Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Prairie Rose Publications is now publishing REGENCY ROMANCE!

The debut story in our Regency line is called A CAT IN JACKBOOTS by Deborah Macgillivray. Deborah MacGillivray is an Award Winning Author with Montlake Romance/Amazon Publishing; Kensington Zebra Historicals; and Dorchester LoveSpell. Her books have been translated by publishing houses around the world. She writes Scottish Medieval Historicals (Dragons of Challon series--COMING SOON!) and Contemporary Paranormals - on the quirky side - (Sisters of Colford Hall series), novellas that features cats as characters--she recently had a story in the FIRE STAR PRESS anthology NINE DEADLY LIVES: AN ANTHOLOGY OF FELINE FICTION--and Regency novellas.

Deborah is a member of: RWA; Authors Guild; Host of The Haunt @ PRN

She is winner of the prestigious Gayle Wilson Award of Excellent for Best Contemporary Romance for RIDING THE THUNDER (2008)

A CAT IN JACKBOOTS is an original story penned for PRAIRIE ROSE PUBLICATIONS, and we are so thrilled to have Deborah kick off our REGENCY LINE!


He is a hunter...despite being a scion of one of the most respected families of the ton, he enjoys solving the mysteries that life presents...at a price. And he is hot on the trail of a burglar robbing the titled members of London society.

She is saddled with a scatterbrained, matchmaking grandmother and a retired batman for a butler...and a black cat named Romeo...and carries a world of secrets. One slip, and it will cost her everything.

Neither is seeking romance...only sometimes love happens when you least expect it...


When he sensed her compliance, he deepened the embrace, pulling her body fully against this. Her hands grasped the back of his upper arms, holding on as she was buffeted by the dizzy, swirling sensations rolling through her. The vibrations in her blood, the feelings he evoked were nearly overwhelming; she was both terrified and ravenous for more. Sebastian’s hands moved on her back, down to the small of her spine, and then traced the curves of her derrière. Then in a startling move, he jerked her upward in the air.

“Wrap your legs around me, Cat,” he gasped.

She did as he wanted, but was trembling so hard, she was afraid he might drop her. Her fingernails bit into his sleeves. “I’m too heavy.”

“No, you are not. I won’t let you fall. You must learn to trust me, Mo Chridhe.” He kissed her neck. “We are a splendid match.”

In awe, Catlyn lifted her hand and traced the side of his face. He was majestic, a warrior of old stepping out of the mists of time. He was beautiful. And when she looked into his eyes she saw an open honesty. He was holding no secrets back from her.

“Lord Sebastian, you may commence the ravishing.”

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Deborah's A CAT IN JACKBOOTS! This is one story you just can't put down!

BUY LINKS   Barnes and Noble    Smashwords    Kobo


  1. I had the pleasure of reading an ARC, and believe me, this is a wonderful story. Congratulations to Deborah and PRP on the new release!

    1. Jacquie, this IS a wonderful story. Just loved it--these characters are so vivid in my mind--I could see it all playing out as I was reading.

  2. Is there no end to the new genres PRP will take on? Congratulations, Deborah on the publication of A Cat in Jackboots.

    1. Sean, love to stretch our wings here and boy, are we excited about Deborah's stories!

    2. I so love with PRP is doing and so thrilled to be releases new stories (and soon older ones, too) with this great new publisher. I am not sure what possessed me to dash off on the Regency world, when Cheryl asked if I would write a story for them. I just it was just Fate. Thanks, Sean!

  3. Deborah, since the excerpt was so intriguing, I will have to read the rest. Welcome again and this looks to be a great story to start a new line. Congratulations. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines-author

    1. Doris, you will love this story. I want to be Deborah when I grow up. LOL She's an awesome author!

    2. Thank you Doris/Angela.

      The story was great fun to pen. A department from my lighter paranormal contemporary romances and the heavy historicals. I just really enjoyed penning the story, so hope it brings a smile to readers. Thanks!!

  4. As the white rabbit said, "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date. I almost missed my release on this story I penned. I had a fall, and unfortunately my laptop was in my arms as the crash occurred. Needless to say my harddrive didn't appreciate been smashed around. I was promised a new computer by last Thursday, but naturally "over-night" delivery guaranteed is NOT guaranteed. The new lappy arrived two hours ago so I am rushing about in a dither trying catch up.

    Thanks the ladies at PRP so much for giving me the chance to write this wonderful story. If Cheryl hadn't approached me I might not have ever written this particular tale. I cannot thank you enough!!

    1. Deborah, the pleasure is ours! We're so glad to have you with us, dear lady!
