Thursday, February 4, 2016

#NewRelease -- LARIATS, LETTERS, AND LACE -- #Giveaway!

Prairie Rose Publications is proud to bring you another wonderful collection of stories of Valentine’s Day romance that is bound to satisfy your need for something “sweet”! Each of these western romance tales revolves around a letter of some kind— with some unexpected results.

It’s nearing Valentine’s Day, and that all-important letter or card could mean romance for a special couple…from a new love to those who’ve wanted to speak up for a while, but have only just gathered the courage. A fateful letter could be the catalyst to match-making, or one that brings news that could change everything.  No matter if it’s a newly-discovered love or one that’s been simmering, the contents of these missives could turn someone’s world upside down—just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Linda Carroll-Bradd, Agnes Alexander, Kaye Spencer, Gail L. Jenner, B.J. Betts, Patti Sherry-Crews, Zina Abbott, and Niki Mitchell all contribute their own brand of Valentine’s Day romance to LARIATS, LETTERS, AND LACE, providing some great reading that you’re sure to enjoy.

Join us for some wonderful Valentine’s Day tales that are sure to keep you reading to the very end!  

And be sure and leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway for a free ecopy.

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  1. Can't wait to cuddle up with this! Congratulations, all! ❤️

  2. Can't wait. Another awesome cover.

  3. What a great collection of wonderful Valentine's Day stories! I loved every one of these!

  4. I'm excited to be one of the contributors and that the collection is available for all to enjoy.

  5. I'm also delighted to be a part of the contributors of this wonderful anthology. I've read the stories and enjoyed every one of them.

  6. I'm thrilled. I love PRP anthologies. Doris McCraw

  7. Seeing this posted on fb first thing this morning really made my day. I am thrilled to be one of the writers for the Lariats, Letters and Lace Anthology.

  8. Nice herd of authors, ladies! Looks like I'm gonna have to squeeze in some time right quick to read an anthology. ;-)

  9. Well, something new to read for Valentines. Looks promising.

  10. I'm happy to be part of this! and I'm not just saying that because I hope to win a free copy ;-) Though I want to get my hands on one soon. Reading these stories sounds like an excellent way to spend Valentine's Day. Nice work, ladies!

  11. Looks like an amazing collection.

  12. I'm looking forward to reading this collection. Some good writers in there, and some I haven't yet read, but am sure they won't disappoint either! Well done ladies!

  13. Looks great! Congrats to all the authors.

  14. Yes, thank you, Cheryl and Livia! A fun venture and I appreciate being a part of this new Valentine's collection, too! I have been sharing on all sorts of FB groups and my listserves and email list..... I have so enjoyed developing short stories. They take me "away" from my more serious writing assignments. Again, thanks for PRP's support of writers and romance and western romance. :-)

  15. Oh....can't wait to read! I'd love to win a copy!

  16. I love the anthologies that you ladies bring to us. Always get a few new authors and some old favorites.


    Thanks to everyone for stopping by and taking a peek at our latest venture and for all the very kind comments. We love what we do here at Prairie Rose Publications, and are so glad to hear from our readers and authors!

    Lynda, if you will e-mail me at I will see that you get your digital copy of LARIATS, LETTERS, AND LACE!
