Thursday, April 2, 2015

#NewRelease -- The Widow's Lawman by Kirsten Lynn -- Giveaway!

An outlaw trying to go straight…A widow looking to break a few laws…Two hearts on track for love’s holdup.


Outlaw Jake Avery is handed an ultimatum--hang for his crimes, or become the new Sheriff of Sheridan, Wyoming.  When he chooses the life of a lawman, he doesn’t expect a local widow woman to tangle with his emotions.
Ellie Reed needs Sheridan’s new sheriff to help her rob a train, and recover her late husband’s treasured property. She doesn’t expect the outlaw-turned-sheriff to steal her heart, as well.

As the train barrels through Wyoming, Jake and Ellie plan a robbery to avenge the past. But can they heist a future together?


If she wasn’t such a pain in a man’s ass, Mrs. Reed might be considered attractive by some men’s standards. Her skin wasn’t the milk white of a woman who stayed inside, but was tanned by the sun, testifying that she wore work clothes more often than the fancy get-up she sported today. And her eyes were more of a light caramel than mud brown like his. She wasn’t a plump woman by any means, but she had a woman’s curves and enough meat a man would know he was holding something.
“Now, since I gather you’re not going to offer me a cup of coffee, or any refreshment, I’ll just get down to business.”
Yep, but there it was…that mouth. She opened that mouth, and any softness brewing in Jake disappeared like mountain peaks on a cloudy day.
“Mrs. Reed, I’m pretty busy this mornin’. Fact is, I was headed out when you came in…”
She crossed her small hands over her lap. “No, you weren’t, Sheriff Avery, you were sitting right there in that chair thumbing through handbills.”
“I don’t much like bein’ called a liar, ma’am.” Even when he was one, he reminded himself.
“I’m sorry…” She waved a hand in front of her face as though erasing what she just said. “I’ll be quick. This past week, I’ve been testing you.”
“Testing me?”
“Yes, to see if you’ll do.”
“See if I’ll do what?”
“Help me rob a train.”

Be sure and leave a comment to enter a drawing for a free copy of Kirsten Lynn's latest Novella, The Widow's Lawman.

Buy Links:     B&N Nook             Smashwords            Kobo


  1. I love Kirsten's book. Always an easy 5 star review for me. Beyond that, her support of the military just raises that bar. I can't wait to get off work and start reading!

  2. Cindy, Your words are music to this writer's ears. I'm thrilled you've enjoyed my stories and hope you'll love Jake and Ellie's, as well.

    As for supporting the military. It's been my honor for many years and I hope they'll let me continue for many more.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oops. This sounds like such an exciting read, Kirsten! And Livia has worked her cover magic yet again. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks so much, Connie! It was a fun story to write, but Jake and Ellie aren't ones to let a person sit still for long so it's a wild ride. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Already orderd, but to find time to read this gem, well as soon as I finish my current WIP, I'm all over it. Congratulations and can't wait. Good incentive to finish my own work. Doris

    1. Doris, Thanks so much for ordering a copy of Jake and Ellie's story. I hope it's a real treat after finishing your story. Best of luck with your WIP!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Howdy, Kirsten! Mrs. Reed sounds like like force to be reckoned with. Can't wait to read their story. I'm guessing flames will be flying instead of mere sparks.

    1. Alisa! Thanks so much for stopping by.

      Yes, Ellie is a real firebrand. :) Poor Jake never stood a chance, but then again he wasn't running too fast to get away! Hope you enjoy their story!

  7. Kirsten,

    Oh the choices we throw at our protagonists. *grin* I've already downloaded my very own copy, and I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Too true, Kaye, and poor Jake is in for a wild ride when he makes his choice.

      Sure hope you enjoy Jake and Ellie's story!

      Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. Great story, OF COURSE, Kirsten! LOL I loved Jake and Ellie. And I always love to read books that bring in people that actually lived and incorporate them into the story, too. You did a great job!

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! Jake and Ellie's story evolved from the true story of the Wilcox Train robbery and it was a blast to write.

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  9. From a hangman's noose to lawman seemed to have happened in the real old west more than I ever imagined. I loved the excerpt and I can see you've put some real fireworks into this story, Kirsten. I enjoy flawed heroes and I can see right now Jake Avery is just the hero I like.
    All the best and great success to you, Kirsten. This book is going to be a winner.

    1. It really did, Sarah. I guess the figured they might as well not waste a man they could use. :)

      Jake and Ellie are both flawed and both wonderful with all their flaws. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I appreciate you stopping by today, Sarah!

  10. Kirsten the story line would make such a great movie. I can just see it. Brad Pitt, as Jake, and I'll have to think on feisty love interest for the part of Ellie. Here's wishing you great success and many happy reviews.

  11. Ooooh, I like Brad Pitt for Jake as long as he can still pull off the Legends of the Fall look. :) Anne Hathaway can be pretty feisty, she might be a good Ellie. :)

    Thanks so much for your support, Barb!!

  12. A big THANK YOU all for stopping by today and making this a great book birthday for Jake and Ellie!

    I decided to give away TWO books and Cindy Jones and Alisa Boisclair won an e-copy of THE WIDOWS LAWMAN!

    I'll send you each a PM on Facebook with the code to get your copy through Smashwords.

    Again thanks to all!

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