Friday, October 9, 2015


The Legend of Venture Canyon by Shayna Matthews.

            Step right up folks, gather ’round and hug your children close! We have before you a show today, a show unlike any you’ve ever seen before. Come closer friend, don't be afraid. Closer still, and allow me to regale you in a tale where deception is the norm.

     Do you believe in what you see? Will you succumb to the speech of a man slicker than a vat of bacon grease...the sideshow talker? Or will you trust the charms of a Mediterranean Goddess as she lures you to her stage? Perhaps neither, for certainly the suspicious cowboy drifter would be the fellow worth trusting with your life. Right?

     In the year 1872, entertainment is a necessary evil. Life is raw, harsh and relentless. What could bring more excitement to the drudgery of daily survival, than a traveling sideshow? Sword swallowers, serpent women and exotic dancers--who wouldn't want to see The Show? Certainly, a few measly pennies will be worth a peek or two at whatever mysteries lay beyond the curtain. What could it hurt?

     When the traveling show hits a small town in Utah territory, submitting to one's curiosity is not always a good thing. You see, for Marah Romerro and her family, deception is not just the is Master. And the show must go on, no matter what the cost.

      Hello. My name is Shayna Matthews, and I am an author. I liken what I do to that of a weaver. I 'weave' stories of historical fiction, illuminating epic tales of the era with a flair for characters who represent the fighting spirit of the men and women who have come before us. This is my passion, chasing down the embodiment of human spirit through the great American West. In the midst of research and travel for a work-in-progress series based in 1880's Texas, I stumbled across a call for submission from a publisher aptly named: Prairie Rose Publications. The subject matter intrigued my adventurous nature. That night I perused my collection of research material, searching for a nugget of inspiration. As I skimmed page after page, a name struck me. Venture. The murky shadows of an idea formed within the cobwebbed corners of my mind, and a legend was born.

      Venture Canyon is my debut pride and joy, written within a month, including editing. I hope you, dear readers, will enjoy reading about Venture and Marah as much as I loved writing them. Their journey is indeed legendary. Let them take you along for the ride, I think they'll surprise you along the way.

     Below is an excerpt from "The Legend of Venture Canyon" for your enjoyment. Please feel free to leave a comment below, as I will be choosing one commenter at random to win a free e-copy of The Legend of Venture Canyon.

     Before you go, my friends, remember...a good legend never dies. Not because they can't, but because sometimes, they just don't know how.
Thank you for dropping by!

      Excerpt from "The Legend of Venture Canyon" by Shayna Matthews.

      Froth from the horse's mouth flew back in his face. Nostrils flared; his mount was blowing hard. Venture tried to concentrate on rhythmic pounding of the bay's hooves under his seat, but concentration didn't come easy when one was about to die. They were coming for him. Coming fast. They had fresh horses and arsenals strapped to their hips; a few even had rifles. What did he have? One lousy .44 with a handful of bullets.
      The cowboy glanced over his shoulder, gauging the distance between his pursuers and his own tired mount. They were too damn close!
      "Hells-fire, where'd they all come from?" Six had been closing in, now there were four more. Ten men. Ten, after him. He didn't like those odds at all. Digging spurs to flank, the bay leaped ahead with a valiant burst of speed, and he laughed. It was a sadistic laugh, that of a man who knew time was running out.

Be sure and leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for a free ecopy of THE LEGEND OF VENTURE CANYON.

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  1. This is a fun ride of a story. Well done Shayna. The story keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat throughout. Best to you as you continue this journey. Doris

    1. Thank you Doris! Venture was so much fun to write. The kind of story where I stayed up late, writing and wondering where the characters were going to lead me. The adventure has just begun. ;-)

  2. At last, I wondered how your words would come together in your work. Now I know. Your introduction is much like that of a circus ringleader and your words build and build leading up to the excerpt of The Legend of Venture Canyon. Well done Shayna. I can almost taste the desperation and fear racing through your character Venture as the ten men chase him down. I can't help but wonder...does he make it.

    1. Thank you so much, Barb! I truly appreciate your kind comments. Reading up on the traveling side shows of the era transported me back to a hidden world. I'm hooked on the subject! I have a feeling you may not have seen the last of the legendary Venture Canyon characters! ;-)

      The excerpt of Venture running from all of those men? I wrote that scene to make a point in a personal blog. The scene grabbed me so much that a few months later, I used it to inspire the construction of Venture Canyon.

  3. Shayna, I loved this story. Time travel is one of my favorite subgenres. This one had my attention from the get-go. I can't believe you wrote this story in a month. All the best to you, my friend.

    1. Sarah my friend, let me tell you - I'm STILL scratching my head over how I managed to write Venture in one little month, myself! Some stories just fall together. (Now, if only my WIP novels would behave the same way). ;-) Thank you.

  4. Shayna, I too enjoyed how you had the ringleader's spiel lead right into the excerpt. Nice, very nice. Love the cover also. Loved this story. Wishing you the best.

    1. Hello, Beverly. Thank you for dropping by, as well as for your kind words. I'm so glad you enjoyed my little spiel, I have been attempting to teach myself a bit of the sideshow talker's lingo. It's an interesting aspect of speech, the ability to pull in an audience with a golden tongue. And thank you, I agree! Livia Reasoner did a beautiful job on the cover art! Best to you, thanks!

  5. I enjoyed the wonderful stories you wrote as a child and they just keep getting better & better! You truly are a "Weaver" of yarns & words. I'm so very proud of you!

    1. Thank you so much, dear reader! The name on this blog merely states "unknown" - however I have a feeling I know who you may be. My teacher of the woven arts, perhaps? Thank you - I hope you still have those short stories I wrote in blue and green crayon, they'll be worth something someday. ;-) Thank you for dropping by to comment! <3

  6. Shayna,

    I enjoyed this story when it was originally published in the Cowboys, Creatures, & Calico Vol. 1 anthology. You did a great job of blending just the right amount of romance with the Halloweenishness of the plot. I'm glad it's offered as a single-sell now, and I hope you have a ton of sales. :-)

    1. Howdy, Kaye! Thank you, I'm so pleased to hear you enjoyed reading 'Venture'. What intrigued me about the original call for submission was the blend of originality within one story. Adding that "Halloween" flair with the historic western romance was definitely an attention grabber. I think I work best under criteria with such unusual twists. Thanks so much for your support!

  7. Best wishes for success on this book, Shayna. This is a great story.
