Friday, September 18, 2015

#NewRelease: Robbing Banks, Stealing Hearts – and a #Giveaway

Sometimes things just happen.

When I sat down to write “The Worst Outlaw in the West” — the first of two stories that compose Robbing Banks, Stealing Hearts — I intended to write the kind of tale I typically write: granite-jawed, hardhearted, mean-as-a-snake SOB redeemed by a good woman’s love.

What I wrote was a romp about an inept bank robber and a bossy spinster who can’t get out of their own way, much less anybody else’s. Where did I go wrong?

I think I must’ve been hitting the sweet iced tea a little too hard. That stuff’ll bite you if you’re not careful.

Following Laredo (the alleged bank robber) and Prudence (the spinster) around was a lot of fun. I don’t usually write entirely from the seat of my pants, but those two refused to go anywhere near the rough outline I thought I’d be using. Sometimes all you can do is hang on for the ride.

I certainly never intended to write a related story, but the moment Laredo mentioned his older brother’s name, I was sunk. Tombstone. That’s not a name you can blithely sweep aside and go on about your business. Honest: The name came out of thin air, as did the plot for the story.

Seriously, though: When you’ve got a safecracking-challenged bank robber named Tombstone, how much plot do you need? Add a fake gypsy, a couple of stray ghosts… “Family Tradition” went everywhere except where I expected it to go, too.

Sometimes things just happen.

If you’re lucky, they work out pretty well. You’ll have to judge that for yourself.

Robbing Banks, Stealing Hearts is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, and Apple’s iBooks.
Everyone should have a career at which they excel. At failing to commit crimes, nobody is better than Laredo and Tombstone Hawkins. Maybe they can bumble their way into love.

The Worst Outlaw in the West
Laredo Hawkins has one ambition: to redeem his family’s honor by pulling the first successful bank robbery in the Hawkins clan’s long, disappointing history. Spinster Prudence Barrett is desperate to save her family’s bank from her brother’s reckless investments. A chance encounter between the dime-novel bandit and the old maid may set the pair on a path to infamy…if either can find a map.

Family Tradition
Haunted by his kin’s tradition of spectacular failure, bank robber Tombstone Hawkins is honor-bound to prove his family tree produced at least one bad apple. When carnival fortuneteller Pansy Gilchrist tries to help, she accidentally summons a pair of dishonest-to-goodness ghosts. Getting into the spirit of a crime is one thing…but how do you get the spirits out?

I’ll give an E-BOOK of Robbing Banks, Stealing Hearts to one of today’s commenters. Here’s the question: Do you prefer “serious” romance or romantic comedy?


  1. I'm honestly not avoiding the question when I say I like both. I like a good serious romance where the happy ever after comes after a whole lot of work, but stories that have comedy in them are uplifting. Even serious stories need at least an occasional funny quip between the characters.
    Robbing Banks, Stealing Hearts is, first of all, a great title. If the characters drug you around that just says you had to write this one their way. I love that you named his brother Tombstone and that you have a story for him, too. You keep drinking that sweet tea, darlin', and send me some while you're at it. Maybe it's that Texas water. It must have some goofy gobs in it.
    Can't wait to get my hands on this story. All the best to you, Kathleen.

    1. Thank you, Sarah. You always make me giggle. I'll send you a big ol' pitcher of Texas sweet iced tea. You'll have to sit on your porch fanning yourself while you drink it. :-D

  2. Kathleen, I loved both of these stories so much. You have strong characters and "who-knows-what's-gonna-happen" plots. Wonderful reading! It's hard for me to write comedy at all. I always admire anyone who can add a little bit of laughter into their stories and make it work.

    1. Thanks, Okie. I've written plenty of humorous columns and blog posts, but these two stories were my first forays into humorous fiction. I had so much fun, I may just try it again!

      I figure life is too short to take everything seriously. Folks can laugh or cry along the way, and they get the choice. Choose wisely. :-)

  3. It was delivered to my device last night. Of course finding time to read them...
    Still, I loved Laredo and can't wait for Tombstone to mess up also. You do have the gift of storytelling and light hearted reads are wonderful. A nice break from the hard eyes stare. I for one would enjoy more like these two. (That's my two cents worth..get it two. Nevermind)
    Congratulations! Doris

    1. LOL, Doris! I hope to write some more humorous stories, but that depends on the characters. They have a funny way of designing their own lives, the reprobates. :-D

  4. Please don't make me choose. I enjoy both. Can't wait to read.

    1. Okay, Alisa, I won't make you choose. :-D

      I hope you enjoy the stories. They're...different. :-)

  5. I guess I like more serious romance, but I'm game for anything. Both stories are great fun. Sometimes you have to just throw that outline out the window. Good for you, Tex, to practice spontaneity. Maybe that's why you were drunk on sweet tea!! A great collection you have here. Wishing you bunches of luck on it. :-)

    1. Thanks, Kristy. I probably read more "serious" romance than romantic comedy, but like you I'm game for anything. Sometimes a break from the usual is a treat.

      Control freak that I am, I'm not good with spontaneity. This time it just happened to work. Maybe I'll try it more often.

      Thanks for the good wishes! :-)

  6. I like both. After it really depends on the story, doesn't it.

    1. You're absolute right, Maxine! Enjoying the story is the reason we read, isn't it?

      Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  7. Your stories sound like an absolute blast to read. I'm usually drawn to the serious stuff I guess because the characters appear to have more complexity. But this is a serious world and the idea of kicking back and having a rocking good reading experience sounds wonderful. Great therapy.

    1. It IS good therapy. That's one of the reasons I enjoy Jacquie Rogers' stories so much. They're lighthearted, humorous, and fun to read -- a great escape from everyday life.

      I enjoy serious stories, too -- in fact, that's what I usually write. These two were a great break, though.

      Thanks for dropping in, Vella!

  8. Hello Kathleen (see? I'm nice today... very very nice) :)
    I like both. But what I like best is when some lighter elements appear in a serious story. After all, life isn't always serious, right? I'm really curious to get to reading this one. The title alone appeals to this Petit Hibou, very much, indeed. Congrats, mon amie.

    1. It's about time you were nice, Petit Hibou. I'm wondering if you're ill. ;-)

      Merci pour les félicitations, ma chère. I hope you enjoy these stories. I've plopped your name into the drawing. HUGS!!!!

  9. Kathleen,

    I hate that I'm a fence straddler on your question, but both romantic comedy and serious romance stories appeal to me. But since you twisted my arm to make a choice, I'll go with serious romance with humorous aspects thrown in. lololol

    Congratulations on this double release. I've read both and thoroughly enjoyed them (and this double feature magically arrived on my Kindle today) *grin*

    1. Kaye, even when you decide to get off the fence, you straddle the fence. Nice job! :-D

      Thanks for buying the book. I actually made some changes to both stories, so anyone who's read them before will find some stuff they didn't encounter the first time around.

      I wish I'd given the Hawkins boys more brothers. Maybe some members of their gang need stories of their own...

  10. Answer: I like both, especially written by you! You do have a way about you that is downright mesmerizing. I wish had just a pinch of your talent for comedic writing. Can't seem to do it.
    Congratulations on this super romance duo, and boy, did Livia outdo herself on that cover!

    1. Celia, you always make me feel so good. The feeling is mutual about story-writing. Your talent at character development and making even the smallest slices of life into engaging, enduring stories to which anyone can relate in unmatched. You're on my must-read list.

      Livia did do a fantastic job on that cover, didn't she? When she asked me for suggestions, I had nothing. The cover she created is perfect for both stories. How does she do that?

  11. I love the happy stories whether they are serious or in the vein of Jacquie Rogers type there is always a laugh mixed in. Sometimes after a really heavy duty serious day ( I am a veterinary nurse) having a fun story really helps me to relax.

    1. Lynda, I didn't realize you're a veterinary nurse. That's got to be a tough job. I couldn't handle it, but I admire those who work in that field.

      Romance stories are a great escape from everyday life, aren't they? The happy ending gets me every time.

      Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  12. I love romantic comedy. Life is too serious--you need to have some laughter in there somewhere. And romance can be taken too seriously also. It's those little moments when a couple learns to laugh together that warms the heart. C

    1. Diane, I love the way you put that! Like life, fiction should include some laughs -- or at least a chuckle or two -- shouldn't it?

      Thanks for coming by today! I've plopped your name into the Stetson. :-)

  13. I just like a well written story, never mind whether it's serious or comedic. Or maybe it depends on my mood? Look, if it's a western, it has to be good (isn't there an ad that uses that line?) Glad you went with the flow, Kathleen--sounds like a winner.

    1. Thanks, Andi!

      I think mood has a lot to do with what folks read in general, regardless the genre.

      I'm so glad you stopped by! :-)

  14. Kathleen, I love all romances (well not erotica--I like them from sweet to hot and spicy though), esp. historicals but do enjoy paranormals and contemporaries also. I love humor in the stories or sassiness and spunk that tickles you deep inside as well as a serious heart-felt, tear jerking ones. As long as they are written well, take me to that location and allow me to be right there with the characters--I'm sold. Have your book on my Kindle and look forward to reading both stories. Wishing you the best. I said it before on another site, I love that cover--very, very nice.

    1. Aw. Thanks for buying the book, Bev. I'm looking forward to your next!

      I've read erotica, but I realized pretty quickly that I was skipping the sex scenes so I could get back to the story. That doesn't seem in keeping with the reason people write erotica. :-D I enjoy spicy romances, but some of the spiciest I've read had everything to do with the characters' emotional interaction. Without ever inserting tab A into slot B, they singed the pages. I agree with you: Take me to a location and drop me right between the characters, and I'm sold.

      Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  15. And the winner of ROBBING BANKS, STEALING HEARTS IS...


    Lynda, I'll be in touch shortly.

    Thanks to everyone for coming by and commenting! I really enjoyed reading your answers to the question. BIG HUGS, y'all!!!
