Thursday, May 19, 2016

#NewRelease -- Belinda's Yankee by Agnes Alexander -- #Giveaway

Belinda Babcock, a beautiful southern belle, barely escapes the Union soldiers who kill her father in cold blood and burn their home. When she discovers a wounded Yankee officer not far from her small cave, she vows to kill him—but discovers she can’t do it. Instead, she brings Major Victor McKay back to her sanctuary and keeps him safe, nursing him back to health.

Handsome Victor McKay has his own life in New York to return to—that of a wealthy banker on the verge of starting his life with his fiancĂ©e, Felicity. He helps Belinda find her aunt and uncle before they part ways, and he makes his way back north. But the homecoming he receives is not at all what he expects—and he can’t stop thinking about the night of passion that he and Belinda shared during their journey to find her relatives.

Victor realizes he and Belinda are meant to be together, and he intends to find her. With no way to track her, he only knows she’s claiming his name. Why is she pretending to be his wife? Does Belinda have a secret of her own?


     "Come with me, Belinda." He grabbed her hand.
     "What's going on?"
     "The Yankees are coming. Hurry."
     “I thought the war was about over.”
     “It’s getting close to ending, but apparently it’s not over yet.”
     "How do you know?"
     "They've set fire to the cotton in the north field. I barely got away. Now, come on. We must hurry."
     With her heart pounding, she followed him into his study.
     He pushed his desk aside, ripped back the rug and opened the trap door. "Hurry child, get inside."
Belinda didn't argue. She stepped down the short ladder leading to the secret tunnel he had dug for just such an occasion. When her feet touched bottom she turned to look up at her father. "I'm in. Come on."
     "I can't, honey. They saw me come to the house and they'll never give up until they find me. I'm sorry, but this is one time you'll have to be on your own." He smiled at her.
     "No! I won't go without you, Papa."
     "You must, Belinda. You have a life ahead of you and you have to live. Do it for me, child." He started closing the trap door.
     "I love you, Belinda. Never forget that." The door closed and she heard him slide the bar across the top of the trap door, then heard the rustle as he replace the rug, and the scrape as he pulled the desk across the tunnel entrance. 

Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ebook of BELINDA'S YANKEE.

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  1. Sounds wonderful. I would love to read it.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OK. I'm

    1. Thanks, Alisa. It makes me feel good when someone tells me my writing hooked them.

  4. I'm a big fan of Civil War novels. I can hardly wait to read this. Best wishes on your book's success, Agnes.

    1. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm anxious to hear what you think.

  5. Agnes, what a great story this must be. I look forward to seeing how you bring the threads together. Doris/Angela

    1. Thank you, Doris. I hope you enjoy the story. Belinda and Victor are two of my favorite characters. They seem to be made for each other.

  6. Congratulations Agnes! This sounds fantastic. Best of luck.

  7. Congratulations Agnes! This sounds fantastic. Best of luck.

  8. I just loved this story, Agnes. You had me wondering how in the world it was going to be resolved--and what a great twist!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I really enjoyed writing it. I'm tickled pink with the way it looks and I can't wait to get my print copies. I appreciate the way you and Livia run company and I'm delighted to be one of your authors.

    2. Thank you, Agnes. We are so happy to have you with us, too! I love your cover--it's just gorgeous!

  9. This sounds very intriguing! Can't wait to read it. Once, when traveling to Jefferson's Monticello, I swore I saw Union soldiers in the woods; and experience that's never happened before and has yet to be repeated. Best wishes!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Diana. I've never had that experience at Monticello, but I have at the Gettysburg battle field. It makes you feel a strange connection to the past, doesn't it?

  10. Love romances set during the Civil War. Would love to read more.

  11. Sounds like a terrific story! Can't wait to read it!

  12. Congratulations, Agnes! There's nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes with book release day.:-)

    1. So true, Kaye. It never gets old. Thanks for the congrats.

  13. This sounds great, right up my alley. I love novels set in and right after the Civil War. It sounds like it has some surprising twists and turns.

    1. It was fun to put the twist in the book and I hope you will enjoy it, Connie. Thanks for leaving a comment.

  14. This sounds great, right up my alley. I love novels set in and right after the Civil War. It sounds like it has some surprising twists and turns.

  15. WE HAVE A WWINNER.....

    Becky Lower

    Congratulations, Becky. Please contact me privately and give me your email address so I can get your copy of Belinda's Yankee to you.


  16. Sorry, Becky. My email is:
