Wednesday, August 17, 2016


The party continues with a look at PRP’s medieval lineup and how it came to be! A little over a year ago, in May of 2015, our medieval line was launched. We had had so many requests for “knights and ladies” and that utterly fascinating time period, that Livia and I decided we just had to do something. Yes, we do love us some cowboys and their ladies, but we also love kings, lords, knights, and all the adventures they can get themselves into!
Keena Kincaid’s book ANAM CARA, was the first medieval story PRP published. I’d known Keena for years, and knew what kind of wonderful stories she wove. ANAM CARA was only the first of a trilogy of wonderful stories. TIES THAT BIND is the second of the series, and ENTHRALLED is the third.
But wait, there’s more! ART OF LOVE is a story that stands alone but “ties in” to the trilogy as well. These are all wonderful books, and were, I believe, one of the best choices we could have made for an author/collection to launch our medieval line. Her novella, AN UNEXPECTED GIFT, is now available as a single sell story!
Also, her novella A QUIET NIGHT AT THE HAPPY MONK (also a tie-in with her novels!) is available in the PRP anthology ONE HOT KNIGHT.

I’d known Deborah Macgillivray for many years, too, and had always loved her brand of storytelling and the fact that well, she’s just so darn nice! Now, Deborah is a cat lover deluxe. Oh, I should have written that in caps: DEBORAH IS A CAT LOVER DELUXE! She has never met a cat she didn’t like.
So I asked her to contribute to the Fire Star Press anthology NINE DEADLY LIVES: AN ANTHOLOGY OF FELINE FICTION. Her story in that collection, SHOES, SHADES, AND FAERY DUST was her very first PRP publication.
This was followed by A CAT IN JACKBOOTS, published in fall of 2015—a perfect regency Halloween novella and one you won’t want to miss.
Deborah’s novella, THE SELKIE’S DAUGHTER, is now available as a single sell story. Also be sure to take a look at Deborah’s story GAMBIT, CHECK, AND MATE which appears in the PRP anthology ONE HOT KNIGHT! Keep your eyes peeled for more of Deborah’s fantastic tales coming soon!

Lindsay Townsend is another old friend. I can’t remember how long I’ve known Lindsay, but many, many years. When I approached her about joining us at PRP, she was almost (but not QUITE) as excited as I was!
Her story, SIR BALDWIN AND THE CHRISTMAS GHOSTS, appeared in the medieval anthology ONE CHRISTMAS KNIGHT, and is now also available as a single sell story!
But that’s not all! Lindsay also penned two companion novellas, MISTRESS ANGEL, along with AMICE AND THE MERCENARY, and those are available as single sells OR in a boxed set, entitled TO LOVE A KNIGHT.
Lindsay’s latest offering, A GATHERING OF HERBS, is available in the PRP anthology ONE HOT KNIGHT. I am looking forward to seeing what Lindsay comes up with in the future for PRP.

Tanya Hanson and I have known each other since I got my first publishing contract. We were both under contract with the same publisher, and had the same editor. Tanya is not only one of the very nicest people you’ll ever meet, but also one of the best authors around. She has written a slew of AWESOME western historical novels and novellas, and now has a fantastic medieval novella published with PRP.
Her story, CANTICLE, is now available as a single sell! Tanya always has something wonderful in the works, and we are thrilled to have her here with us at PRP!

Doris McCraw writes as Angela Raines. She has contributed many stories to our PRP western historical anthologies, and recently tried her hand at medieval—and she does a darn good job of it!
Doris has a new single sell story, LOST KNIGHT OUT OF TIME available now, and also contributed a story to our ONE HOT KNIGHT anthology, as well—NORTH STAR—another fantastic tale you will love. Doris always includes a bit of mysticism in her stories that will make you wonder and think, and I believe that’s what defines her stories no matter what genre she writes in.

Cynthia Breeding is a relative newcomer to PRP, but not to the publishing world! We’re so pleased to have her with us at PRP, writing medieval and sharing her stories through us. Her novella, A KNIGHTLY CHALLENGE, appears in our ONE HOT KNIGHT anthology. And look for more from Cynthia coming soon when her novel CAMELOT’S DESTINY releases next month (September!)

Last but not least, my dear friend and partner, Livia J. Washburn, has a single sell release of her wonderful medieval novella, KEEPSAKE to shout about!
Livia is one of the most talented authors in the business. She can write in ANY genre and do it well. She writes mysteries, paranormal, westerns, western historical romance, YA, Middle Grade Reader…and medieval. I truly believe there is nothing this woman can’t do, and look forward to many more stories from her and many more years of working together.

Happy Birthday, Prairie Rose Publications! Here’s to ONE CHRISTMAS KNIGHT, ONE HOT KNIGHT, and ONE WINTER KNIGHT (coming in November!)

What are your favorite kinds of medieval stories? Knights and ladies? Kings and Queens? Tradesmen and their everyday lives? Or do you prefer dragons and fantasy stories? Be sure to leave a comment along with your CONTACT INFO! We have a super drawing today--WE ARE GIVING AWAY ONE DIGITAL COPY OF ONE CHRISTMAS KNIGHT AS WELL AS ONE DIGITAL COPY OF ONE HOT KNIGHT.

In addition--Meg Mims is having her own birthday today and has ONE PRINT COPY EACH of her novels DOUBLE CROSSING and DOUBLE OR NOTHING to give away!

Lots of great prizes today--just be sure to leave a comment!



  1. I simply love PRP and it's medieval line!!! It's just a start, for many titles to come!

    1. Deborah, I agree--we have some fantastic titles already, and I know the Challon men are waiting in the wings. BRING 'EM ON! LOL

  2. WooHoo. I've found I love the stories that come from this time period. Thank you PRP. Doris/Angela

  3. Thanks, Cheryl. Quite a lineup!

    My fave kind of medieval romances are authentic ones. Even if they're fantasies, they embody the spirit of the times. The themes of courtly love, chivalry, and honor should play a large role.

    I don't think there's any point to setting a story during the Middle Ages, then having the characters think and act like contemporary types. Or worse, stereotypes. Including the standard-issue selfish, ruthless alpha hero. Hardly a chivalrous, idealistic knight.

    I'd like to see more couples who must fight fate and the the rules to be together. And fewer who are forced together and fight each other. I don't find anything romantic about arranged marriages. Ditto redemption.

    One word about the current obsession with strong heroines. I'll be so glad when it's over! Not just because of questionable historical authenticity. Also because I want a heroine I can identify with and root for. Not a control freak.

    You mentioned "tradesmen and their everyday lives". Yes, it'd be interesting to read about love among the common folk. Lots of fictional possibilities there.

    But romances with commoner protagonists are extremely rare. I doubt there are enough for us to evaluate such works as a subgroup.

    Good luck!

    1. Hi Mary Anne! So glad you stopped by today and commented. I've always thought it would be fun to write a medieval story about an "everyday guy" and have him become a hero of sorts to the common folk--like Robin Hood was to the regular people. He wasn't really "common" but fought for them, etc. My mind is working...

      I agree with you about couples who must fight fate and the rules to be together rather than being forced into a marriage and be fighting constantly. Though, I must admit, I do like the historical accuracy of the forced marriage plotline--and I guess many other people did, too. I'm working on one of those right now, but with a twist, so hopefully it'll be "different".

      I like to see heroines who can hold their own and don't cow down and fear everything. But control freaks? No. I don't like that, either.

      And again, you're so right about not writing a story about medieval times and having characters that don't follow the customs of the time, or who use words that are too modern...or even have modern names. That pulls me right out of the story.

      Thanks so much for stopping by today! Glad to have you with us!

  4. I love to read medieval stories. All of these books look fantastic. I look forward to reading One Winter Knight. These covers are so beautiful, too. I wish all the talented authors all the very best with these enticing romances.

    1. Sarah, I love medieval stories, too. And all of these books ARE fantastic. One Winter Knight is going to be wonderful. The submissions are rolling in and as always, they are fantastic. Thanks for stopping by today, dear friend!

  5. WOW! Great titles, inspiring covers, love the number of new stories :-) Thank you, PRP, for expanding your publishing lines to include medieval stories. :-)

    1. Gail, Livia and I are just thrilled with these wonderful stories and the ones to come. Cynthia Breeding has a couple of stories coming out very soon, and Deborah Macgillivray has some excellent stuff headed our way, too!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow, what a wonderful lineup! I'd try my hand at writing a story because I love the medieval time period. However, it would turn out to be an otherworld fantasy romance.

    So glad Lindsay is penning her fab stories for your line.

    1. Savanna! Let's see what you've got, girl! Get that story written and send it my way! We are over the moon to have Lindsay with us. Couldn't ask for better stories or a nicer person to work with than Lindsay! (Now, I really mean it about your story!) Submit to me at

  8. I love medieval romance! What a wonderful collection of books. Can't wait to read some!

    1. Vickie, thanks so much for stopping by. We have a fantastic lineup and more on the way!

  9. These all look so fantastic. My Kindle is about to become more crowded LOL.

    1. Kristy, I just added a couple of more books today to my Kindle and was there a limit? LOL I just hope the darn thing doesn't give up the ghost before I get a chance to read everything on there!

  10. Happy Birthday Prairie Rose Publications! This is an amazing medieval list! So many good reads to enjoy!
    Hi Savanna! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments re my work.
    I hope you do choose to submit - did you know PRP has a fantasy line?
    I wish all those who comment good luck.
    Best wishes, Lindsay

    1. Lindsay, we are so thrilled to have you with us! Thanks for stopping by today and for FORCING blogger to cooperate and publish your comment! LOL

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I had no idea there were so many medieval stories with Prairie Rose Publications. Wowzers! I'm behind times. Congratulations one and all. I'm looking forward to these.

    1. Kaye, time to get the old Kindle out and load it again. LOL Hmmm...wait...wasn't I supposed to have something from you mid-month? Don't get that Kindle out, do not reach for it...

  13. I am loving the medieval selection! How do I choose which ones to buy? I may have to buy them all and forget choosing. I will definitely be checking out Lost Knight out of Time, by Angela Raines.

    1. Hi Nadine! Yep, forget choosing. Just buy them all--many are at some fantastic bargain prices right now, anyhow! Lots of excellent stories to keep you entertained on into the fall months!

  14. It's incredible to see all the Medieval titles since PRP decided to take the leap. I have read each and every story and have totally enjoyed the deversity of all of them. This line no doubt will continue to flourish as these authors tell quite the tales. Again Happy Birthday to all at Prairie Rose Publications. And a big Happy Birthday to Meg too--I've read your two stories I'll bow out of the drawing--I so enjoyed them.

    1. Bev, they are all so different and unique, not only to the subject and characters, but also the writers' styles. I really do love each and every one of these stories, and can't wait to see what else comes across my desk from our medieval writers--and also from anyone else who might be thinking about writing one and sending it my way...Bev...LOL

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love all of the medieval romances, they have some great history and it's a great way to escape the real world for awhile. I am getting quite a large collection of medieval romances and I love them all.

    1. Denise, I really love that time period, too. So easy to get lost in these stories and feel a part of the fabric of the tale, and I have no trouble identifying with the characters, either!

  17. Let's see if I can post today...thanks for spotlight all our books, Cheryl. I'm glad so many people love this time period. I certainly do,

    1. You're welcome, Keena! You aren't the only one who has had problems posting, and I also see that many of the posts have come through twice. So glad you "took the plunge" with us!

  18. Gosh, its been too long since I read a medieval! I shall change that. I'm not good with the eras of Medieval romance (I should do a search) but one comes to mind, THE WEDDING by Garwood (the one where she marries in a black dress to protest, LOL) Happy anniversary Prairie Rose! So glad I discovered your books and authors!

    1. Oh, golly, I'm so glad you mentioned that! I remember reading that one, too, but can't remember the title of it. That was a wonderful story! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, and for your VERY kind words! Hope you enjoy many more of our books yet to come, as well!
