Saturday, August 13, 2016


Novellas and shorter works allow readers to sample an author’s storytelling style without the commitment required by a novel. They provide a nice escape into a love story when readers have a short break during the day, as a reward for accomplishing a task, while waiting in a doctor’s office, or as a quick pick-me-up when someone wants a happily-ever-after she can consume in one sitting.

Each year, Prairie Rose Publications publishes many, many quick reads. Most have appeared in an anthology along the way, but some are brand new. Some authors enjoy writing short tales when a story demands to be written but the characters are impatient to reach the love they never thought would be theirs.

Readers may not realize how challenging short-form fiction is to write. Reaching “the end” without a story seeming contrived, incomplete, or rushed requires a special skillset, so quick reads test an author’s mettle. Whether or not readers realize it, when they pick up a quick read they’re seeing some of an author’s best work. If we leave readers wanting more, wishing they could’ve spent more time with the hero and heroine, then we’ve done our job well. Often those characters show up again in a subsequent story, giving readers a chance to drop in on couples’ lives months or years later.

As a special treat to celebrate our third birthday, PRP released a passel of sigh-worthy quick reads about hunky heroes and strong women who find their forever love in fewer than 100 pages.

Second Chance at Love by Agnes Alexander

Dr. Miles Kerry and his nurse, Cora Hilliard, have given up on finding love again. But when Cora is asked to move out of the boarding house where she and her ten-year-old son Koby live, they have nowhere to go.  Miles insists they move into the spare rooms in his house—an arrangement with no complications.  Then Cora falls ill with a raging fever, and she must rely on Miles as she never has before. Will Koby get the father he wants so badly? Will Miles and Cora get their Second Chance at Love?

Brighter Tomorrows by Beverly Wells

Five years ago Callie Lynch fell in love, only to have her dreams shattered when she realized she’d been played the fool and used like a puppet. Bitter and shamed, trusting no man and determined to stand alone, she leaves Virginia to find new roots in Wyoming.

Three years ago, Marshal Chase Matlock lost the love of his life during a bank robbery and was left riddled with guilt for failing to protect her. For three years, he’s tracked the scum of the earth—and this time, by God, he’ll get his man.

Scars from the past run deep, but when these two bruised hearts and lost souls meet and desire runs strong, can they overcome their doubts as well as the madman who holds Callie’s life in his hands?

Never had a Chance by Angela Raines

Thomas Heath’s sister, Clara, abandoned him to the cruelties of the people who were raising them. As a young man, he finally finds her just as she’s about to be married. Without a family to anchor him in a turbulent world, Tom goes in search of something to give him the stability he yearns for…but what?

Maria Berñal, pampered and coddled by her wealthy father, is on the verge of becoming a woman as her eighteenth birthday approaches.  When a stranger shows up at their door and is wounded as he tries to protect her, she finds him more than a passing attraction—she falls in love.

When Tom falls victim to a deadly trick, he can’t remember who he is or why he’s at the Berñal home. Will he regain his memory in time to prevent a second attack and claim the woman he loves?

Hearts in Harmony by Patti Sherry-Crews

It seems like Harmony and Alice have been best friends forever. They are of a same mind, and he can talk to her about anything—anything except the fact that he's fallen in love with the young woman she's become. He's so in love, he's speechless in her presence.

But his sister, Melody, has a plan. Harmony sends Alice an anonymous declaration of his love, promising to reveal himself at the Valentine's Day dance. What could go wrong?

Each of these tales by talented authors takes readers on a journey with a hero and heroine who find the other half of their heart but must fight to claim the love of a lifetime.

Prairie Rose Kaye Spencer created the video at the top of the page. She does a good job with videos, doesn't she? Thanks, Kaye!

As a gift to readers during our third-birthday celebration, PRP will bestow a copy of two of these stories on one of today’s commenters. The winner gets to pick which two. To enter the drawing, just answer this question: Do you believe in love at first sight?


  1. No I don't believe in love at first sight. Lust? yes. Love? no. I do think you can fall in love quickly. Sometimes when you get to know someone even in a few days or weeks it is possible.

    1. Good point, Connie. :-D It doesn't take much for some romance heroes to fall in lust at first sight, does it? Thankfully, the heroines are strong enough to hogtie those dang hound dogs with the love they've always needed.

      Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  2. Kathleen, maybe not "at first sight" but I do believe certain people "feel" something for one another--an underlying pull or understanding of one another.

    You know, I met my husband in college--and we really didn't like one another in the classes we shared. But even that was a kind of "digging in our heels"--he was older, had been to Vietnam, and was in the process of a divorce. But when we went on our first date? It was all over for both of us. All this to say, it let me understand much better how many of our heroes/heroines could start out not liking one another on the surface...but maybe they are fighting those feelings of love of caring for each other from the very beginning.

    1. I agree with that analysis! The heart and soul of romance novels is the challenge facing the hero and heroine. Often, that challenge is overcoming a dislike for one another. Opposites attract, you know. :-D

  3. Loved this post, Kathleen--each and every one of these stories are wonderful, as are all of our short reads.

    Excellent trailer, Kaye! Love it! Thank you!

    1. Aren't they? The stories are very different, yet each one is a winner in its own way. Relationship exist along a broad continuum. PRP's authors do an excellent job of facing that continuum head-on and finding the happy ending each relationship needs.

  4. PRP gave me the opportunity to learn to write short. And I've always loved to read them.

    As to love at first sight? I have to believe -- I saw my husband and knew he was the one. I can't explain it, but I'm sure glad he walked by!

    1. It was probably the gun he was carrying. Y'all two and your cowboy action shooting... Best the rest of us don't mess with you. :-D

      I'm happy PRP gave me the opportunity to write short, too. I never thought I could do it, but I've found I really enjoy the challenge.

    2. Nope. We were fresh off the marching band field--well, maybe not "fresh"...

    3. A childhood sweetheart story! It was the tuba. ;-)

  5. As much as I love novels, short reads have always been a favorite. Maybe because I don't sit still very well.

    I confess I love writing short, always have. My greatest joy, writing a story in 100 words or less. It's good practice for finding the right word. (Grin)

    I thank everyone for their love and support as I traveled this road. Here's to many, many years of celebrations for a wonderful publishing company. Doris

    1. Doris, we're so happy to have you as a sister Rose. You're always so positive and upbeat, and so supportive! Plus, you write darn good stories.

      As for writing short... When you're not wrestling cowboys and knights, you write haiku! I could never write THAT short. :-D

    2. Thank you Kathleen, haiku really isn't that hard. Perhaps because I feel that way, that is why writing shorter fiction is a good fit for me.

      As to the love at first sight question, I don't necessarily believe in it, but when I reading I want to. That is what the stories are about, finding a lasting love. Something we all would like to have in our lives. Doris

  6. I love short stories, to read them and to write them. These all look so enticing.
    I don't believe in love at first sight. Sometimes I don't believe in love at all. I know, harsh words from a romance writer. I write about how I wish love could be or imagine it to be with a lucky few. I do, however, believe that people know when they've met someone who is special, or even better, really understands them--being truly understood is a rare and heady thing.

  7. Great video Kaye! And congrats to the authors for the new releases. They all sound awesome. :-)

  8. First Congratulations and Happy Birthday to all at PRP. I too am so very pleased to be a part of such a wonderful,dynamic and ever helpful team from owners, editors, cover artist, promo, authors and all in between. I enjoyed this post and all the books listed. I do believe in love at first sight for some--it just happens, but most of the time I think others have some fear, insecurities or maybe just plain baggage that has them holding back a while until they know the waters are safe. Then true love hits between the eyes. Whatever or for how long it doesn't matter, I love a darn good inticing and complelling story that has the happily ever after and for always. I must admit when I started writing I believed I'd always write long novels, but after trying my hand--and I was very leery and skeptical that I'd be able to write a shorter story--and also reading a number of short ones by some very talented PRP authos, I took the plunge and now I'm sold. Oh I still enjoy the lengthy ones, but I'm more than eager to do a few short ones in between and keep reading the short ones by other authors. I love them all--a time and place for each.

  9. Congratulations on your new releases, ladies!

    As for love at first sight, I really think that depends on your personal experience. If a person has been burned, then no. And lust at first sight? I've always wondered why that could happen, when those same people don't have these intense feelings for others who may be even more physically attractive. So yep, I think there's something to the whole idea that two people belong together.

  10. First off Happy Birthday again! And thank you for letting me be part of the party. Love at first sight? There is science to back this up. When you lock eyes with someone you're attracted to your body releases a cocktail of hormones and chemicals. You take in each other scents, one chemical lets you hone in on signs of interest in a potential partner, while another blocks out possible unwanted traits--yes, love is blind. Oh, the endorphins!;-) Great video, Kaye and thanks to the rest of you who are putting all this together. I know it's a lot of work.XOXOX

  11. Maybe love at first sight is like an R.O.U.S. -- it's something people don't believe in until they encounter it first hand. *wink* Do I believe in love at first sight? Yes. But I don't believe love at first sight is any better or worse than love-after-we've-dated-for-ten-years.

    Love is risky. Love is complicated. Love is never having to say you're sorry... :-)

    (and thanks, one and all, for the compliments on the video.)

    1. That is a great video. You sure have a talent for that.

  12. Love at first sight? I don't know. When I first saw James I thought he had cooties. I was six years-old.

  13. Happy Birthday Prairie Rose! I'm so pleased to be a part of this company. I've met so many wonderful people and have made some special friendships. Also thanks to PRP for encouraging me to write s short story. Never thought I could do it, and I still struggle with it, but I like it.
    As for love at fist sight...maybe, maybe not. It's never happened to me, but neither have I won the lottery, but I know some people have. I suppose love could be happen the same way.

  14. I write romance. Of course I believe in love at first sight ... sometimes we just don't recognize it.

  15. Yes I believe in love at first sight.

  16. Love at first sight no--but I do believe that love can come fast when you communicate with that person and find that you have most of the same upbringing and beliefs.

  17. Of course! When the body's Electricity sends out a signal, there is no denying a true attraction.
