Thursday, May 7, 2015

#NewRelease -- EYES LIKE THE SEA by Gil McDonald -- #Giveaway!

I’d been thinking recently about the sea, and how I hadn’t been there in a while, which started me thinking that there were some people who had never even seen the sea. Then the story started with the simple idea in my head that a man had an powerful urge to get to the sea before he died.

I really wanted to create a good wounded hero, the sort we all like to read about, but as so often happens with writing, the woman quickly showed herself to be a wounded heroine too. Lucas Brody stopped his trip to the sea in order to help Martha, with the intention of carrying on his journey once she had recovered. Lucas soon becomes the wounded hero I had originally envisaged after being bushwhacked and tortured following a visit to the recovering Martha.

I think that, as with most writers, I fell in love with Lucas Brown-Eyes Brody as I was writing him, and I hope the reader falls in love with him as they read about him too.


When Lucas Brody stops by a small farm to ask for water for his horse, a beautiful young woman greets him with a pistol in hand. Martha Thompson soon realizes she’s made a mistake—she needs this drifter’s help desperately.

Exhausted, alone, and afraid, Martha collapses and must rely on this stranger for her very life. But can she trust him? Someone is trying steal her land.

Luke vows to discover who is tearing down her fences—and manages to put himself directly in harm’s way. Bushwhacked, tortured, and left for dead by the ruthless gang of outlaws, he struggles back to the farm—only to find it has been burned down. Time is short, and Luke has a decision to make. He’ll do anything to protect Martha, the woman he’s come to love...the woman with EYES LIKE THE SEA...


    At her request, Lucas had turned his horse without another word and started to head off her land, still shaking his head at her reply.
    Hell and damnation, she’s a stubborn little beauty, and no mistake. A pretty, china doll, bloody cantankerous mule of a woman. Why in the hell is she trying to keep up the pretense? Anyone with half an eye can see there’s no man about the place.
    Lucas frowned, but kept riding away. Then he heard it again. Her voice was so weak, it was no wonder he’d hardly heard it the first time.
    “Please…Wait… Mister Brody. I—Oh…Please.”
    Lucas turned his horse to see the woman leaning against the veranda post, looking even more fragile and doll-like now than she had a moment ago. One hand pressed tight to her chest and the other stretched toward him like a sleepwalker.

Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ebook of EYES LIKE THE SEA.

BUY LINKS:    Barnes and Noble              Smashwords    


  1. Good morning, Gil!

    Congrats on the new release. I enjoyed the teaser and have added Eyes to my TBR list. Though I sure wouldn't mind winning the copy.

    1. Thank you for coming by Alisa, And for adding Eyes tp you list, I hope you enjoy it!

  2. It does sound amazing. I hope to read it and am adding to my list. Thanks

  3. What a great oxcerpt. I can just imagine, no I can see the whole scene. Now to read the story. Congratulations! Doris

    1. Thank you for those kind words Doris, and for dropping by today.

  4. Congratulations on your new release. It looks like a great one. I look forward to reading it.

    Robyn Echols w/a Zina Abbott

  5. Congratulations on your new release. It looks like a great one. I look forward to reading it.

    Robyn Echols w/a Zina Abbott

  6. Sounds wonderful, Jill! Congrats on the release!!

    1. Thank you Kristy, and thanks for coming by.

  7. Congratulations on your new release. I gotta ask, does the hero ever get to see the ocean? You probably don't want to give away any spoilers, but I just had to ask. Boy oh boy, it's a wonder if these two can survive with both of them in such a terrible fix. That'll make it mighty interesting. I remember feeling suffocated when I lived in Nebraska for a year because it's land locked with thousands of miles between it and the ocean.
    I wish you great success, Jill, with Eyes Like the Sea.

    1. Hi Sarah. Nice to see you here. Not going to give that away I'm afraid! I really love the sea and can't get to it now, it always takes away my troubles. I think any large expanse of water can do that though. Thank you for your lovely comments.

  8. Jill, better late than never! We've been having some really rough weather, as has Livia in her part of the world just south of me. Congratulations on EYES LIKE THE SEA! It's a wonderful story. I really did enjoy it and my goodness, a wounded hero--you know that just grabs me!

    I'll be looking for more of these great stories coming from you, English Rose!

  9. Hi Cheryl! Thanks for dropping by. Hope the weather doesn't cause too many real problems for you all there. Thanks for your lovely comments. I know you like a wounded hero, but I just can't write them like you can!!

  10. Okay ladies, its time for the draw! And the winner is - Debby! Give me your email address Debby and I'll send you the details how to get the book. Congratulations!
