book.
    The winner of the giveaway is "Debby". I'll send the copy this afternoon! Hope you enjoy. Cynthia

  9. I think anyone who likes to read Medieval, or even study that time period cherishes the whole Lancelot, Camelot, characters. They seemed to dwell in hearts and most likely will forever. I too love the cover and wish you much success. Looking forward to seeing how you did this one.
