Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Bride is in the Mail — and a BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY!

Sisters from 1882 edition of Matrimonial News
Lonesome miner wants wife to share stake and prospects. Please respond to Louis Dreibelbis in Grass Valley, California.

Miss Eleanor Barry, a schoolteacher, did. At 22, she was approaching spinsterhood and longed for a husband and family. After a brief correspondence, she accepted Mr. Dreibelbis’s long-distance proposal and traveled to California to live in wedded bliss.

When the happy couple signed the marriage certificate after saying their vows, Eleanor noticed a scar on her new husband’s hand. At that moment she was struck by an unfortunate realization: Her groom was the bandit who had robbed the stagecoach upon which she arrived.

“He was not as well-fixed as I expected to find him,” she wrote to friends.

Despite the less-than-happy ending of poor Eleanor’s adventure, many mail-order brides in the 1800s did find enduring matches. In fact, between 1870 and 1900, 2,600 couples entered lifelong marriages thanks to the Matrimonial News, a weekly journal containing personal ads from men and women seeking mates. For $1.50 a word, lonely hearts could describe themselves and what they sought in a companion.

For example:
A gentleman of 25 years old, 5 feet 3 inches, doing a good business in the city, desires the acquaintance of a young intelligent and refined lady possessed of some means, of a loving disposition from 18 to 23, and one who could make home a paradise.
Well, he’s got a least until he marries a beautiful girl with money.
I am fat, fair, and 48, 5 feet high. Am a No. 1 lady, well fixed with no encumbrance: am in business in the city, but want a partner who lives in the West. Want an energetic man that has some means, not under 40 years of age and weight not less that 180. Of good habits. A Christian gentleman preferred.
There is something to be said for a woman who knows what she wants.
A young man, about twenty-four years of age, elegant in appearance and pleasing address, wishes to form the acquaintance of a charming young lady, from sixteen to twenty-two years of age; skin like alabaster, teeth as pearls, hair black as the raven, eyes large and lustrous, of the same dark hue, whose magic glance at once thrills and electrifies the soul. Such a one will meet an ardent lover and, in all probability, an affectionate husband.
Is he going to marry her or paint her?

What would convince a man to advertise for a wife? What would convince a woman to travel to parts unknown to marry a stranger? Those are the questions Prairie Rose Publications authors answered in a passel of stories released today, just in time for our third-birthday celebration. Each story is only 99 cents or free if you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber!

Kissing Until Christmas, by Livia J. Washburn
Shawn Killian and his young son Wes came to Briar Hill, Texas, looking to escape their past. The last thing Shawn wanted to complicate his life was a mail-order bride. But because of some mysterious mix-up, that's what he found himself having to deal with when Abby Demarest showed up. Shawn knows the smart thing to do would be to send her back where she came from, but that would have been easier to do if she wasn’t so smart, pretty, and determined. What Shawn doesn’t know is that Abby has some secrets of her own that threaten the life he has planned for him and Wes, and it may be that love is the only thing that will save all of them!

Store-Bought Ornaments, by Patti Sherry-Crews
When Caleb sees Ella step off the train, it is love at first sight. Only, Caleb is not the groom Ella has traveled halfway across the country to marry. Caleb is a quiet man who always tries to do the right thing, so when he and his brother’s wife give into temptation, he leaves the family ranch for good. Only a cryptic letter from Ella asking him to come home to Montana for Christmas can bring him back.

Seeing signs the woman he loves is being mistreated and the broken beauty of her STORE-BOUGHT ORNAMENTS triggers a series of dark memories to surface, steeling him for action. Can Caleb stand up to the brother who has bullied him his whole life in order to save Ella?

Her Holiday Husband, by Tanya Hanson
Now a respectable rancher, the outlaw formerly known as Black Ankles doubts any decent woman would wed him…hence,  a mail-order bride set up by his well-meaning brother arrives, believing her wedding will soon take place.  Indeed, Ronnie Heisler’s whole family expects him to speak vows with an unknown woman come Christmas Eve.

Set up by her meddling sister, Phoebe Pierce has fallen in love with the tintype of her intended’s twin brother. But has she too many secrets of her own to keep HER HOLIDAY HUSBAND?

Holiday Hoax, by Meg Mims
Widow Vera Sanders agrees to “switch” grooms with younger and prettier Adele MacIntyre, another mail-order bride heading to Holliday, Nebraska. They’re both in for rude surprises, however, after trying to pull a HOLIDAY HOAX on two very different grooms before Christmas. Will they ruin their chances for happiness, or end up in love?

I Heard the Brides on Christmas Day, by Jacquie Rogers
The Murdock brothers have a fine ranch in Owyhee County, Idaho. The only things missing are wives and kids, so Hec orders a couple of brides for Christmas. The catch is, woman-shy Zeke doesn’t know about it. Dinah and Stella have a plan: If the grooms don’t work out, they’ll start a restaurant. Farm chores are hard enough, but a peckish chicken and a raging blizzard don’t help matters. Can Hec and Zeke capture their hearts?

A Marriage of Convenience, by Cheryl Pierson
Beautiful heiress Melanie duBois is running for her life—halfway across the continent. Marriage to a man she’s never met is preferable to what her stepfather has planned for her.  Thank goodness for the mail-order bride offer she received from a handsome officer of the law—even if he is in wild Indian Territory.

Lawman Rocky Taylor is expecting a “surprise” to arrive on the stagecoach, never dreaming it will be a young woman. She’s here as his mail-order bride, she says. Trouble is, he never sent for her, and he’s sworn off women after a disastrous first marriage.

With her stepfather’s man hot on her trail, Melanie vows she’ll not return to West Virginia to a monstrous fate. Can A MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE keep her safe and open the door to love?

Help us celebrate PRP’s third birthday by answering this question in the comments, and you could win your choice of two of the stories above: How did you meet your mate?


  1. Hi,

    I met the Mister when we were both dragged to a party by our friends. Neither of us wanted to be there so we went for a drive. (I would have nightmares if my daughter did something like that these days.)


    1. Mary, I felt the same way about my kids--sure wouldn't want them to do what I did! Thanks for stopping by.

    2. It's really scary to think about this generation doing the things we did at their age...but I'm sure our parents thought the same things about us. :-D

  2. His best friend introduced us. I was a young widow with a 3 year old and a 6 month old baby. My husband had died of brain cancer. I was so lonely and felt so alone I almost felt like he rescued me. We've been married 31 years now.

    1. What a sweet story, Janet. After such a heartbreaking start, I'm glad you found your happily-ever-after.

    2. What a heartwarming story, Janet! Sounds like a romance novel, doesn't it? Many more happy years to you both. :-)

  3. I met my husband online in a chatroom. He had misspelled several words, and I offered to give him typing lessons. LOL
    That was in February of 2005. In November that year, he drove from Louisiana to North Carolina to meet me in person. He is disabled and drove that trip alone, now what else was I supposed to but fall in love with a man that would go to those lengths to meet me in person? In May 2006, I moved to Louisiana to live. We were finally married on December 19, 2009. This man accepts me for who and what I am, UNCONDITIONALLY. My children love him and he loves them. I am so blessed to have met, and then later marry, such a kind and handsome man!

    1. Terry, that's a wonderful story. ♥ Did he ever take those typing lessons? :-)

    2. What a perfect story about love in the internet age. It sounds like all y'all are blessed. :-)

  4. I've not read any of these books or heard of several authors but those stories sound wonderful. ... and different! Wedding your personal bandit, that's great.

    Met my husband at a friends surprise birthday party. We were surprised alright, she didn't show up. I ordered lamb fries and heard someone say... a woman after my own heart! 3 months later we were engaged. It's been 32 years.

    1. That story is priceless, Melody! Y'all got a wonderful surprise at that party. This sounds like one of those rare "love at first sight" stories with a very happy ending. :-)

    2. Never underestimate the power of lamb fries! Congrats on 32 years!

    3. Whaaaa? the friend didn't show, hoo boy! a better surprise for you that your hubby did!

  5. I literally married the boy next door. I moved into an apartment on 13th Avenue and he occupied the apartment upstairs and next door to the unit I had. Vickie lived upstairs from me and introduced us. He was impressed that I drove a straight stick car instead of an automatic and 6 months later we were engaged. Three months after that we were married and that was 43 years ago.

    1. It's really interesting to hear what brought two people together. Love happens in mysterious ways, doesn't it? :-)

      A whirlwind courtship that's lasted 43 years! Y'all are truly blessed. :-)

    2. Are you still driving a manual? It's hard to find them these days! (We do.)

  6. No fair! I don't have abetter half so I can't tell you how we mmet and married. I have met a very good friend that has lasted for 16 years. I had just got online in the summer of 2000. I met him online in a chat room. We met and had good feelings for each other. We have been linked since then. We both have our own houses, friends,interests, and pets. We also have shared interests. He liked that I knew about and liked baseball and football but not so much basketball. He's taught me about astronomy and I have taught him about classical music and law enforcement. Not married but next thing to it.

    1. Connie, you couldn't possibly find a "better half." YOU are the better half. :-)

      Your friend of sixteen years sounds like a wonderful man, and y'all have worked out a relationship that suits you both. That's what matters. I love that he's teaching you about astronomy and you're teaching him about classical music and law enforcement. Learning from one another -- and ENJOYING learning from one another -- is a blessing not everyone can claim. :-)

    2. Thanks for commenting, Connie. Soul mates are the best. Sometimes married, sometimes not. I'm a baseball fan, too, but my IT Guy would rather watch car racing. Sigh.

  7. After two 'teflon' marriages that didn't stick, I've been married to a former hippie-turned-banker for 24 years. I met him when he was a school board member on the interview committee at a school where I'd applied to be the special education teacher.

    1. Sometimes it takes "trial marriages" to find a real one. Been there with the Teflon marriage. Thank goodness it didn't stick! He was dangerous (though he seemed quite normal at first), and I was young and stupid.

      I didn't realize you were a special ed teacher! My maternal grandmother was one of those, too. Takes a very special person to teach children with special needs. :-)

    2. I had a research marriage, too. Was so lucky to find my IT Guy. Congrats to you and your 24 years of the Real Deal!

  8. Dang, my Kindle is almost on overload with this birthday party, but I don't mind, just bought another one.*Giggle*

    Great line-up and I'm ready for winter and all the reading I won't have time Doris

    1. You and me both, Doris! :-D

      One of the things I enjoyed about judging a category in the past few years' Western Fictioneers' Peacemaker Awards competition was making myself find time to read. I always worry about authors who say they don't read. Do they realize how much they are limiting their perspective and their creative thinking by not making time to read?

    2. I need to read more. I got out of the habit when I couldn't read print books anymore, and dragged my feet at the whole ebook thing. Then my IT Guy bought a Kindle for me, and wow! But then the writing geared up, and I put off reading out of another bad habit--work before play. And I love, love, love to read!

    3. I also didn't respond to the 'hubby' thing. Mine didn't take...but we have stayed friends. Shoulda just stuck with that in the first place.

      Jacquie,I 'force' myself to read at least 20 minutes each day. It does add up. *Grin*

      Kathleen, I'd be lost without my reading addiction. Maybe that's why I remember so much, make this poor brain work. *Smile*


    4. I read at bedtime every day, in bed. Relaxes me. Love getting in at least a chapter. :-)

  9. I met my husband in a deaf college. I was mainstreamed so I couldn't sign so I was pretty lost when I arrived! I met my hubby in the cafe when I was sitting alone at a table and he was next to be with a bunch of students there and waved me over and he and the whole table teaching me to sign. We been together since now 33 years!

    I so love the holiday stories! Each November til January I search Amazon for new ones, and read lots but too I read them all year. Such a comfort!

    1. Now that's a sweet story, Caffey. What a great feeling it must have been to be welcomed into a new place and taught something new right on the spot! Congrats to you and your hubby on 33 years together. :-)

      I've got your name in the Stetson for the drawing! Maybe you'll win two more holiday stories to tuck into your collection. :-)

    2. Talk about living your romance, Caffey. What a wonderful experience. (I've been with my IT Guy for 33 years, too!)

    3. I love that story, Caffey, how sweet! what a prize you have. :-D

    4. Meg, I do have a great guy, we were laughing so much last night on something I now forget, but I ended up with the hiccups which made us laugh more! Sweet on the same amount of years Jacquie!

  10. My dad got transferred from Oklahoma, where I was born and raised, to West Virginia. This happened the summer before my senior year in highschool. As you can imagine, I was devastated. BUT...I met my hubby in college--and we couldn't have been any more different.

    Gary was 6 years older than I was, was going through a messy divorce, and had two kids. He was also just out of the Navy and had spent time in Vietnam and Japan. But we both loved music and he played the guitar--I was just trying to learn. Oddly enough, it was NOT love at first sight--we didn't really like each other. We had a couple of classes together and he told me later he thought I was "fake" because of my Okie accent. LOL It was only after a mutual friend told him I was from Oklahoma and that was just how we talked that he relented.

    Gradually, we became friendly with one another, and he mentioned that he was going to the stock car races the next weekend. I said I had never done that, and he said, "Why don't you come go with me?" At the races, an acquaintance of Gary's brother sat in the row in front of us with his little girl. Behind us there was a man and his wife. The acquaintance of Gary's brother (Barry) got drunk and was cursing. The man behind us told him to be quiet or get out. Barry stood up and pulled a straight razor out of his boot and went after the guy, but Gary and I were in between. Gary grabbed him and got the razor away from him after Barry had sucker punched the man behind us. Security came and threw Barry out. Everyone sat down and resumed watching the races--like that happened every night. Gary reached over and took my hand. "Are you all right?" I had Barry's little girl sitting on my lap, and she'd already forgotten what had just happened. My heart was pounding like crazy. I knew right then I was going to marry Gary. Why? I don't know, but when I looked at him, I just knew. We've been together 40 years.

    1. Them menfolk is tough in West Virginny, ain't they? I've met Gary, and I NEVER would've expected him to get into a stadium brawl. He seems so...jovial and all-around nice. Remind me not to upset him, okay? :-D

      Forty years? Man, are you gettin' old. ;-)

    2. Not everyone can say they were in a throw-down on their first date!

    3. Boy, Jacquie, isn't that the truth? We've laughed about that so often over the years. He said, "I didn't think you'd go out with me again after that." LOL

  11. I met my husband at church when he was visiting his parents...his dad was our interim pastor. He got my address from his dad & wrote to me. He lived in Southwest Oklahoma & I in East Texas. We began a long-distance courtship, he came down frequently on weekends, then I got a job where he lived & moved there. We dated for a year & got married! We were married almost 24 years when he passed away. He was truly my soulmate & I miss him terribly.

    1. Good thing his dad was so accommodating! Your 24 years together was a treasure.

    2. How sweet he took the time to visit on weekends!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. We met in high school where he was Football Team Captain/Boyfriend of the Homecoming Queen/Head Cheerkeader. I was a DORK. We re-met at a Christmas party right after college and Yowzers! I almost ruined it by picking the movie Deliverance for our first date. Gulp. Soooo not a date movie lol.

    1. Hahaha! No, that's not the best movie for a first date, but I'm glad it all worked out.

    2. Not even close, HAHAHA!

  14. I lived in Odessa,Tx. And the Secretary ask me had I met the little A.V. I said "what's a little A.V."? I married the little A.V. a year later. He is 5'7" and weighs about 114. Ladies I've fed this man plenty of biscuits and gravy for 23 yrs. and he never gains any at.He even drinks Ensure, but it's probably hereditary his mom only weighed 77 lbs.

    1. A.V. as in audio/visual? I married one of those--he's 5'7" also, although I think he's shrinking. LOL.

    2. the little "AV" -- I would have thought it meant "RV" LOL

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. As some others, we met at church. But I did not know him. He had just come home from an Army stint in France and would start college with the GI bill in his clutch. I was good friends with his parents and his brother had known each other and gone to the same the church for a long time. They knew me--I was a junior in high school. SIL told Jim to come to church on such and such Sunday so she could introduce him to a "sweet Christian girl." Sounds exciting, doesn't it. He did this out of duty for he admired his brother and SIL.I sat in one place and he sat on the other side...I did not know of this arrangement. She told me, "don't leave until I introduce you to Leland's "baby" brother..he was six years older than I. So we met outside. HI. Hi. Want to go to a movie? Okay. Pick you up at 2:00 this afternoon. Okay. What's showing. "Love is a Many Splendored Thing." Never heard of it, but we'll go.
    So we did. In Jan. of my Senior Year he asked me to marry him. He says I "shrugged" and said, "Okay."
    Anyway, we married just before Christmas that same year--between his semesters--21st of December. After the wedding, as I was changing into a "going away suit," a older longtime friend of his brother's came up, slapped him on the back, and said, "Well, son, you just made a huge mistake. You should have married the pretty one." (God's truth, and that would be my younger sister. We will be married 58 years this December, and he told me this story only about a year ago..Why? He cannot stand my younger sister...hateful as she can be. So. Ha!)

    1. I think he did marry the pretty one! Wow, 58 years. I think it'll work out.

    2. whoa. I think I might have slapped him - but not on the back for that comment! Ha is right, glad you got in the last laugh, Celia!

  17. I was in college, nursing school and had just broken up with who I thought was going to be the love of my life--wrong--he turned out to be a jerk and untrustworthy. So I wasn't looking for any guy at the time-pretty bitter. One of my girlfriends convinced me to go with her to send off party for a male friend who was leaving for the Marines. It was at a bar that had a great band (I loved to dance)so I said sure. I met Kent there and we danced a few dances and talked some. He was going to another college then for engineering and said he had a boat on the local lake--and I said sure he did. I said I had a 56 Thunderbird and him being a big car guy ( esp. a Ford man) said sure you do. We found ourselves laughing. He did have a boat and his parents had an old cottage passed down through the family. I did have a T-bird that desparately needed body and engine work and he almost cried when he saw it. He rebuilt it for me and we'll be married 59 years this year in Aug. It's been one heck of a ride and now we live in that cottage (now a house)on the lake. Who would have guessed.

    1. I can just see that. LOL. So do you still have the T-Bird?

    2. wow, Beverly!! got the car, got the girl. :-D

    3. Jacquie, and Meg, no darnit I don't have that T-bird. When we had our first child he fit around the gear shift on the floor in a handmade little bed for traveling, but when we came back from Spain (hubby in Navy) we had our second child and we sold the bird. Wish I had it back. But but golly we have a boat that now goes 75 MPH and sounds like thunder. LOL.

  18. Met in his jewelry store introduced myself as "just celebrated my last 19th wedding anniversary" which he then said "I just celebrated my last 27th wedding anniversary". Our 30th anniversary is coming up in Feb.

  19. Met in his jewelry store introduced myself as "just celebrated my last 19th wedding anniversary" which he then said "I just celebrated my last 27th wedding anniversary". Our 30th anniversary is coming up in Feb.

  20. I married my first husband on a dare, the second was my boss, and my current husband met on Glad to find a husband I share so much with at my age.

    1. On a dare? What a warrior-woman! I still think you need to visit Silver City when I'm there next year.

  21. I love all of the stories. I first met my husband when I was in first grade. James was in my older brother's class. I'm pretty sure when I first knew him, I thought he had cooties. But he and my brother drove to college to save money. He'd come by to pick my brother up, who was always late. I'd go wake my brother up and James and I would talk. I was seventeen when we went on our first date, and the rest is history. Sunday is our 40th anniversary. (Kathleen, fair warning, any mention of age and I'll remind everyone of who is only a few months younger.)

    1. Just to make this clear, it was 11 years later when he and my brother drove to college together.

    2. Happy Anniversary, Livia! Congrats.

    3. Wow, the Magic Forty! Obviously, you two were destined to be together.

    4. Well, happy anniversary to you and James, Livia! That's awesome! I think it's really special to have a long, shared past. I'm learning now how great it is to reconnect with people I went to elementary school and high school with through FB--seems like no matter how many years have gone by, those people you have a past with mean something more than you thought they might later on in life. Anyhow, I think it's great that you and James have that.

    5. do you use "Cooties" as a nickname? ;-) LOL!! happy anniversary!

  22. My best friend started dating his best friend and we met through them.

    1. That was convenient. Was it love at first sight? Thanks for stopping by, Vickie!

  23. I met my husband through a personal ad I had placed (very daring at the time). At the end of the evening he asked if we had a "Love Connection" (Anyone remember the show?) That night was 30 years and 7 days ago!

    1. I guess you did, then. Seems to be working out okay. LOL

  24. I was a single mom with twin girls under 4 when I met my husband. It was literally set up by my mother who thought I needed a night out with the girls, so she arranged for us to go to this club for ladies night. I had never been to a club in my life (and haven't been back since). It was, well, frankly, love at first sight. We have been happily married for almost 39 years now.

    1. Kudos to your mom. I bet she didn't have an idea what she set up at the time.

  25. We met through a radio station dating service. That was the precursor to on-line dating. I had had a handful of dates that were all disasters until I met Rick. For our first date, we met at a small mom & pop restaurant for coffee. We sat, drank coffee and talked as if we had known each other forever. That coffee date lasted over 4 hours. It was almost midnight but I was able to talk him into going for a walk in the snow with me after having our coffee. I love walking in the snow at night because it is so peaceful and I was impressed that he agreed to my hair-brained idea. After the walk, we went back to my place to warm up and have more coffee. When he left he gave me a little kiss on the cheek. After I closed the door I had to lean against the door because that kiss on the cheek made me weak in the knees. The next day when Rick called me his first question was about the kiss. He said he couldn't believe how it made him feel. It took me another year and a half to convince him we were meant for each other (we both had been hurt badly emotionally in our first marriages so we were a little gun shy). We have been married 17 years now and we couldn't be happier.

    1. I know all about being gun shy. But good for the two of you for persevering!

  26. These all look like fun reads. I met my husband on a blind date...with my husbands cousin. He got drunk and I had a horrible time. Several weeks later, my husband called, we went out, and were married 9 months later. No baby was involved.

  27. On my first day at work in 1975. We started dating the next September and dated almost 5 years before marrying in July 1981. We just celebrated our 35th anniversary.

    1. Same year as us! June of 81. Happy anniversary!

  28. Well, this week as been pretty busy - so now I can share how I met my hubby. I had to ask HIM to go out, back in 1977. First, a work party that we attended together, my idea. Next, a picnic with a group of college friends. Then, a wedding that I was invited to (they eloped) turned into a REAL DATE at last, since he wanted to go to see Star Wars. We sat down, and COMPLETELY FORGOT EACH OTHER. That movie was mesmerizing! And we stayed for the next showing, and had 16 more dates seeing it. LOL!! and we ended up marrying in June of 1981. Still together, still big Star Wars fans!

  29. I love reading these stories! LOL on the movies Meg. My first movie date was to see a scary one (which I hate, LOL). It was Poltergeist and things melt and warp in the movie. We went to pizza after and my hubby had moved his menu down and presented me with a bent fork and I screamed in the restaurant. He never takes me to scary movies anymore, LOL.
