Monday, October 12, 2015


Cover by Dover Thrift Ed.
I don’t know about you, but I like to re-read books. For me, it’s like kind of like visiting an old friend, or listening to your grandmother tell a story that she’s told before. 

When I re-read, I usually discover something new, some tidbit I missed in my rush to The End.  Besides, there’s something comforting about knowing the ending but taking the journey anyway.

I’ve re-indulged myself with many authors:  Lorraine Heath, J.D. Tyler, Christine Feehan, & Grace Burrowes. I’ve revisited the best friends & brothers at the Inn BoonsBoro with Nora Roberts, and settled in more than once for tea & gossip with Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.

How about you? Do you enjoy rereading or are the memories from the first time through a story enough to satisfy?

Happy Reading!


  1. I agree with you totally !!!!!! I reread my favorite books over and still find something I missed before, it just makes the stories more loved.

  2. There are some books I re-read consistently. Not only are the stories fabulous, but you know and love the people who populate those special books. Doris

  3. Deanna & Doris, thanks for dropping by! My mother is a read it once and done type. I just don't get that. lol

  4. Tracy,

    I'm a re-re-re and re-read some more person. :-) I'm the same way with favorite movies, too. I agree with you, that I just don't get the once-is-enough readers. The book I re-read the most often is "The Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley. My next best re-reads are "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "Les Miserables".

  5. I have a copy of all 26 of LaVyrle Spencer's romance novels. I have read and re-read them several times,....and I'll read them again, here and there. No other author could write like she did. They are, but each tells an intriguing story, as well. Thanks for the reminder. I need to start on them again one day soon!

    1. Celia, I just read my FIRST LaVyrle Spencer novel--MORNING GLORY. Oh, what a tale! What a wonderful telling of the story of two people who discover love in the hardest of times. I consider myself so lucky. I can now have a WORLD of LaVyrle Spencer books to look forward to. 26??? (Can you see me rubbing my hands together?) LOL

  6. You've just reminded me that it's time to reread 'Pride and Prejudice' again!!

  7. Tracy, I have several books that I've re-read. A few days ago, I posted an "old friend" on the loop--THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND, and asked how many people had read it. Had several replies and not one of them was negative--everyone I know who has ever read that book has loved it--and even though it was written for MG -YA ages, it's one of those books that holds your interest, even as an adult.

  8. I read KIDNAPPED by Robert Louis Stevenson 7 times and ROSE IN BLOOM by Louisa May Alcott several time. Now that I think on it, I read almost everything Alcott wrote several times. As an adult, I read Jude Deveraux's book, LEGEND, so many time I finally got an audio of it so I could play it on the way to work and at night when I go to sleep. I've reread several of Linda Lael Miller's books and Lisa Kleypas's Mine After Midnight.
    You know how it is when you come across a story that just speaks to you, once just won't do. It's like a drug you want to have to get that feeling back just one more time. LOL
    I have a confession to make. As much as I have loved every Jane Austen movie based on her novels, I have never actually read the books. I really need to get to the library and get them.
    All good things to your corner of the earth, Tracy.
