Thursday, February 18, 2016

#NewRelease — ENTHRALLED by Keena Kincaid — #Giveaway!

William of Ravenglas wants only one woman—his foster sister, Ami—but she is promised to another, a fate sealed by his father’s recklessness. Resolved to her forfeiture, he forges a dangerous path to bring stability to the house of Ravenglas, balancing the secret demands of the queen against loyalty to the king. 

Ami, true sister to Aedan ap Owen the minstrel, refuses her fate. She wants William. But when his kiss awakens her dormant magic, it triggers cascading events that sweep her into the queen’s fiendish web and threaten William's life. 


“We are in public, my queen.”

In the quiet flutter of a nearby torch, her cheeks flushed pink even as her eyes darkened with desire. “Henry hardly cares. Why would anyone else?” She rose on her toes, brushing her lips across his in a familiar invitation that brought an equally familiar tug to his groin.

“You are not among friends.”

She laughed, but eased away from him. “I never am. I will send for you later. Be ready. And sober.”
William held his smile as she glided over the castle walk toward the great hall. God’s bones, he’d wanted sweet and joyous. He’d wanted Ami.

He’d gotten a viper instead.

Be sure and leave a comment for Keena to be entered in a drawing for a free ecopy of ENTHRALLED!

BUY LINKS  Barnes and Noble    Smashwords    Kobo    iBooks


  1. Oh the webs of life. These tale you've woven is so intriguing. It has the makings of a winner. All the best on this one, it's added to the list of to be read. **Sigh**. Now back to my writing. (Grin) Doris/Angela

    1. Thanks. My TBR pile is out of the control, too, if it's any consolation.

  2. Keena, this was a wonderful story! I love this trilogy of yours--Anam Cara, Ties That Bind, and now Enthralled are just full of people that I feel as if I know personally--you have a fantastic way of telling a tale AND of creating some very realistic characters. Can't wait for ART OF LOVE!

  3. You do know how to write an enticing excerpt. The story definitely has your mark, and the cover? Wow, I do love that cover. Best wishes for lots of sales.

    1. I read your blog on writing the perfect excerpt, Celia. :-)

  4. He'd gotten a viper instead... Oh man, now you have me, Keena. I have to read this. Congrats on your new release and best of luck with the sales. Looks pretty good.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks, Liette. The queen is a viper in this tale.

    3. Oh she was sooooo horrid! One of those characters you just love to hate.

    4. A friend of mine said she could almost sympathize with her--almost. Best compliment anyone can give your bad guy (or bad queen).

  5. Sounds like a great story, Keena. Back then, it wasn't that easy to get out of betrothals. It will be fun to see how your protagonists work it out. Best wishes for success on your new release.

    1. Thanks, Zina. I spent about a week finding a legitimately medieval way to break the betrothal. On the upside, I ran across a great 12th-century stalking case.

  6. This looks really good. I love this era. So many problems.

    1. I love writing this era, Debby, although my heroine tells me she hates not being able to drink coffee.

  7. Loved your sexy snippet. I am particularly fond of medieval stories. Those were some interesting times--so much going on in history.
    I wish you super sales, Keena.

  8. Keena, I read your other first two in the triolgoy and look forward to this one. Love the cover and glory be, but that excerpt had me sitting right up. Great. Wishing you much success.

    1. Hi, Beverly. Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoyed the first two books in the series. You won't be disappointed by third. William and Ami are a couple for the ages.

  9. And the winner of the free book is... Liette Bougie! Sorry for the delay, folks. Came down with the flu over the weekend and am just now digging out. Liette, send me your email address and I get a copy of the book. Thanks, everyone.
