Friday, August 12, 2016


Hey everyone! Livia, Kathleen and I want to welcome everyone to our fantastic third birthday “bash” here at Prairie Rose Publications! Yep, this month marks the “big date” for us when we became a company and actually set our dreams into motion.

From our very first publication, WISHING FOR A COWBOY, that made its debut in October 2013, to the present, we have strived to bring our readers the very best stories we could lay our hands on. And, we hope we’ve brought happiness and fulfillment to authors in all stages of their careers—from the newbies to the well-seasoned—who have all joined us and become part of the PRP and Imprints family. Over the past three years, we've expanded to SIX imprints, and have published hundred of novels, short stories, novellas, and boxed sets and anthologies--and we have loved every minute of it!

Our authors work hard to bring their characters and stories to life for readers, and our team here at PRP has enjoyed these past three years immensely—I love reading and editing the submissions I receive and coming up with new ideas for boxed sets, anthologies and series. 
Livia and I, along with Kathleen, hash and re-hash what we think would be fun ideas for our authors to participate in, and we’re always open for submissions when our authors come up with their own fantastic tales.

Livia creates some of the most wonderful book covers ever, and is the true guru when it comes to getting all our work up and available for sale. She writes the release blogs for all our projects, and is, in general, like the “Wizard of Oz”, working behind the scenes (remember the curtain?) LOL And she is my hero—did y’all know that when she had a broken arm, she still managed to get a couple of releases up from the hospital? She’s one tough lady! Ok, you guessed it...she is actually...
...NOT a mild mannered author-type at all! Do you recognize her in this picture?

Kathleen is our website queen, among other things. I will never know anything close to what she’s already forgotten about social media, website and blogging issues, general info we need to be aware of in the publishing world, and …wait a minute…I think I just said that Tex is more brilliant than I am! Oh, but just in these areas. Never mind. There are others! (Kathleen—aka Tex—and I do a lot of good-natured sparring with one another since she’s a dyed-in-the-wool Texan who loves to be cantankerous to us Okies.)

Livia, Kathleen, and I love working together and think so much alike about so many things that it’s easy to “move along” with plans and ideas we have. We wanted to celebrate our third birthday with some new releases, sales, and prizes. So please join us every day here at the PRP blog through the 19th of August for a variety showcasing of the talents of our many wonderful authors! We will be doing giveaways, so be sure to leave a comment with contact info on our blogs—your name COULD BE the one we pick! And you're certain to find some fantastic new books to add to your library, no matter what!



  1. Wow! That's an amazing amount of production in only THREE years!!! And every single story I've read has been wonderful. Congratulations to PRP. It's an honor to be a Rose.

    1. When I was putting all the covers together I realized just how many authors have supported us in the last three years. We couldn't have done it without authors like you.


      We're thrilled to have you with us, Jacquie. Love your stories! (Even those with a "peckish" chicken named Cheryl!) LOL

    3. Thank you, Morgan! So glad you stopped by!

  2. It doesn't seem like 3 years, more like 1 since you opened PRP. I feel so happy and grateful to be a part of this company since the beginning. The 3 of you have done a fantastic job of presenting us and our work. Happy Birthday, Prairie Rose Publications! You're looking better every year.

    1. I know! The time has flown by. Sarah, you will never know how much we appreciate all the faith and support you have given us in the last 3 years.

    2. Sarah, I second what Livia wrote--it's impossible to say how much we appreciate the support you've given us. We love you and your stories!

  3. Yee-haw! I am so proud of PRP I could just burst at the seams. Cheryl and Livia, y'all did a good thing when you founded the company. I can't tell you how much I appreciate being given a chance to realize a dream (that I might never have realized if y'all hadn't kicked me off a cliff by demanding I get my scrawny butt in gear and contribute to PRP's very first book, the anthology WISHING FOR A COWBOY).

    Congratulations, you two! You have my undying love and affection. :-)

    1. Kathleen, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have this wonderful group of authors supporting each other. It has truly been amazing.

    2. Let's see...weren't you Lester's first victim, Kathleen? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Livia's right--you're the reason we're here--we figured we had to do something, even if it was pushing you off that cliff that she and I had already jumped over! LOL

    3. At least I'm in good company at the bottom of the drop. :-D

      Let's not talk about Lester, shall we? That dang flying monkey has sharp ears, and he doesn't need any reminders about tasty Texans. ;-)

  4. Congrats on three years and a lot of books!

    1. Thank you Linda. I was a little amazed when I started putting those covers together.

  5. Congratulations! I'm happy for all of you. ❤️

  6. I am so proud of Cheryl Pierson and Livia Washburn! I've known Cheryl...oh, maybe forever..and I am a bit stunned--but not surprised--that she could accomplish all this in such a short time. Let me say, I know they, along with Sidekick Extraordinaire Kathleen Rice Adams, can move mountains if they wish...and look at what they've accomplished.
    Who made that fantastic collage--both of them--with all our books featured? That is quite a feat and I am impressed.
    Congratulations Prairie Rose Publications on your Third birthday!

    1. Thank you Celia. I'm a little stunned myself. I put the covers together, so any missing or put on twice is my fault. I think one of Kathleen's jumped on there a second time, sneaky little thing. So many covers...

    2. Celia, I feel like we've known each other forever, too. It seems so long ago, doesn't it, that we were starting out in the literary world. Livia is the collage maker--and she does a fantastic job of it, doesn't she? Oh, and it WOULD be Tex's cover that jumped on there twice! Just sayin'! Thanks so much for stopping by, and for being a part of our success here at PRP!

  7. Three years already? Wow! Impressive amount of publications for a 3-year-venture. Congrats, ladies. Huge, huge congrats. And, Cheryl, I'm so happy you thought about letting me know about PRP. Through you, I met a bunch of wonderful people, some I consider dear friends.

    1. LIETTE! So good to see you here. I'm so happy we met and that we became such good friends. We all consider you a dear friend, Liette! And one of these days...I'm going to be expecting a submission or two from YOU! XOXO

  8. Congratulations on publishing a stunning amount of great westerns by terrific women writers. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you, Stacey! Your kind words are much appreciated!

  9. Congrats on 3 years and thank you for providing many, many hours of reading pleasure.

    1. Hi Alisa! Thanks so much for stopping by today, dear lady! You're very welcome, and here's to many more of wonderful hours of reading pleasure to come!

  10. Happy Birthday PRP. You have made so many people happy in so many ways. Thank you everyone for making dreams come true.
    For myself, it has been such a fun challenge to follow this dream. It would not have happened had Cheryl not said, "go ahead". Now, I not only have found joy in sharing my stories, I've found such great supporters and friends who are all 'Roses' and special people in my life. THANK YOU. Doris/Angela

    1. Doris, I knew you had it in you! We are family, and you are one of the most supportive people I know--believe me, we all appreciate you! Keep those stories coming!

  11. Happy Birthday to PRP!! What an awesome accomplishment. I'm so proud to be a part of the Rose family. I can't put into words how much everyone's support has meant to me. It's time to party. Woot! Woot!

    1. Kristy, thank YOU for joining us here are PRP and for always being so supportive--especially in those Fandangos where y'all get behind the magic curtain and work the voodoo that you all do so well! LOL

  12. Happy Birthday PRP!! Congratulations To all who made their dreams come true and many, many more birthdays and books!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Carolyn! Livia and I have had a BLAST doing this.

  13. Happy Birthday PRP! Cheryl, Livia, and Kathleen thank you for all that you do. I don't know how you do it, but you just keep on doing it, please. Your job: to bring more love and joy to the world--you should be very proud of yourselves! Thank you for letting me be part of your family!

    1. Hi Patti! We're gonna try! Love and joy is what we hope to bring as much of as we are able. (Now isn't that a weird sentence? But I'm sure you know exactly what I mean!) We're so glad to have you with us here at PRP!

  14. Congratulations! Such a great accomplishment!

    1. Shelby, we're so glad to have you with us at PRP/Fire Star Press. You had a "record" year last year with all your accomplishments!

  15. To Cheryl, Livia, Kathleen and all the Sister Roses:

    *lift a glass of your favorite beverage*

    'May the best of our publishing pasts be the worst of our publishing futures.'

    Here's to many more years of happily ever after.

    1. That's a great toast! I'm lifting my Diet Dr Pepper--yes, I'm being good today, even though it's a stellar "party" day--and drinking my diet stuff. I love your work, you know that--and am sooo looking forward to your future stories. Thanks for joining us here at PRP!

  16. Here's to the next 30! :) Well done, ladies.

    1. Ah...thank you, Kit! Wouldn't that be great? Thirty more years of excellent reading flooding the market? So glad to have you with us, Kit. Keep those stories coming!

  17. Replies
    1. Hi Zina! Thanks for stopping by! We will see you later on in the week when you talk about your brides! Love that series of yours.

  18. Congratulations! This is a great group of people putting out excellent tales of romance and adventure. I'm proud to have had a small part. I see a couple of my books up there! Whoop! Way to go, Cheryl, Livia and Kathleen!

    1. Hey Connie! So glad you're here with it! You know how I love your Hunter character, and your novels, Passage and Prophecy. I'm a sucker for that type of story, and you just do such a wonderful job with telling them.

  19. Congratulations on a three-year birthday, Prairie Rose. I'm blessed to know a few of these wonderful authors. And thanks to Cheryl, Livi, and the rest of the team for making so many writers' dreams come to fruition.

    I'm working on a cowboy story. Considering sending it your way. It's my first attempt at a Western, but I think it has possibilities.

    1. Hey Laurean! So good to see you here. I hope you will send me your western. We've always got anthologies, boxed sets, and single sell opportunities going on here at PRP, and we'd love to see your work! Thanks for stopping by! XOXO

    2. Send that manuscript, Laurean! We'd love to rope you in among the Roses. :-)

  20. Happy three year-a-versary! I'm blessed to be a part of you guys!

    1. Sara, you know I love the stories in the many genres you write in. I know you just had a new release yesterday in your Everlasting Heart Series, A HEART AT HOME. I'm looking forward to the last installment of this series to see how everything winds up for Sanderson and Charlotte! So glad you're here with us!

  21. I am so honored and proud to have three books with this company. I've been so blessed to have found them. Thank you so much for all your support.


    1. Thanks, Nan--that is so sweet! We appreciate you--and I loved your Indigo Springs series. Wonderful stories!

  22. Congratulations to Cheryl, Livia and Kathleen and Happy Birthday to all three and to all the Roses too. I knew right off the bat when I first submitted to PRP and I received my first return email from Cheryl that I'd love it here. And it's been one amazing ride ever since. No author could ask for a nicer, more than helpful, and extremely talented team to work with. I've felt from day one that this is a close knit family on the rise to good and powerful things and I haven't been disappointed. And it only keeps getting better and better. Thank you to all for being there for me and all others through thick and thin and for helping each other continue to make PRP a fantastic place to be. Hoping for many more successful years of writing and publishing.

    1. Bev, we are so glad you joined us here at PRP! I just can't say enough how much I love your stories. Thanks for the very, very kind words. We have tried from day 1 to make our company special by making it different--we always want to help our authors in any way possible and try to keep that "family feel" we've had from the very beginning. I think we've been successful in that! We have some wonderful, wonderful authors who really go the extra mile to help one another!

  23. As an author who has done the formatting work, cover work, web work, and marketing, I highly applaud the cast of characters who got PRP and all of its branches going and keep them going. So much hard work! Incredibly time-consuming work. And so much passion. Happy, Happy Birthday, Prairie Rose! Here's to many more wonderful, productive, fruitful years to come!

    1. Loraine, I'm so happy to have you here with us at PRP! I can't say enough about how good our authors are to help one another in all areas--promoting one another's work, answering all kinds of questions, and just being generally supportive of one another. We have been so lucky to have that here, and are so glad to welcome you into the group! It's gonna be good!

  24. Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment! :)

    1. Thanks, Heather! I still can't believe it's been three years. Boy, time flies when you're having fun! LOL

  25. Congratulations, PRP on this huge milestone! Thank you and your Rose authors for such amazing stories and humorous tales. The collage excites me as I have many more wonderful books yet to read. Raising a glass to many more to come!

    1. Isn't that collage wonderful? When I saw it I was just in awe--because I sat there thinking, I've read every single one of those books, edited them, and written some of them. LOL And wow, to think of the work that went into making those fantastic covers that Livia's pretty amazing! Thanks for stopping by, and here's to many more wonderful PRP and Imprint tales ahead of you!

    2. Hey, Cissie! Glad to see you. Speaking of supportive people... You're such a big supporter of all authors. We're truly blessed to know you. :-)

      (I'm surprised Livia's fingers didn't fall off when she was making those collages. :-D )

  26. It's fun to be a part of the family. Here's to a fabulous group. All my hopes for happy tomorrows and may your ink never run dry. Congratulations.

    1. Hi Cindy! We're so happy to have you here at PRP with us--your first story in the POLARITY series was so wonderful, and I'm anxious to see what comes next! Thanks for being a part of our family!

  27. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jan! And thanks for stopping by. Aren't you busy with another book? Your fictionalized series about your life with your husband is so inspiring. Talk about a strong couple who found the love of a lifetime! :-)

  28. WOWOW!!! those covers sure do tell the story in visual glory. Happy birthday to PRP and many more!

    1. Thanks, Meg! So glad to have you with us here at PRP!

  29. I stopped by Amazon yesterday evening and picked up a box set. Planning on doing a lot of reading today.

    1. Thank you, Carolyn! Enjoy the reading. It's fun to escape into romance, isn't it? :-)

  30. Three years of fantastic work from great authors. You have put together a group that brings authors and readers together in a big way. All the way from "Wishing for a Cowboy" which was great to all the new books we see on a weekly and monthly basis. The 3 of you make it look so easy and we as readers hope that you are around for years to come.

    1. Lynda, thanks so much for the very kind words. We appreciate it, and we appreciate readers like you. Always so glad to hear from you!
