Thursday, June 23, 2016

New Release -- A HEART BROKEN BY SARA BARNARD -- Giveaway!

Book Two

An Everlasting Heart
At last, the War Between the States is over! Sanderson Redding is finally home, and for Charlotte, life is good. Until the Army comes knocking. 

Sanderson's old captors have charged him with the murder of Lieutenant Lantz, who died mysteriously on the streets of St. Louis when the South surrendered. With help from the most unlikely sort, can Sanderson convince the Yankee jury of his innocence?

Left alone when Sanderson is carted off for murder, newly pregnant Charlotte is despondent. However, when the stress of their predicament threatens the life of their unborn child, Charlotte is more grateful than ever to have Minerva as her sister-in-law, and roommate.

When the judge sentences Sanderson to a suicide mission in lieu of hanging by the neck until dead, Charlotte knows she can't go along on this adventure. Between a hard pregnancy and a rash of hydrophobia that threatens the entire Arkansas countryside, Charlotte wonders if Sanderson will have a home waiting for him, if he survives the mission, and if he wants to come home at all. However, a freakish dog bite in the midst of the outbreak may well be the end of them all. 


     “Don’t die till we get to have some fun, girl.” Samuel’s whiskey-ruined voice was hot in Charlotte’s ear. Somewhere behind her, Dean’s maniacal laughter pulsated with cruelty. The Bowie knife grew closer to her face, but with her arms lashed behind her, Charlotte could only watch in helpless terror as the promise of death drew nearer.
     “Sanderson!” she screamed, just before the icy blade met the skin of her neck.
     “I’m here. I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” Sanderson murmured into her hair. His arm, muscled and tanned, tightened around her middle. His voice was thick with sleep. “Was it that dream again?”
     She sat up and traced the knife scar at the base of her neck. The air was crisp in their loft and a rash of goose bumps cropped up on her exposed skin. “It was one of them. The knife one. I always wake up before they kill me, but I swear,” Charlotte shook her head to clear the nightmare from her mind, “it gets scarier every time.”
     “They’ll get worse before they get better.” Sanderson propped himself up on an elbow and ran his hand down her thigh. “Mine are pretty bad right now, too. But when I wake up and look at you, I know that I’m finally home.” 

Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ecopy of A Heart Broken by Sara Barnard.

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  1. Wow, so many problems. I would love to read more.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks Debby!! I wrote this series as a military wife. I can assure you the emotions therein are as raw and real as they come!

  2. I want to wish you great success with An Everlasting Heart, Sara. It will be an exciting adventure to see how Charlotte survives pregnancy and if Sanderson comes from his death defying quest. I'm the hopeful, optimistic sort, but these two certainly have things stacked up against them.
    All the very best to your corner, Sara...

  3. Sara, you really kept me turning the pages! I wasn't sure how you were going to manage to bring this one to a happy ending for Sanderson and Charlotte, but with one surprise after another, and my heart running away with each twist and turn, you really did yourself proud! Can't wait for book 3.

  4. If I wrote this and had people in this much trouble, I'd never figure out how to rescue them! But I'm certain you have done so in this exciting story. Best of luck--sell lots of books!

    1. Getting them into rotten messes is the best!! In my current WIP, I have confounded my heroine however. I hope I can get her "rescued" with as much dignity as our Charlotte in this story!

  5. Love reading Civil War stories, and yours sounds exciting. Can't wait to add it to my TBR pile.

    1. Thanks Becky!! Never a dull moment in the four book Everlasting Heart series!!

  6. Congrats on the release Sara!! It sounds wonderful.

  7. Sara, you don't fool around when it comes to conflict, do you? :-D

    This sounds good! I suppose I'm going to have to go snag a copy... :-)


  8. Sara, WOW! and Double WOW! Talk about one pickle after the other and it sounds like twists and turns as well as haunts plague every turn. Looking forward to this one. I love the Civil War time and the reconstruction. WIshing you much success.

  9. Looks like an exciting continuation to your other book I loved so much. I can hardly wait to read it. Best of success with it.

  10. It just keeps getting better, but poor Charolette and Sanderson. Doris

    1. Agreed!!! Had to really put them to the wringer!!

  11. Thank you all so much for commenting and showing your support!! The Everlasting Heart series is very dear to me and I just love sharing it with all of you!! Debby, you are our winner!! Thank you for commenting once again and showing your support for Charlotte and Sanderson!!

  12. Congratulations on the new release Sara. Lots of drama and sounds like a real good read.

  13. Sara,

    The excerpt was a great teaser. I'm looking forward to reading this story.
