Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Are you writing a work of fiction? Whether you're a seasoned author or brand new at writing, Keena Kincaid's DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT workbook and workshop are MUST HAVES! Keena has written a wonderful workbook to help you discover and unlock the secrets that your fictional characters have--secrets even you, the author, may not know about. In addition, Keena also offers on-line workshops with excellent feedback and help to bring you deeper into your characters' personalities and their world--yes, even a world you created.

Learning about the secrets that your characters keep, how these secrets affect personalities and plot line outcomes, and what you can do to discover and guide the revelation of them is crucial to an effective storytelling process.


Secrets. We all have them. Even our characters keep secrets—sometimes from the author. Dirty Little Secrets of Character Development workbook takes you through fun, inventive exercises to root out your characters’ hidden secrets. The lessons and exercises in the book will give you insight into how these secrets affect characters at the deepest level and give you an understanding of how these secrets to propel the plot forward in a logical, engaging manner.

Get your own DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT workbook here, in either print or digital formats, for only $9.99! Keena is offering the next session of her online workshop from September 20 through October 20 for only $15! Yes, that's everything--workbook AND workshop--for around $25!

Contact Keena to sign up for her workshop here: keenakincaidauthor@gmail.com or friend her and private message her on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/keena.kincaid?fref=ts



  1. Good morning, everyone. I'm celebrating release day with homemade cinnamon rolls. I'd share but they'll probably be gone by the time you get here. Instead, leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of the workbook.

  2. Good morning to you, Keena! You're such talented lady. I loved all the stories in One Hot Knight. I'm just wrapping up one story today and starting to think about my next project. My hero is a very complex man. I'm thinking I may need to take your workshop to find out what he's holding out on me. Have a good one.

    1. Blogger keeps eating my comments. Sigh. Thanks, Patti. I had a wonderfully witty and erudite reply that was destroyed by blogger (cough, cough). I love complex characters, but sometimes the key to getting that complexity into the story is to ask the right questions, esp. when they aren't talking. Rather than asking, "what do you want" sometimes the question is, "what is your worst-case scenario?"

  3. What a gift you are sharing. I personally believe we never stop learning. I plan on being there when this next learning journey begins. Thank you for offering to share your insights and knowledge. Doris/Angela

    1. You're welcome, Doris/Angela. This is a fun workshop to do, and I've had nothing but good comments from people who've taken the course. Well...I occasionally get grumblings from people who realize they need to rethink their story, but even that can be a good thing.

  4. Keena,

    What a clever title for your workshop/workbook. I'm curious about the story behind the story. What prompted you to develop this class?

    1. I had someone ask me why my characters seemed so real. In thinking about it, I realized that I'd written each of them with a secret. A friend then started asking me what each character's dirty little secret was, and I thought, this would make a fun workshop. And it is.

  5. Hi Keena! Sounds like a workshop and workbook I can definitely use. I ALWAYS need help figuring out my characters (characterization is not my strong point)! I will check out the workshop (and book). I can use all the help I can get!

    Thanks, and have a great day!

    1. Hi, Carol. Thanks for coming by. I always enjoy giving this workshop. It's so much fun to get into the nitty gritty of character development.

  6. I'm so excited about this workbook and this workshop! I took this class several years ago, and couldn't believe how much it helped me learn about my characters that I DIDN'T know--and I CREATED THEM! LOL This is a huge bargain, and this workbook is invaluable, as well.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. I remember when you took the workshop. This upcoming workshop will be a bit different in that we'll be able to spend more time talking one-on-one about characters and the exercises. I'm really hoping that having the workbook in advance will give students time to prep and plan so they don't feel so rushed toward the end of the course.

  7. I know so many writers are going to get a great deal out of this book and the workshop.
    I know it's going to be a big success and I wish you all the best.

  8. Sounds like a wonder book and course. Best wishes, Keena.

  9. And the winner is Robyn Echols! Thanks for commenting, Robyn. Email me so I can send you the workbook.

  10. Wow! Thanks for choosing me as the winner! And I do plan on taking the course. I've always felt I did okay with my characters, but since my books are character driven, it never hurts to learn more.
