Sunday, November 29, 2015

#NewRelease A FLARE OF THE HEART by @JacquieRogers #romance #western #99cents

A Flare of the Heart
A Hearts of Owyhee Single-Read

by Jacquie Rogers

What would you do if you had a dozen weaner pigs and a woman to rescue from a wrecked stagecoach on a mountain road?

Miss Celia Yancey is on her way to Silver City to marry the pastor of the church.  The marriage was arranged by her father, who was a lot more interested in the fact that the church was built over a silver mine than on the character of his future son-in-law.

Celia isn't too fond of the notion, far preferring to choose her own husband, but that's exactly the problem--no men from which to choose that she'd have.  And she does want children.  Moving 1,500 miles away from her father doesn't sound all that bad, either.

So how does that all pan out with historical facts and the real Silver City?

Other than the timing, pretty well.  The church was, in fact, built over a silver mine.  You can see the mine entrance even now.  But it wasn't built until the 1890s, so too late for Celia and Ross Flaherty.  It was built as an Episcopalian church and is now Our Lady of Tears Catholic Church.  Here's a photo of the inside:

And here's an aerial video of Silver City that shows the church.  Yes, the video is too wide for the page but I hope it works okay.  (Thanks to Marilyn Burke, who posted it at the Pickle Barrel.)  You can't really tell but the church is built on a hill, and it's a trial getting up to it.  They've put in posts and strung rope so you can pull yourself up there.  Can you imagine doing that in a corset and long skirts?

About A Flare of the Heart

Celia Valentine Yancey has no illusions she’ll ever enjoy wedded bliss, so chooses marriage over spinsterhood even if she has to marry a man her father picked. On the way to meet her groom, she endures armed robbery, a stagecoach wreck, a dozen hungry baby pigs—and an incorrigible farmer. Ross Flaherty retired from bounty hunting to become a farmer but now Celia has brought his worst fear to his door—in more ways than one. A ferocious wolf-dog and a dozen piglets are no match for this determined lady. Which is more dangerous—the Sully Gang or Miss Celia Yancey?

You could win a free book!

A Flare of the Heart
(Hearts of Owyhee single read)
by Jacquie Rogers

Buy at these online stores:

Print books and ebooks make great gifts.  Have you started your shopping yet?  When do you start?  (My sister shops year around!  I start about Dec. 20.)  Don't forget to include your email address with your comment.  The winner will receive a free copy of A Flare of the Heart.  And yes, I do deeply appreciate reviews.  I'll draw the winner on Nov. 30, 2016, at 10pm Pacific Time.


  1. I usually try to be done by now but this has been a challenging year. I've barely started but do much of my shopping online. This will be a lean Christmas but one spent with family, at least. The gift of home can't be beat!

    1. Yes, we're doing the family thing, too. It doesn't help that we have five birthdays in December!

  2. A corset and long skirts? I can't imagine climbing that in jeans and sneakers and to do that every Sunday... I do love the details in your stories, and this one is another winner. And the video worked great.

    1. And don't forget you have your parasol and reticule to carry, too! I definitely agree this would not be in my repertoire.

  3. I normally shop year round too, but it's been a crazy year with all kinds of events. I have a total of everyone but my kids and grandkids bought.

  4. I have purchased a few things, but I tend to be like you and wait until around December 20 to finish up! It's the "great minds" thing, right? The book sounds like a really fun read! Thanks for all you do - Merry Christmas Jacquie!

    1. Merry Christmas, to you, Kim! I'm still buying birthday and baby shower presents. Sigh. Those 5 December birthdays are killers.

  5. After being together as long as we have, hubby and I don't usually buy each other gifts. We tend to take a couple days off from work to either take day trips or go to Disney World for a weekend.

    Meanwhile baby pigs? LOL! (

    1. Yep, baby pigs. They're so cute but such a nuisance. ☺ Mr R and I tend to get something together that we both want for the house, but I do get a few smaller things and of course Santa brings stuff for the socks.

  6. There is just the two of us. I do my shopping online. To far to go to the city and fight the crowds. Worked retail to many year behind the counter.
    This story looks good. I would not want to climb that hill in all those hot clothes back then. (

    1. Online for me all the way! I worked in retail, too, Shirl. Pretty well cured me of shopping, especially this time of year.

  7. I did my shopping online. I don't like the crowds just to much people for my liking . The book sounds great like a fun read !!

    1. Thanks, Sandra! Three cheers for another online shopping. I never lose my car in the parking lot that way. LOL

  8. Jacquie, you know how I love your stories! I envy anyone who can write with humor and make it work like you do. And of course, I always love how you include animals in your stories, too.

    I used to shop all year round. Now that my kids are grown--with no kids of their own yet--it's gotten so much easier. Seems money and gift cards are always the most welcome presents. I try to find a few little stocking stuffers, but this year, we are having a lean Christmas, too. One thing I never skimp on though--we ALL get AAA memberships. For my peace of mind. LOL Can't tell you how many times my kids have used theirs over the years. Everything else, I pretty much buy online.


    1. Aw garsh, Cheryl. ♥ As for shopping, aren't gift cards the greatest? You don't have to worry about duplicate gifts, wrapping, or that you wasted your money on something they won't want or use.

  9. You've done it again. Such fun stories come from your imagination and history research. Thanks. Doris

    1. Those old newspapers always give me more ideas. And you, too. I can't understand why everyone doesn't read them--they're such a treasure trove.

  10. I enjoyed reading about the history of the area and how you incorporated it into your story. I like that truth inside a story. I can see how the bushes by the church slope down with the hill. I would not want to climb it with or without a corset. LOL
    All the very best your way, Jacquie.

    1. I've never tried it with long skirts and a corset--just regular modern clothes. The gravel slides under your feet and even with the rope, it's a trial keeping your head pointed up.

  11. A church built over a silver mine. The question is, why? To give thanks or to hide it?

    1. I'm not sure which came first--the church or the mine. Either way, there are mines running all over the place, so it might've been kind of hard to find a spot of land that didn't have a shaft. I do know that the church didn't own the mineral rights. I should ask someone if they know who owns the mineral rights now!

  12. OMGosh I love when someone shares bits of history like this. That is really neat about the church. Oh and the book sounds like a fantastic story to read.

    Shopping for Christmas, I do for the grandchildren mostly, and with 10 of them, that is fun but can be crazy too. I have 2 out of the way and working on the rest. Hubby and I don't really do much at Christmas but we have fun going antique shopping throughout the year.

    1. We have 7 grandkids, plus 5 December birthdays. That's hard on the pocketbook!

  13. Congrats to the winner, Kim Braumann! I'll contact you on FB. ☺
