Thursday, May 28, 2015

#NewRelease--ANAM CARA by Keena Kincaid -- #Giveaway!

While hiking Hadrian’s Wall trail in northern England, Keena Kincaid came up with the idea of a medieval murder-mystery with a minstrel sleuth. At some point, her hero opted to woo the local innkeeper instead, and the murder-mystery transformed into an historical romance—a lucky break for the intended victim. In addition to ANAM CARA, she’s written TIES THAT BIND and ENTHRALLED, sequels to ANAM CARA that will be released from Prairie Rose Publications in the summer of 2015.

Bran ap Owen knows it’s “once to die, then the judgment,” but his hell is to live again and again until he rights an ancient wrong. Unlike other souls caught up on the karmic wheel, he remembers the past—and he always remembers her—his ANAM CARA.

Liza of Carlisle knows nothing of the vow trapping her in Bran’s judgment, yet when he walks into her inn, their instant connection is unnerving. She fights her heart, knowing instinctively this wanderer could destroy the life she loves.

Determined to repair the damage of his first betrayal, Bran uses his visions and the knowledge of a thousand years to court Liza. But Fate conspires against them once more—Liza has secrets of her own. When an evil nobleman, Wakefield, determines to have her young daughter, Tess, Liza is pitted against a danger from which there may be no escape.

Bran regains Liza’s fragile trust, but a fresh betrayal threatens their last hope for love. They both stand to lose everything dear to them in their lives, including one another…again…

Can Bran stop the death of his brother? Can he save Tess from Wakefield’s formidable power? Will he finally be able to make things right with Liza, his ANAM CARA…his unforgettable forever love?

     Her head snapped up. Hatred painted her eyes a brilliant hue. He held steady, never wavering from the single thread that held true in this tangled knot that was his life. He was Roman first, a soldier second, and a man who loved her third.
     “Why? There is no one left to kill me but you.”
     “You will live.”
     “And what is the value of being the only one left?” Her voice was soft, yet deeper than one would imagine from a woman graced with such feminine bounty. It reflected neither her face nor her body, but her power. She was a force that set his blood thrumming and his body reeling. That he still breathed was a sign that she truly loved him. “You promised protection.”
     “You will live.”
     “And I will live alone.”

To enter a drawing for a free copy of ANAM CARA be sure and leave a comment.

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  1. A mesmerizing piece. Looking forward to this one. Thank you and welcome. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    1. Thanks, Doris. I look forward to becoming part of the extended Prairie Rose family.


  2. Keena, you know how much I love your stories, but I have to say it again. LOL This is such a great story--enjoyed it so much and I'm looking forward to getting the others out there, too. So glad to have you with us here at PRP!

    1. Glad to be here, Cheryl. I'm excited to be here, and I'm so glad you like Anam Cara.

  3. Keena, this sounds like a great story. I love the medieval times. I can't wait to read this one! Good luck to you!

    1. Thanks, I hope you enjoy reading Anam Cara as much as I loved writing it.

  4. It did it again. Oh my what am I doing wrong. Ok third try and then I'm done with this. Congratulations on your new release. I have not read many medieval books except for Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. What little girl hasn't dreamed of being a princess. Welcome to Prairie Rose and here is wishing you many sales.

    1. Thanks, Barbara. My heroine isn't a princess, per se, but her hero is a thousand times better than a knight in shining armor.

  5. Congratulations on the new release, Keena! Although I must admit I'm woefully ignorant about the medieval period, I'm eager to read ANAM CARA. I love the mystic aspects hinted at in the blurb, and the excerpt really caught my attention. I've already loaded a copy onto my Kindle. :-)

    1. Thanks, Kathleen. I hope you like it.

  6. Congrats on your new release, Keena! And nice to meet a new author. I love the medieval period, whether the story is happening in Europe, Asia or anywhere else in the world. Love the blurb and the excerpt and find both intriguing. Looking forward to discovering your stories. Once gain, congrats.

    1. Hi, Liette. I'm glad to be here.

  7. Hi Keena, and welcome. I adore Medieval and I think I already told you I plan to write one some time in the future. ANAM CARA sounds awesome. Wishing you much success. Great cover too.

    1. Hi, Beverly. Good luck on writing your own medieval. I hope you like ANAM CARA. It was fun to write.

  8. Thanks Keena. Sounds like a fine read. I love offbeat historical romances. Good luck!

  9. Congratulations on the new release, Keena! I'm anxious to read it.

  10. Thanks Keena. Sounds like a fine read. I love offbeat historical romances. Good luck!

  11. I like the idea of the "Karmic Wheel" and the need for his redemption. I think you have one terrific story here, Keena. Welcome to our group. I wish you tremendous success with ANAM CARA. All the best to your corner of the universe.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I've always wondered what would happen if someone remembered their past lives. It was fun to explore that 'what if.'

  12. Kirsten Lynn is the winner in the drawing for a free copy of ANAM CARA! Thanks everyone, for coming by and welcoming to the family. I hope you all enjoy ANAM CARA as much as I did.

  13. Another great story. Have to get it

  14. Congratulations, Keena. Your novel sounds like a winner. I look forward to reading it.

    Robyn Echols writing as Zina Abbott
