Friday, June 12, 2015

Anthology Submission Deadlines are Looming

Anthologies are popular with Prairie Rose Publications readers. That’s why the company publishes several each year. As one reviewer noted, “It’s nice to find so many good stories all in one place.” Readers frequently mention how Prairie Rose anthologies have introduced them to new favorite authors.

Right now, four calls for submission are open at two of PRP’s imprints: Fire Star Press and Sundown Press. More anthologies are planned for 2015, so keep an eye out for those calls for submission, as well.

For the time being, get your stories in for these. Email completed manuscripts, attached as a Word document, to Editor-in-Chief Cheryl Pierson at Please put the title of the anthology in the subject line.

Nine Deadly Lives: An Anthology of Feline Felonies
Imprint: Fire Star Press
Theme: cats and mystery
Length: 6,000 to 8,000 words
Deadline: August 1, 2015

Cats...charming, lovable creatures or deadly, razor-clawed predators? This mixture of the sweet and the dangerous is one of the things that makes cats endlessly fascinating and appealing. Got a story featuring one or more feline fiends? Send it in!

No graphic violence, sex, or excessive cursing, please.

Memories from Maple Street, USA
Imprint: Sundown Press
Theme: childhood memories
Length: 1,500 to 3,000 words
Deadline: September 1, 2015

Growing up is a miraculous time. The journey from the freedom of childhood to the workaday life of modern adults is filled with both poignancy and wonder, but everyone experiences a turning point when he or she knows the world has shifted and nothing will ever be the same.

From the touching to the humorous, the inspirational to the adventurous, if you have a childhood memory you’ll never forget, now is the time to put pen to paper and recount that special moment.

Memories from Maple Street, USA: The Best Christmas Ever
Imprint: Sundown Press
Theme: childhood Christmas memories
Length: 1,500 to 3,000 words
Deadline: November 1, 2015

Christmas is a time of wonder and joy, especially for children. Can you remember one special childhood Christmas that stood out from all the rest? Maybe you received a present you’d wanted more than anything else...or perhaps a loved one came home unexpectedly. Amidst all the excitement and fond memories of family and loved ones, maybe you had a quiet moment or two to think about the true meaning of Christmas...and that was the best Christmas of all.

Wander back down Memory Lane and put your pen to paper. We look forward to helping you share the best Christmas ever.

A Song to Remember
Imprint: Fire Star Press
Theme: the music of life and love
Length: 15,000 to 25,000 words
Heat: sweet to spicy (no erotica, please)
Deadline: January 1, 2016

Some song titles evoke memories not only of the song, but also of the time…the era…the place. They call for stories all their own. At Prairie Rose Publications imprint Fire Star Press, evocative songs from days gone by inspired a new line of novella-length stories: A Song to Remember. Each book in the series will be what we call a “duet,” because each will contain two romantic tales. The two stories in each volume will be set in the same decade and share a common theme.

Someone to Watch Over Me: 1940s—Paranormal
This novella duet lends itself to all kinds of intrigue. Stories should be set in the 1940s. We’re not looking for graphic horror or sex—just an “aha” moment and the inevitable decision: What will your hero or heroine do when they discover exactly who—or what—watches over them?

If I Loved You: 1950s—Misunderstood love
Lovers misunderstand one another in so many ways and for so many reasons. Events, people, places, things…any and all of them can get in the way of a happily-ever-after ending. The possibilities are endless. How will your hero and heroine meet and surmount the challenge?

This Magic Moment: 1960s—A revealing moment changes everything
The 1960s was one of the most turbulent decades in American history. “Free love,” rock-and-roll, and the civil rights movement changed society daily. In these stories, a revelation changes everything. What magic moment will drive your story?

Wonderful Tonight: 1970s—Can true love happen in just one night?
As impossible as it seems, some couples do find love at first sight…or at least in one night. We’re looking for tales about couples who may be barely acquainted or perhaps just met. What kind of wonderful—or maybe not so wonderful—night brings your characters to the brink of true love? These stories should be no hotter than spicy.

I’m On Fire: 1980s—Unlikely love blossoms
What would make your hero or heroine fall so in love with his or her polar opposite as to say “I’m on Fire”? If you have a story set in the 1980s about any unlikely pair, we’d love to see it. Make the story sizzle: This duet will be spicy to hot.

Wicked Game: 1990s—Circumstances aren’t always what they seem
In these two stories, love or desire drives characters to do things they otherwise would not have considered. Friends, family, or life itself might conspire against the couple, trapping them in a web of deceit, forcing them to work together to survive a threat...or simply reevaluate the way they view the world. It’s up to you to determine the reasoning and rules for love’s wicked game.

More information about these and all other submission opportunities at the Prairie Rose Publications family of imprints may be found on the Calls for Submission page at the website.


  1. Thank you for the update. I'm actually working in something. Yes, I'm writing during the summer while holding down the 'jobs'. Doris

    1. Yee-haw, Doris! I'm glad you're getting some writing done. We need more Angela Raines stories! :-)

  2. My Duet is being thunk out as I write my H and H named and hooks bring baited....💕

    1. Mine ain't even that far along, Tanya. I think I done thunk myself into a hole. And you're ahead of the game, darn you! :-D

  3. I don't have a horse in this race, but the story topics/themes are intriguing.

    1. Maybe you should enter a horse in the race, Kaye. :-)

    2. I do consider it occasionally, but I'd better keep my horse corralled while I tend to the books I need to republish as second editions. Must build up my back list...again. *sigh*

    3. I just experienced the rewriting nightmare with a short story published in WILD TEXAS CHRISTMAS. At least baldness means I don't have to worry about what my hair looks like. I can't imagine what what that must be like to revise a novel.

      Keep at it! Folks really need more Kaye Spencer stories to read -- starting with me!

    4. It's early in the morning on Sunday. Ignore all the extra words and poor grammar, please. :-D

  4. Paranormal 40's and Misunderstood 50's are both calling to me. I have 2 heroes I could work into these time periods, but I have a novel length I'm working on and I've learned I can't switch out what I'm writing on or I'll get stuck in WB hell.

    1. I've got ideas for the '40s, '50s, '60s, and '90s. The trick is getting any of them to sit still long enough to find a legitimate plot! :-D

      You've got time, Sarah. The deadline for the Song to Remember duets isn't until January 2016. Write faster! ;-)

  5. I am totally dueting!!! Just have to find the right song....

  6. I am totally dueting!!! Just have to find the right song....
