Sunday, March 1, 2015



Post copyright by Doris McCraw

The Lake County War, full of vigilantes, traveling preachers, judges, criminals and chaos. To this day the true story isn't fully known. Into this mix is Charles Nachtrieb, early settler in the area. While I knew of the Lake County War, I was unaware of Nachtrieb until research on his daughter, Dr. Josephine Dunlop, brought his story to my attention.

Mr. Nachtreib, born April 20, 1833 in Germany, arrived in the Lake County area around 1859. He was a candidate from Lake County to the convention to admit Colorado as a state in 1865, which was approved by the voters. Although a constitution was adopted, President Andrew Johnson rejected the petition in 1866. (Colorado was not admitted as a state until 1876, becoming known as the Centennial State)

In addition to having a business along with being postmaster in Nathrop, Colorado, Nachtrieb also owned land in Gunnison County where his large ranch was located. (Nathrop is an Anglicized version of Nachtrieb). He is also credited with having the first grist mill west of the Mississippi. An old school in Nathrop.

In 1879, Nachtrieb, along with Otto Mears and Issac Gothelf filed article of incorporation with the state for the Poncho (Poncha), Marshall and Gunnison toll road. The toll road was expected to cost twenty-five thousand dollars and run from Poncha Creek in Chaffee County to the Gunnison River. Apparently there was a verbal agreement between Mears and Nachtrieb that Mears would build from the Gunnison side to the top of Poncha Pass and Nachtrieb would build from the Lake County side. This arrangement came about due to the above mentioned grist mill and the farming, especially wheat, along with the higher price paid in places like Oro City and other mining communities in the area. 
Mount Ouray from the north side of Poncha Pass, U.S. 285

On October 3, 1881, according to newspapers of the time, a man named Burt (Bert) Remington shot and killed Nachtrieb in his store. Some reports say he was a disgruntled former employee. Remington escaped and the search was on. On Thursday October 6, 1881, Governor Pitkin issue a proclamation and offered a reward of $300 dollars for the arrest of Remington. Nachtrieb was forty-nine at the time of his death.

How does the Lake County War fit into all of this?

In 1874 Elijah Gibbs and George Harrington quarreled over property, fencing and water. About fifteen days later, one of Harrington's outbuildings was set of fire and when he went to deal with the blaze he was shot and killed. Due to the quarrel Gibbs had with Harrington, he was the prime suspect. Tempers and gossip fueled the incident and soon Gibbs was marked for a lynching. Cooler heads prevailed and they were bound over for trial. With emotions running so high, a change of venue put the trial in Denver. There Gibbs and his hired hand McClish were found not guilty. McClish left the area, but Gibbs returned to his home in Lake County (Now part of Chaffee County).

Things appeared to return to normal, but in January of 1875 the vigilantes got a warrant for assault, for the first quarrel and went after Gibbs. Gibbs, along with others made a run over South Park and ended up in Colorado City. The sheriff secured warrants and followed them to Denver. Gibbs and his cohorts left the Denver hotel, where the sheriff allowed them to stay, due to implied lynching stories put out by the papers in Denver.

At the end of January of that year the Committee of Safety organized in response to Gibbs and the Regulators he was purported to be a part of. This Safety committee, composed of most of the prominent men in the region, including Nachtrieb, intended to rid Lake County of all suspected murderers, cattle thieves, land grabbers and any other undesirables. In following through with their agenda, the flames grew greater. Anyone coming into the area was questioned, and if they were determined to be 'undesirable' they were asked to leave. One of the men questioned was Judge Elias Dyer, son of the itinerant preacher 'Father' Dyer. He took exception to being told to resign, when he told his inquisitors he believed Gibbs was not guilty. Dyer eventually returned to the area and while holding court was shot and killed. There were those who said Dyer, by his actions, brought about his own demise, while others said the opposite.

Judge Dyer, in writing his thoughts in the matter, indicated that the man who killed Charles Nachtrieb was the nephew of Mr. Harrington, the man whose murder started the whole affair. To this day, the who, whats and wherefores are hidden in time and memories. Story after story offers conflicting information. In the end, was Charles Nachtrieb killed over 'wages' or the 'war'. We may never know. The Lake County War, a year long, impacted the lives of so many. Like the death of Charles Nachtrieb, we may never know the whole true story.

What I've shared is just a small part of the story of Charles Nachtrieb and the Lake County War. For more on the War, the book by Don and Jean Griswold, “History of Leadville and Lake County Colorado” is a good place to start. There is additional information by Gayle Gresham, whose great great grandfather was also involved, in the book “Rush to the Rockies” published by the PPLD as part of the Regional History Series.

Until next time, happy writing, research and reading. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

home for his heart angela raines


  1. Doris, this is all so interesting to me. You know, even living here in Oklahoma, so close to Colorado, I know virtually nothing about the history of that state. It's such a shame that we all live in this country and so much history just falls through the cracks--of course, we can't all know everything--but I think it would be great if schools could teach more than just dates and places to be memorized. History needs to come alive!

    Thanks so much for this fascinating post--I always enjoy your posts and learn something new every time.


    1. Thank you Cheryl. I agree, we tend to just focus on dates, but it is the people's stories that bring history alive. The other facet, states really have shared histories, and I for one, hope to learn more about Oklahoma and Colorado and what they share. So many stories, so many joys. Doris

  2. I agree wholeheartedly ladies. History should come alive!!! I think that's what our stories do. We tell stories of times, places and people. Fictitious stories, but stories that have real life emotions. Stories of heartbreak, loss of loved ones, of hardships endured. I think in part my love of writing comes from my teachers, Mrs Eschman, (WWII, Pearl Harbor attack) Mr. Riley, ( the annihilation of the Jewish people by the Nazi's) & Mr. Heater, (learn to be a free thinker) all teachers who brought history alive in their classrooms. Thank you Doris for the great post. I learn so much from your posts.

    1. Thanks to you also Barb. I also had some great teachers, but most were not in the classroom. Growing up in a farming community, the older people found a captive audience in me. I loved their stories. We do service to our 'teachers' by telling the stories that are in our hearts. Here is to more wonderful stories. Doris

  3. Interesting history! thanks -- enjoyed it. And yes, Barbara, I believe that's what historical fiction can do, bring history to life!

    1. You are welcome Gail. Like I mentioned in my response to Barb, we have had so many who share their stories, it is only right that we pass them along, with our own special stories. Doris

  4. Great post, Doris. I always love to learn something new about the state just south of here. :) Thanks for sharing.

    1. As do I about the one north of us, Kirsten. We share combined history, we two states, and one only enhances the other. Here is to history! Doris

  5. Interesting term, "Regulator". Down here in the far southeastern corner of Colorado, which rubs right up against the area known as "No Man's Land" (Oklahoma panhandle), we have stories of ranchers hiring regulators to deal with cattle rustlers. Local legend has it that 'there never was an honest man who drank from Butte Creek", which is a (now dry) creek that cuts through Baca County. Apparently, there was a fine line between regulators and outlaws. *grin*

    1. Now that is an interesting piece of information Kaye. I would love to know more about your neck of the woods. The more I study the Lake County War, the more convoluted it becomes. Just right up my area of study. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your areas history. Doris

  6. I think it's amazing how fast things can get out of control, facts become obscure, and tensions run so high they cause conflict and death. As crazy as this piece of history is and how fast it evolved into deadly conflict, these misconceptions, accusations, and deadly actions still exist today.
    A very interesting post, Doris.

    1. Sarah, you nailed it. Unfortunately, lessons were not learned and still continue to this day.
      Thank you for stopping by. I always appreciate your insights and comments. Doris
