Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Release: A LOVE SO STRONG -- and a #GIVEAWAY!

A LOVE SO STRONG is a story I wrote from my heart way back when. I guess you could say I, as well as most romance authors, write from the heart each and every time we compile our thoughts and come up with our next story. But an author’s first book, and believe me this one was more than heartfelt, is always near and dear to us. It’s our first child we dared to share with the world. Back in 2012 this story was published by another publishing company under a different title and cover.

Today, I’m pleased as punch to have PRAIRIE  ROSE PUBLICATIONS reissue this story.  I’ve revised the ending a bit to be more sensually sweet rather than quite as spicy as the first time around. And to my delight, my editor, Cheryl Pierson, suggested I add a few more details to a very emotional scene.  Why so delighted? I had written the scene before to include exactly what she proposed and it had been deleted in order to shorten the story. So yes, I’m totally thrilled I was able to reinstate that scene—oh my goodness it’s so much stronger, more poignant and emotionally meaningful to and for the characters as well as the readers. At least I feel that way, and I certainly hope everyone enjoys the changes.

After working various medical fields as a Registered Nurse I turned to Public Health nursing doing homecare and clinics, and also became a member of the Medical Reserve Corps for Homeland Security. During that time I managed numerous ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) patients in the home. Their plights, especially one specific lady became my inspiration to write A LOVE SO STRONG. Since then I haven’t stopped writing. Many of the simple communication techniques used years ago to care for such homebound patients I used in this story. Today of course we have advanced technology that makes their care so much easier and more efficient.

Before you continue to read below,  please take a look at the beautiful cover  Livia Washburn did—she even included two loons gliding across the pond—the loons play a very big part in this love story. Thank you Livia, the cover is perfect.  So come along and enjoy the blurb and excerpt to see if you might want to see what all my excitement is about.


Searching for true happiness, as well as escape from a controlling family, Morgan Prescott answers a Brides Wanted ad, and leaves New York City's High society life for the wilds of Washington Territory. Her spirit and intelligence carries her through the rude awakening—streets of ankle deep mud, life in a one-room cabin, the hazards of cooking—but they lend no help when she loses her heart to the one man she can't have.

Private investigator Luke Kincaid, a major stockholder in the Union Pacific Railroad, goes undercover as a logging camp foreman to apprehend the saboteurs. All he needs is a mock wife to strengthen his act, but once he agrees to Morgan filling the role, he finds himself longing for much more—a love he's forbidden to accept or give.

A Heartwarming Romance filled with humor, suspense, a poignant sisterly bond with the other woman, and a love between Luke and Morgan that cannot be denied. Written in memory of one special lady and to raise awareness of ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease.


Damn. Trouble always erupted when women were around a camp.

It came to him in a flash. Missy remained. Yet that couldn't be. She didn't fit the description of the woman Hans had chosen on paper two months ago. Hell, he lacked too much sleep to play guessing games. “So, spit it out. What happened?”

Luke watched Missy lean against the wagon. Lean? It looked as if she wanted to burrow into the wood.

Hans pulled his hands out of his pockets, gestured with them in front of him. “I chose my bride, and Albert claimed Lila.” Lila. Ah yes, Hans had raved about her. “Tom chose Sarah instead of Roberta, and Peter wanted Roberta.”

Was anything ever simple? After an exhausting day of catastrophes, and this hopscotch of brides, a headache threatened.

“And now the last two don't match, is that it?”

Hans studied his boots, drove his hands back into his pockets then glanced at Missy. “We don't know if they'll match. They've. . . just met.”

It took a split second for Hans' words to register, to become crystal clear. No. Hans knew why Luke had picked Rosie. He wouldn't intentionally turn the tables on him. But lust and love would, by damn. It made men commit worse crimes.

He swallowed the lump in his throat. “You chose Rosie.” His words almost gagged him. He dreaded to hear Hans' confirmation. Hans nodded.

Acid churned in his stomach, and a sour taste spiraled up to his mouth. He'd purposely picked a voluptuous dance hall woman who'd have no problem finding another man after he'd finished here. One who most likely would go along with his scheme and the proposition he offered.

Jaysus! He was in a world of shit.

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**If you’d like to leave a comment, please do so. I’d love your feedback, and I’ll be randomly drawing a winner for a Smashwords coupon good for one free copy of A LOVE SO STRONG.

Beverly Wells lives with her own hero and rescued dog Jamie in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. She enjoys writing humorous, sensuous historical westerns while including a lesson learned or raising awareness of a heartfelt issue. Find her online at:
and, of course, Prairie Rose Publications


  1. Goodmorning, I'd like to say a big thank you to Cheryl for believing in this story and giving it a rebirth, Livia for another marvelous cover and Kathleen for helping me muddle through the blog and also for her expertise in my new banner. And without the support, encouragemnet and inspiration from all the roses I wouldn't be here today. Thank you all. nfantasfor Chheart

  2. Bev, I hjave performed for ALS patients and they are some of the most wonderful people in the world. What a great inspiration this woman gave you. I can't wait to read this one, see how they manage. Best of luck. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines-author

    1. Doris, thank you so much stopping over. ALS sufferers are indeed wonderful, strong and full of perservering people that's for sure. It warms my heart to know you have performed for them, so thank you. Hope you enjoy my story.

  3. Congratulations Bev on the re-release. I bet it feels wonderful to give your first child a home again. The cover is beautiful.

    1. Oh Connie, you better believe it. And yes, the cover is once again fantastic, I'm so very pleased. Thanks so much for stopping by. Every release day is special and exciting, but that first born is always and will always be my baby.

  4. Bev, you have my utmost admiration for bringing comfort to those suffering from ALS. It's a terrible disease, and not many folks could have handled the job you willingly undertook. :-)

    I've already got the book on my Kindle. I may not get to read it for a while because I'm judging the novel category in the Peacemaker Awards (What was I thinking?!), but I'm eager to dive into A LOVE SO STRONG.

    All my best to you, lovely lady! :-)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kathleen--oh doesn't my blog just look lovely--thanks to you and all your patience. Guess I always had and will always have a place in my heart for those who suffer from illnesses like ALS, AIDS, you name it, I tried to give my all. And for me to help them and their family members through their crises it was so rewarding for me that it wasn't difficult at all to part of their lives. Thank you for your kind words and I certainly hope you enjoy A LOVE SO STRONG. Good luck to you with your judging--as if you don't have enough to do.

  5. This story has everything! A heroine out of her element, undercover hero, and an interesting setting. I want to read it! But I also enjoyed hearing about the process your book took and the tweeking of it you did. I bet you had fun. Good for you, raising awareness of ALS.

  6. Patti, thanks so much for stopping by, it's always nice to hear what others think about one of my stories. And yes, it was exciting to change the ending so the love scene is still sensuous but more on the sweeter side--I'm much happier. The scene Cheryl felt I should put back in thrills me as I do feel it makes a much stronger impact and my characters remain truer to themselves. And now I'm doing a happy dance. With the first time around I gave a % of proceeds to the ALS Association and felt good about it, but when numerous readers wrote to tell me they'd made donations to the ALS Assoc., it was such a rewarding feeling the tears flowed more than not. I hope this time I'll be able to give more and once again I'll be able to continue my part in finding a cure or at least better treatments for ALS. Again thank you for stopping by and hope you enjoy Luke and Morgan's story.

  7. Bev,
    The story sounds wonderful!! Congrats on the re-release. You've got a beautiful banner and a beautiful cover, too. I look forward to reading it. Cheers!

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kristy and also for the congrats. I am so very pleased with the cover, Livia is remarkable. As far as the banner, I'd wanted to change my banner for the longest time and never could get my logo or my name on it. I'm far from being any where near computer savvy. But Kathleen did it in no time flat. I hope you enjoy Luke and Morgan's story. It was so much fun wrting it the first time, and more delightful to redo.

  9. It looks like a wonderful story, Bev, and I look forward to reading it. Some stories are too good to let fade away. Best wishes on your success the second time around.

    Zina Abbott

    1. Zina, thanks so much for stopping by and for your good wishes. Hope you enjoy the crazy calamities Morgan gets into. She was such a fun character to create.

  10. I love your cover. I agree with you about a writer's first book. There's something so special about it whether it's ever published or not. I'm glad you were able to rework yours to better fit your vision of it. Hope you have great sales.

    1. Thank you, Katherine, I love it too. And yes, the first book is always so very special. I appreciate your good wishes. Also if you are interested in possibly winning a free copy, please leave your email so I can get hold of you if your name is picked. Or give me another indication how to reach you. If you prefer not to post it here, my gmail is beverlywellsauthor Thanks.

  11. I loved the set-up for this story, Bev. I'm so happy you got to have the ending the way you wanted--finally. I know this story is going to be very successful. All the very best to you, Bev.

    1. Sarah, I should have you get your bagpipes out to send the word out to all. Don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I love all things Scottish and/or Irish. Bagpipes call to me so maybe it's my MacTavish blood in me. We have local bagpipers who play at various places(Dundee is right down the road) and I so enjoy hearing them. I play the piano and more recently took up the Celtic harp--I am gradually getting the hang of that one. Thanks so much for your kind words. And I appreciate you and all the others at PRP for helping me along to get where I'm at. Thanks a million.

  12. Love a romance with humor and suspense. Sounds like you were born to write--then and now. All the best,

    1. Cindy, I do so like humor and Morgan sure is a character that I can relate to so much. Her antics and screw ups beat the band. And the more I write, I find I like putting in a bit more intrigue or suspense. Thanks so much for saying hi and your well wishes. Wishes you the best back.

  13. Don't you love when you get to revise a previously published story to return it to the way it was? Congrats! The story sounds wonderful with the right amount of humor.

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by, Keena. And yes it feels so good to finally tell it all the way I intended. Better than good. I hope every reader gets a few good chuckles. Wishing you much success also.

  15. Bev, this is a wonderful story, and I really love it all the more with that scene added back in. This story really kept me turning the pages and really excited to see what was going to happen next, and I could not for the life of me figure out HOW you were going to resolve the conflict! But you did a great job of it! Thanks so much for giving us a chance to get it back out there and breathe new life into it again!

    1. Cheryl, you are by far the one to thank for giving new life to this novel. And I more than appreciate the fact that you pointed out the scene that needed me to reinstate and also for allowing me to rework the end. I'm so very pleased with the entire story and the cover is just what it needed to get it going again. Actually I thank my lucky stars that I took a chance 2 years ago and sent my query to PRP. There couldn't be a group of better people from all of you on the front lines to each and every one of the roses. I've said it so many times before, but this time I hope some other authors out there see how wonderful it is to be part of such a great hard working, more than helpful team effort at Prairie Rose Publications. So I'm the one saying a big thank you.

  16. I lost everything I just wrote, I go again. How wonderful that your story gets a second go round to be shared with your readers. Also how great that Cheryl saw where your story was going and how the parts that had been deleted the first go round would add depth and feeling to your story. It is necessary to edit our words to make our stories flow but ugh...sometimes its as if our words are being chopped to pieces. Best wishes on your story. Happy Sales!

    1. Barbara, thanks so much for stopping by to comment and your kind words. Not only do I feel like the story has been reborn, but I feel as if I've been uplifted as well. I'm hoping that this time around it will reach more readers so they can not only (hopefully) enjoy the story but to raise their awareness of ALS. And I know how annoying it can be after you've typed a comment to lose it. ARGH! I share your pain, and thank you for taking the time to retype it. Wishing you much success also.

  17. I have randomly put all the names and in a hat and picked on out for the drawing. I am delighted to announce Patti Sherry-Crews has won a copy of A LOVE SO STRONG. I'll be getting a hold of Patti to send her the free coupon from Smashwords. Congratulations, Patti.
