Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A New Era Comes to Prairie Rose Publications

From cowboys, Indians, outlaws, and lawmen to saloon keepers, lawyers, and soldiers, the western historical romance at Prairie Rose Publications is as wild as the West itself. Action-packed or soft and sensual, PRP's novels, novellas, anthologies, and quick reads feature strong heroines who tame their heroes' hearts with a love as big and bold as the frontier.

That's always been our focus, and it always will be.

As people mature, they add new interests and new skills to their repertoire. The same is true of companies. Over a period of slightly less than two years, PRP has created five additional imprints, each with its own set of genres: Fire Star Press, Painted Pony Books, Tornado Alley publications, Sundown Press, and Prayers & Promises Publications. All of them exist because authors requested an opportunity to work with PRP.

Today, PRP announces the addition of a new line under the Prairie Rose Publications umbrella. The Medieval line will bear the Prairie Rose Publications banner and bring to life the best in Medieval romance. Kings, knights, knaves, warriors, and swashbucklers will fight to their dying breath for their fair lady's love.

The first Medieval release will bow Thursday, May 28. Keena Kincaid's Anam Cara is the tale of a man who must live over and over again until he rights an ancient wrong...and claims the heart of the woman he has loved since time began. The novel is available for pre-order now at

If you've written a Medieval story of any length, Editor-in-Chief Cheryl Pierson wants to see it. Query her at

Welcome to the Middle Ages, where heroes and heroines build kingdoms...and loves that will last forever.


  1. I love that PRP continues to grow and offer authors the chance to share their passions and stories with the world. Congratulations to PRP and Keena, best on this story. The plot sounds intriguing. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    1. Doris, we're glad to have YOU as one of those authors. PRP has been blessed with wonderful stories written by passionate storytellers. Here's to many more years of writing from the heart! :-)

  2. CONGRATS on expanding even further back in time!

    1. Livia and Cheryl must be stopped before they take over history as a whole. That's all there is to it. ;-)

  3. Wonderful idea. Congrats PRP... and Keena. There are lots of good Medieval stories out there - including some written by authors who have become friends of mine. Gotta share this. :)

    1. Thanks, Liette! Have I mentioned how much we adore you, petit hibou?

  4. Replies
    1. I know! Cheryl's really looking forward to seeing manuscripts. Personally, I want pirates. After hot cowboys, half-naked pirates are my next favorite. ;-)

  5. This will be fabulous! Congrats PRP!

    1. It's certainly going to be something different! :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Doesn't it? Can't wait to see what covers Livia comes up with. :-)

  7. I'm a fan of Medeival, Looking forward to this, especially as the original Anam Cara is all about the spiritual side of the Celtic world and souls reuniting and all the things I like. I look forward to seeing whats to come!! Good news!

    1. Of course you like the Medieval period, Jill. You're a Brit! :-D

      I'm with you about the spiritual and arcane, though. That's fascinating stuff. :-)

  8. Congrats on the new line!! This is awesome and sounds like the first book out is going to be amazing!

    1. I'm eagerly awaiting Keena's book. Already got it on pre-order. According to the Okie, it's a really good read.

    2. It is awesome, Kathleen. And it's just the first one!

  9. WOW! How exciting! I can't wait to see what our authors come up with.

    1. I know, Barn! As much talent as the Roses have, surely one or two of the existing bouquet will write a Medieval romance. Plus, just imagine all the new authors we'll get to meet (or scare to death, as the case may be ;-) ).

  10. Awesome! My second favorite genre of choice. Then again, cowboys and knights have a lot in common, including the code.

    1. Very true, Trail Boss. In fact, Linda Broday wrote a WHR titled Knight on the Plains. Gotta love chivalrous men, in whatever period they're being chivalrous.

  11. The Medieval line is a wonderful edition to PRP. I love stories in this genre. Big congratulations! Lawsy me, this place is bustin' out at the seams.

    1. Isn't it? Cheryl and Livia must be stopped. ;-)

      I'm not all that familiar with the Medieval period, but I hope to become so very shortly through some excellent historical romance.

    2. Um...YOU are the one that came up with that sexy, gorgeous, wonderful trailer, Kathleen...

    3. Hush, Okie! People will think I know what I'm doing. I have a reputation for cluelessness to maintain, you know.

  12. Congrats, PRP! And thanks for more opportunities for readers and writers. I actually have an ancient medieval rusting away in the hard drive that might warrant a dusting off... Best wishes on this great new book and line.

    1. Oh, good! Send that puppy to Cheryl, Tanya! You were one of the first to publish under the inspy imprint. Why not under the new Medieval line, as well? Your stories are always so good. :-)

    2. Yes, Tanya! Get it out and look it over and send it my way!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So, I tried to add a congratulatory image to my comment. As you can see by the telltale evidence of the dreaded "blank comment", I had to delete the silly thing. *sigh*

      Anyway, this is exciting news. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!

    2. Blogger is part of Google's evil empire. I wonder if we could get one of those Medieval knights to take on the dragon?

  14. How exciting! PRP is fast becoming one of the bigger and better publishers around for writers and readers. Will look forward to this new genre. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Agnes! When will we see a new story from you? I'm looking forward to it!

    2. Thanks for asking, Kathleen. I actually have a story in the COWBOY CELEBRATIONS coming out this summer. It's my very first adult short story and I'm excited about it. I'm also working on a new book, but it's a western romance, not medieval. I don't think I can handle the knights. Cowboys give me enough flack.

  15. Kathleen, thank you so much for putting this wonderful trailer together for us for the new line and working so hard to get it added to the website and so on. Livia and I appreciate all you do soooo much. Can't even tell you what it means to us as well as the rest of the PRP family and those who are yet to come! We could not do it without you, lady! You're the best!

    1. Of course I am. It's about time you recognized my brilliance. Did I mention I'm also fashion-model gorgeous?

  16. Cheryl and Livia:

    Your energy continues to amaze! You are giving so many wonderful authors room to grow and publish. What a great gift!

    1. Gail, I think for us that's what we enjoy about this business more than anything. And we truly love the "family" of authors we have brought together here at PRP! So many wonderful people and interesting stories!

    2. One of the truly extraordinary things about Prairie Rose is the family atmosphere. Cheryl and Livia have created a home where authors and their stories are more than commodities. I wish everyone could experience the freedom and unprecedented input the Roses enjoy throughout the publication process. :-)

    3. Thanks, Kathleen. If our company can do that, we consider it a success.
