Thursday, October 15, 2015

#NewRelease – Prophecy – Soul of the Witch, Book 2 by C. Marie Bowen -- #Giveaway

 By C. Marie Bowen

Soul of the Witch, Book 2 - PROPHECY by C. Marie Bowen

     When I completed the first manuscript of Passage, I realized Courtney and Nichole’s story had only just begun. In fact, the second book, Prophecy, took shape in my imagination fully formed. I couldn’t get it down on paper fast enough. New characters emerged into the story with so much life and personality, they spawned their own series of short stories.

     Hunter whispered romantic French phrases in the back of my mind, while Marshal Sam Kline struggled to take care of his younger sister. They are all drawn to Denver, unaware of how quickly their lives would change.

     Although my imaginary world now brimmed with love and new opportunity, a twisted snake of evil had been released, desperate to obtain the elemental magic that had awakened him, and fulfill The Prophecy of the Twins.

     I love the pace and excitement of Prophecy along with the new characters who have stepped in to aid Nichole and Merril on The Shilo-Harris Ranch. I think you will too.

Prophecy blurb:

     As Courtney Veau manages to escape through time's PASSAGE, she returns to her life as Nichole Harris, awakening in the arms of her husband, Merril Shilo. Through the healing powers of Amy Harris, Nichole's cousin-in-law, their reunion has unleashed an evil none of them ever dreamed existed. Though Amy brings Nichole back from death through her healing magic, she receives some terrifying “help” she could never have foreseen—from another witch who looks just like her.

     Separated at birth to prevent twyning, Alyse, Amy’s twin sister, must now join with Amy in the otherworldly fight to save their very souls—and those of the people they love most.

     Near New Orleans, a deranged minister learns of a PROPHECY of twin witches who, when brought together, will unleash a powerful demon by their very existence. He hires a bounty hunter to find and kill the twins. Hunter takes the job, with plans to warn the unsuspecting targets about the insane man of the cloth and his deadly designs—but where does he begin the search?

     The Prophecy of the Twins comes into fulfillment the moment Alyse and Amy find each other, and the demon, Morago, slithers into the world of man, prepared for the hunt. Will Hunter be able to warn them in time? Will the magic Alyse and Amy possess be enough to fight such evil—or will the demon see that the wicked PROPHECY is complete?

Prophecy excerpt:

     “Who is Amy?” Her voice tight with controlled anger. Her grandmother and her uncles exchanged uneasy glances, but Alyse kept her gaze locked on Chantal. Mémé had the answers.

     “Where did you hear that name, dear-heart?” Chantal asked with a cautious smile.
All the lamps and fireplace flared for several seconds, and then returned to their former state.

     “I have a twin. Never mind where I heard her name, I should have heard it from you.” Alyse's words were darts, aimed at her grandmother. “I should have known her all my life.” Sabine and Anaïs yowled and ran from the room. Once again, flames flared, far too high for safety, and fire flickered between the fingers of Alyse's clenched fists.

     “Calm yourself, young lady!” Her grandmother gestured with her arm and doused every flame in the room with a thought.

     The room went dark, except the for the fire Alyse held in her fist. Even her powerful grandmother could not extinguish Alyse's flame. She raised her fist, opened her fingers, and bid the tiny flame on her palm to grow. It illuminated her face and reflected in her eyes.

     “I didn't know you were lying because I never looked for lies from you—from any of you.” Her gaze passed over her uncles, then returned to Chantal and her voice lowered. “I trusted you. But make no mistake, I will truth read everything any of you tells me from now on. You know I can.” Alyse tossed her flame at the fireplace, and it flared back to life, along with all the lamps in the room.

     Chantal turned away from Alyse and walked into the dining room. “Bernard, make us some tea. This is going to be a long night.” With unruffled elegance, she took a seat at the head of the table.

Start at the beginning with 
Passage Soul of the Witch, Book 1

Soul of the Witch, Book 1 - PASSAGE by C. Marie Bowen

Passage blurb:

     Courtney Veau has a “near death” experience and lives for one week in her past life. When she returns to her own time, she knows how much she has lost. The memories and emotions from her time as Nichole Harris consume her mind and heart. When she discovers Nichole's house still stands and has a room for rent, she doesn't hesitate to take it. Courtney soon finds her desire for Merril Shilo threatens her sanity, as he beckons from a past she can no longer reach.

     If Courtney could find a passage back, she would never leave Merril’s side.

I will give an E-BOOK of Prophecy to one of today’s commenters. 

     Be sure to leave your contact information, along with the answer to today’s question: Do you like your Heroes dark and mysterious, or brave and honest? What is your perfect mixture for a book-boyfriend?


  1. I like my heroes both ways. Dark and mysterious makes the perfect book boyfriend.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Me too, Debby. Book boyfriends come with so many options. LOL Hunter is the "Dark and Mysterious" man in Prophecy - well, in anything Hunter is in. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hello Connie,
    First of all, congrats on your new release. Love the excerpt. And to answer your question... I like them both ways. But, I have to admit I have a great fondness for those who are dark and mysterious. That said, if they're also brave and honest, they get more points, so to speak.

    1. Thank you, Liette. Excellent answer - why not have them BOTH! Hunter finally steps into the story with this release, unfortunately he has left his beloved horse, Roulette, at home. Which is probably a good thing, considering everything he goes through. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Connie, I wish you every success on your new release and for the stories yet to come in your series.

    1. Sarah, you are a dear person. Thank you. I'm very excited that Prophecy is out in the world. I hope she does well on her own. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Brilliant. What a story this is becoming. I wish you all the best, and your characters the wonderful life they deserve. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines-author

    1. Oh, Doris! Thank you so much. This is such an unusual story, and it has been with me for so long. I'm thrilled that it is seeing the "light of day." Thanks for commenting.

  5. This sounds wonderful. I've been wanting to read it since finishing the first book. Congrats!!

    1. Thank you, Diana. I hope you enjoy Prophecy (I think you will. *wink*) Thanks for stopping by today.

  6. Loved the first one, can't wait to read this one!

    1. Awesome, Sharon! Thanks for commenting today.

  7. Connie, I must confess, I got lost in the story while editing and had to go back and re-read it in places to be sure I hadn't missed anything. As much as I read, that is very rare for me. This is just an excellent story. I loved it, and you know how I feel about Hunter! LOL Both of these books are wonderful, and I cannot wait to see what's in store in the third book of the trilogy. These are just awesome adventures and I can't say enough good about them. CONGRATULATIONS!

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! This is a book to get caught-up in, for sure. Even as I went through the Page Proofs, I found myself reading too fast and wanting to get to the next scene - and I knew what was coming! Certainly a story readers will want to enjoy again and again.

  8. Sounds like a good one, Connie. Congrats!

    1. Thanks, Kristy. I'm pleased with how well it turned out, and I'm my own worst critic. If you get a chance to read the series, let me know what you think. Thanks for coming by!

  9. Connie,

    I've downloaded 'Prophecy' to my Kindle. I've read 'Passage', and I'm looking forward to reading Book 2 now. Congratulations on your release. :-)

  10. Thank you, Kaye. I hope you enjoy Prophecy. Thanks for leaving your encouraging words!

  11. CONGRATULATIONS to my WINNER! Sharon Pixler.
