Saturday, April 4, 2015

Celebrating Robert Randisi's 400th Gunsmith! Meet an author who's written over 700 books.

by Jacquie Rogers

Robert J. Randisi
Normally, I’d write an article on a topic pertaining to Prairie Rose Publications or my own books, but today is very special, so I’m going to write about... a writer’s writer. Several of the Roses know who I’m talking about and have either met him or know him through Western Fictioneers, which is how I know him.

My friends are astounded that I have seven books and a couple dozen short stories published. Well. Robert Randisi has over seven hundred books published and four hundred of those are in one series, The Gunsmith. That’s right, one series. He’s written a book every single month since 1981 in that series.

The four hundredth book just came out April 1. That would be The Gunsmith #400: The Lincoln Ransom. Randisi has several more in the pipe, and I have a hunch that as long as he draws breath, there’ll continue to be a new Gunsmith book for us to look forward to every month. (I hope so!) Originally, the series was published by Jove.  These days, the digital books are published by Piccadilly Publishing and the print books are through Western Trail Blazer.  And wow, the covers are gorgeous!

Kindle | Print
I don’t know about you, but I’m astonished by Robert Randisi’s talent as well as his production and commitment to his career. After reading a few books in this series, it’s obviously why The Gunsmith has dedicated fans and why Randisi should be admired as a talented author and a great storyteller. Yes, he can write most of us under the table when it comes to word count, and he can do that while producing first-class stories. During the time it has taken me to write this blog article, he probably just wrote a couple chapters.

To celebrate, we’re having a Facebook party and I hope you can all drop in for a while. This will be a fun two hours! The first hour, Clint Adams (The Gunsmith) joins us and you can ask him anything you want. Remember, these are adult westerns, so don’t be shy. The second hour, we’ll have Robert Randisi himself, along with his publishers, Mike Stotter from Piccadilly Publishing and Troy Smith at the helm of Western Trail Blazer, along with the president of the Western Fictioneers (and co-owner of Prairie Rose Publications) Cheryl Pierson. Kathleen Rice Adams will be helping me with hosting duties.

April 4
4pm Eastern, 3pm Central, 2pm Mountain, 1pm Pacific

Yes, there will be prizes! 
We’ll be giving away three digital copies and three autographed copies of The Gunsmith #400: The Lincoln Ransom.

So give yourself the luxury of attending this once-in-a-lifetime event!

And now for the obligatory promo, which seems a bit on the paltry side.  You see, I have four books published in the Hearts of Owyhee series.  Ha!  Four.  No hundred at the end, just plain four.

coming soon:
Much Ado About Mustangs


  1. Jacquie, please give my congratulations. I have enjoyed more than one of the books in the series and they are fun. All of you have a great time. I'll be there in spirit. Doris

    1. Doris, I wish you could be there! You're always so much fun. :) But, duty calls, I know.

  2. This was so much fun! I'm so glad you organized it and we got Bob and Clint to make an appearance! LOL
