Sunday, September 4, 2016

Behind the Scenes

Post by Doris McCraw/ Angela Raines

Book Covers, the joy and bane of a writers existence. The right cover can draw a reader in, tell the story in pictures. It could be they are reasons for sales. For myself, I look at a cover, then the title. When the two are in sync it's gold. I still remember reading a new author because I loved his book cover and title. It was the first book of his I ever read, and yes,  I did go on to read more of his writings.

As some of you may have noticed, I like to have a different look to my romances. Livia has been so gracious to allow me to use my own models and photographs. I thought you might enjoy some of the 'shots' that didn't make it on a cover. I used the same two models for "Angel of Salvation Valley" and "Never Had A Chance".

In many ways I'm a lucky person. My models are actors who work with me in Red Herring Productions Murder Mystery shows. A coworker at the Colorado Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau is also a photographer. Between my own photos and Nadine's, I'm one lucky lady.

Here then are some 'candid' shots. Enjoy, we sure did.

When I was writing "Angel" Ken was always in my mind as the hero

Colette was who I pictured as I wrote the  heroine
The chemistry between these two was priceless

When we were shooting, cars kept coming by. We would laugh and comment how we had guns, dusters, and cameras. I will say, both were such good sports. I couldn't have asked for better models.

I'll end with a couple of shots from my camera:

If you look close, you will see Pikes Peak reflected in the window

One of the action shots that didn't quite make it.
Here is one of the background shot that Livia used for "Angel"

Hope you enjoyed this short, behind the scenes look at the photo shoot to bring my characters to life. I've done a couple of others shoots with different actors. With luck you'll be seeing them soon. Until next time, 'you outta be in pictures' .

Angela Raines is the pen name for Doris McCraw. Doris also writes haiku posted five days a week at – and has now passed one thousand haiku and photos posted on this blog. Check out her other work or like her Amazon author page:


  1. Doris, what a fantastic idea. I never thought to do such a thing for the cover. Of course you have access to costumes, actors, etc., but still. Hmm. My hub and I have a big, muscular, hunky and good looking friend who was a Navy seal. Golly would he ever be a good model. I must think this through. I'm not sure I'd get such good shots though. You go girl! Great photos. And I loved the story ANGEL OF SALVATION VALLEY--couldn't put it down. AND--the cover drew me right in too. All your covers are well thought out. Thanks for an interesting blog. Happy Labor Day. As always, wishing you the best.

    1. Bev, I confess, I just take the photos and then Livia works her magic. Still, when I'm writing I see my friends and fellow actors as I write. It is a blessing to have them be so supportive and allow me to use their likeness of the covers, and they come with their own costumes!

      I'd love to see that neighbor on a cover. You have me intrigued. I'll be watching. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. Doris

    2. And Bev, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story! You just made my weekend. 'D'

  2. This is a timely topic. I like this idea of coming up with images to present to the cover artist for possible use. It's becoming more and more challenging to find images that are even remotely appropriate (or haven't been used a gazillion times) for historical western romance covers.

    1. I thought about that also, and figured, why not give it a 'shot'. Who knows, I may develop a sideline business. I know my actor friends love 'playing dress up'. I'm glad you enjoyed and likes the post. It does help to be able to use images that few others have. Doris

  3. I think it's wonderful that you help create some of your own covers. Livia is so easy to work with. I have only had something "special" once. When Livia designed the new cover for THE VIOLIN, she used an actual picture of my Uncle John whose story I told in a fictionalized version of the truth. That cover just means the world to me. I can see how your covers have come to be very meaningful for you.
    All the best to you, Doris.

    1. Sarah, I agree that Livia is a very special person. I also remember that cover. I loved it.

      Thank you for the encouragement. It has been a fun, interesting journey, that's for sure. Doris

  4. Thanks for sharing Doris. It does give you unique covers which is a challenge in the small publishing world. Wonderful!

    1. Thank you Kristy. It is a lot of fun doing the shoots. I think even if I didn't use them, I would still want to do something like this. *sigh* Doris

  5. Wow! I'm impressed. They are great covers and now I see why.

  6. Thank you Zina. I do have some wonderful actor friends who make it a lot of fun. It also helps when I'm writing, for there is always the possibility I can get these folks to pose for me. And as you can see, the camera loves them. Doris
