Friday, July 24, 2015

Christmas in July at Prairie Rose Publications!
Yee-haw! It’s finally here: Prairie Rose Publications’ second-annual Christmas in July. All of the Roses have been a mite excited for weeks now. The event stirred up the corral something fierce, not least because twenty of us wrote the short stories, novellas, and novels that are part of the event. We were sworn to secrecy until yesterday, when the corral gate opened and the herd spilled out a-whoopin’ and a-hollerin’.

Do you know how hard it is to keep a secret like that? PRP founders Cheryl Pierson and Livia Washburn Reasoner had their hands full muzzling the herd.

The first Christmas in July around these parts contained only six Christmas short stories written by the six original Prairie Roses. This year’s special sale contains a total of twenty-five heart-warming volumes overflowing with tales about love all year round, plus two additional collections of traditional westerns. Most are priced at 99 cents; five of the ebooks are $1.99 because they contain two stories each.

Is that a deal, or what?

Here’s a quick look at the twenty-one ebooks that released today. Aren’t the covers fantastic? After creating every single one of them all by her lonesome, Livia deserves a break, don’t you think?

Many of this year’s Christmas in July short stories were published last year in one of PRP’s popular anthologies. If you’ve been waiting to try a story by a writer whose work you haven’t read, now is a great time to curl up with a heart-melting tale that will sweep you away to the Wild West. At 99 cents, how can you go wrong? And who knows? You may discover a new favorite author.

Six of the novels on sale for 99 cents have been available for a few months and are some of PRP’s most popular offerings.

More than a few of the Christmas in July stories were written by award-winning and best-selling authors, including James Reasoner and Livia Washburn Reasoner, two of the western genre’s enduring favorites. Some of the ebooks made Amazon’s Top 100 lists during the pre-sale period. (Thank you, early birds!)

You can find more information about all of these extra-special releases on a special page at the PRP website. Take a look. We bet you’ll find something you like.

Because we’re always looking for an excuse to kick up our heels with readers and friends, the Prairie Rose family will host one of our infamous Facebook Fandangos on July 27 and 28. Twenty-one authors will be there to stir things up. RSVP by clicking on the image.

Come join the festivities! The Roses will be giving away lots and lots of prizes, including ebooks and autographed print books, jewelry, Amazon gift cards, cowboy gift bags, and other western gear anyone would love to win.

As a heartfelt thank you for joining us in this celebration of PRP authors and their work, we’ll gift an ebook to several of today’s blog visitors. Simply comment below to be entered in the drawing. Winners will be picked at random and will get to choose their prize from the list of today’s twenty-one new releases.

Thanks for stopping by, and merry Christmas in July!


  1. WHAT? I'm the first commenter? Where is everyone? LOL Many, many thanks to Jacquie, and Kathleen for getting this together and doing such a great job of it. Christmas is magic, but Christmas in July doesn't "just happen"! And thanks to Livia for all her hard work on making these glorious covers and getting everything formatted and up and running at all our vendor sites!

    We sure have some talented authors and are so glad to be able to do this every year (well, okay, this is our SECOND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS IN JULY, but we've done it every year for two years straight!) LOL

    Congratulations to everyone who has a story in the mix here, and let's make sure we keep up the good work so we can celebrate Christmas in July every year to come!


    1. If we do more celebrating each year, we'll bury the planet in PRP books! :-D

    2. Bury? That sounds like a good lead in to an ear worm experience...



    3. GAH! The Earworm Empress strikes again!

  2. Damn! and here I thought I'd be the first commenter. Oh well! :)
    Seriously, congrats to everyone who has a story. This is great. It will be my first Annual Christmas in July with you all. It will be fun, I'm sure. And yep, Kathleen, the planet will be buried under tons of PRP books. Now, the question is, is that a blessing or a curse? Hmmm... let me ponder that one, okay?

    Okay, ponder done: a blessing... of course, it's a blessing.

    1. We love you, Petite Hibou!

      YOU have been the blessing this year. We hope you'll bless us for many years to come.


    2. Liette, I almost thought I had come to the wrong place when I saw I was the first commenter. LOL I'm NEVER the first commenter. So glad you come over and we'll see you at the FANDANGO!

  3. Well, you are some of my favorite authors, so I'll have to attend your fandango--plus load up my Kindle.

    1. YAY, Caroline! We're always happy to have you join us. Looking forward to it!

  4. I am excited about the releases and the Fandango! I look forward to reading all the great stories. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Cissie! You're joining us at the Fandango, right? It wouldn't be a party without you! :-)

  5. I'm tickled to be associated with a pub company that works so hard to showcase their writers' works. For putting together the Christmas in July sale and the Fandango thanks go out to Cheryl, Livia, Kathleen, Jacquie and anyone else who had a part. Love you folks. Now I have to go Kindle shopping.

    1. Agnes, you're one of the herd, too. It takes a herd to...well, do whatever herds do. ;-)

      Seriously, everyone at PRP works hard to make the group more of a family than a publishing company. We're glad to have you as one of the Roses! :-)

    2. Kristy, Tracy, and Doris are amazing helpers, too. We keep 'em happy with a jug of rotgut and they keep shoveling. Well, we're shoveling, too, but we have to keep our flasks in our vest pockets. LOL. Truth is, Tex and I couldn't do anything like this if Cheryl and Livia weren't bound and determined to run a quality company--people first. PRP authors know that those two have their backs.

    3. Thanks, Jacquie. That's the #1 thing Livia and I talked about when we decided to open PRP--we wanted a "home" for our authors -- not just a business. That's what makes a difference. And it sure has with our great group! We love each and every one of you!

    4. And Agnes, we are so glad to have you in our "herd". LOL We love you, too!

  6. Replies
    1. Yee-haw! Livia, I've forgotten -- are you bringin' the whiskey or the tequila?

  7. Wonderful stories here! I can't wait!!

    1. One of those wonderful stories is yours! I loved Christmas Treasure. It's classic Lorrie Farrelly. :-)

  8. I'll be ready to party! Happy birthday to Cheryl and me while we kick up our heels at the Christmas in July Fandango. What a way to celebrate. Yee-haw! (BTW, A Gift for Rhoda has the best cover, if I do say so myself. Yep, this is a throw-down. Any takers?

    1. I'll see your A Gift for Rhoda and see you The Last Three Miles -- which is hands down the best cover in the lot. Of course, it's tough to beat the cover for The Dumont Brand, I must say.

    2. Those are good covers, all right, but have to say I adore the cover Livia designed for my story. That's the first draft! I've never not had something to change about a cover, but Livia went yard on this one. So A Gift for Rhoda wins. Actually, Livia wins. We all win. We are a lucky bunch!

    3. Jacquie, now you know not to challenge Tex! She will always take you up on it. LOL I agree--Livia outdid herself (I say that every single time!) on these covers, and it was not easy to come up with so many wonderful ones over such a short time period--but she put on her Wonder Woman outfit and DID IT!

  9. Oh NO! I missed it! I was thinking it was Sat night! This new puppy and kitty has me all worn out. So sorry I missed it, but I will be getting most of your books. No margaritas for me....sigh ((: Congrats all of you on all your Christmas in July stories! :)

  10. WooHoo! So very happy for everyone, this is a great Christmas in July for readers and authors. Doris
