Sunday, January 3, 2016


Post by Doris McCraw/Angela Raines-author

New Year, New Choices, New Resolutions?

As we wind down from the hectic time that was the Holidays, many of us are ready to hunker down and get back to work. We write or memorize our resolutions for making this New Year better than the last. Our list may include that we will write thousands of words, get mentally and physically fit, etc.

These are wonderful dreams. We all need dreams, it is what keeps us young and looking forward to the next day. However, in the midst of all this slow down, this dreaming, is a reality we sometimes forget. This is winter, a time of rest. I personally start cocooning and don't come out of the burrow until Spring. This is my rest time before I push the new growth I have ahead of me.

With the whirlwind of events; work, deadlines and Holidays, I want to take some time to reflect on those weeks between Thanksgiving, or Halloween, and the New Year. I want to savor the friendships I now have in my life. I wish to honor the people I've spent time with, both in person and on-line. To immediately push all that aside to make a list of things I hope to accomplish seems counter productive.

This year, as I told my writing group the Tuesday before New Years, my resolution is: "I will write my resolutions in the Spring, after I've had time to reflect and really know what I want." Don't get me wrong, I'll be thinking of these intentions between now and Spring, but I won't be putting them in 'stone' until I've had the time to think them through. My energy is lower this time of year. I'm exhausted from the Holidays. It just seems I am dooming myself to failure by rushing the process. My journal for this year is filling up with ideas, new ways of doing things, etc. When I've filtered it down, then... I think you get the idea.

I'm not opposed to anyone who uses the New Year to start fresh,  who write those resolutions down and carry them through. I'm behind you all the way. I will be your cheerleader, I'll shout for joy when you succeed. For myself, I'll see you on April 1, with my April Fool/Spring resolutions! I might be a late starter, but I believe, for me, I have a better chance of succeeding.

Here's my wish for everyone: Have a wonderful, happy and successful 2016! I know in my heart you will succeed.

Angela Raines is the pen name for Doris McCraw. Doris also writes haiku posted five days a week at - and has now passed one thousand haiku and photos posted on this blog. Check out her other work or like her Amazon author page:




  1. Doris,
    I agree about the exhaustion. Now is definitely the time to rest mind and body. I look forward to getting back into a routine, which I generally lose between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Here's to renewing our energy.

    1. Amen to that Kristy. The more I thought about the whole New Year resolution thing, I realized I needed to not set myself up for failure. So, I'm working through where I intend to go, then I'll put it is 'stone' when it's ready.
      Thanks for stopping by and you have a wonderful year of creativity! Doris

  2. Doris, I too think of winter as my contemplative season, beginning with Winter Solstice, which is my new year's. In this time of long nights and cold, our energy naturally flows more slowly. But as the days gradually grow longer, our own rhythm begins to quicken as well. May your reflective time yield much inspiration and self-knowledge, and may the spring bring you all you need to have a great year! (PS: Do you pick a word for the New Year? Mine is abundance, as in abundance of love, time, security, and joy.)

    1. Susan, I also love Winter Solstice. It is the turning point for me as I continue the journey through the dark months.

      I thank you for the blessings, and yes I usually pick a word. This year its not come easily, so I'm not sure what it might be, but abundance and clearing are both coming through loud and clear. Thank you for stopping by and shraring your New Beginnings with me. Doris

  3. Doris, this is a very good idea. I don't like to make New Year's Resolutions (this is how I think of them--in capital letters--like something that LOOMS ahead) LOL. Anyhow, I like this idea of yours about waiting and just letting things settle and having some time to think about what we want for our futures. Great advice!

    1. Thank you Cheryl. I heard this advice and the more I thought about it, the more I realized it fit me better and I just had to share it, in case it resonated with anyone else. Here's to the journey, may it be fun, full of love and abundance in all things. Doris

  4. I don't make New Year resolutions any more. I broke them within a month every time I did it. Instead, I consider my inner spirit and what my intentions are for improving my character and relationships with other. I don't think Spring would work for me the way it does for you, Doris. When Spring arrives, I'm just too excited to get out and work on the yard and enjoy the warmth. Spring Fever takes over. However, I can see where your idea of waiting to contemplate what you want to accomplish has merit. All these holidays piled up together is, as you mentioned, exhausting--not a good time to figure out where you want to go from here.
    I enjoyed reading your article and how you plan for your New Year.

    1. Sarah, I envy your ability to go out and do yard work. My mother also enjoyed those pursuits. Unfortunately for me, they didn't pass on to me but went to my brother instead.

      I appreciate your kind words about my plans. We will see if putting resolution to paper a bit later works out better this year. I'll let you know. Here's to a beautiful yard and wonderful year. Doris

  5. Some good thoughts, Doris. For once this year, I actually started thinking about my writing goals for 2016 starting in October. So, it is about the same concept, except I'm three months ahead of you. :-)

    Robyn Echols w/a Zina Abbott

    1. I love it Robyn. To me the time around the Holidays are just to full to really make an informed and sane resolutions. Best to you on your plans for 2016. Thanks for stopping by. Doris
