Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Upcoming Christmas in July event: 'A Gift of Christmas Hope' video by Kaye Spencer

With the Prairie Rose Pubications' Christmas in July event right around the corner (24th), I'm sharing my brand spanking new book video for my story contribution to the festivities. My story, A Gift of Christmas Hope, is from the 2014 Wild Texas Christmas anthology.

Until next time,



  1. Nice, Kaye! Your videos are always so short and yet evocative. How do you do that?

    (You posted this on the PRP YouTube channel, right? :-) )

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. :-) As far as posting this video to the PRP YouTube channel...

      Internet and YouTube haven't been playing nicely with me, so I've not been successful in uploading videos. But I will prevail. *evil grin*

      (aside) I've had sporadic Internet connectivity for 36 hours or so...pffssst

    2. In fact, I battled with Blogger/Google to even get this video uploaded into this post. When it finally *took*, the video played WITHOUT audio. So, I stepped away from Blogger and hoped it would work itself out by the time it went live.

      Whew! lol

  2. Very nice, Kaye! An inspiration to us all. I've done little slideshow videos for the grandkids and family history projects. It looks like I need to get busy and follow your example and put one together for my books.

    Robyn Echols w/a Zina Abbott

    1. Robyn,

      I love making book videos, but it is soooooo time-consuming. :-)

  3. What a great idea! And it's a terrific video – perfect music and very eye-catching!

    1. Lorrie,

      Thanks. The music is often the biggest challenge. It can take hours of listening to selection after selection until you find just the right sound to capture the feel of the video.

  4. Kay, all I can say is WOW!! GREAT VIDEO. I really LIKED IT.

  5. Yay! Looks fantastic. Congratulations on your hard work. I know for a 30 second clip it took a long time to put that together. Well done.

  6. Kaye, I want to be YOU when I grow up--I want to know how to do these videos--you do them so well. I really do love this one!
