Thursday, March 26, 2015

#NewRelease -- DIGGING HOLES IN PARADISE by Karen Mihaljevich -- Giveaway!

Be sure and leave a comment for a chance to win a free ecopy of Digging Holes in Paradise by Karen Mihaljevich.


One lie leads to another in this playful historical romp until the characters have dug themselves in so deep, they may never be able to dig out!

In 1859 Missouri, Josette Stratton discovers that women have little more control over their lives than horses on the auction block.  A chance identity switch gives her an out from a marriage of convenience mandated by her father, and Josette heads for the untamed Nevada Territory to assume the position of a seamstress.

In Nevada City, a madam sells raffle tickets for one lucky man to spend the entire night with her new prostitute who is due in on the next stage.

Naïve Josette is horrified to discover on her first night in town, that “seamstress” is just another name for…Oh!

Her fellow traveler is dark, heavily armed, and doesn’t say much. And he doesn’t like Josette.  But Wolf needs her for THE PLAN—and he intends to have her.His intentions are honorable, of course—but can she trust him? He IS a man!

Nevada’s Comstock Lode bonanza adds color and excitement to this fast-paced adventure, where plans crumble, love sizzles, and everyone is DIGGING HOLES IN PARADISE!


    Nothing like lazy summer days. A Swallowtail butterfly floated drafts, landing on a white dogwood, then flitting to a small grove of soft-pink wild roses and up again to flirt with the breeze.
    Little Joe loved the feel of dirt paths on bare feet. Going fishing and swimming at Petre’s Pond would make this the perfect day. Maybe Papa’s old fishing pole could lure in enough catfish for supper.
    Polly, Joe’s best friend, would be there. When they were together, they could always cook up fun.
    A scream came from the direction of the pond.
    Polly? The buck brush was too thick to see through but Joe recognized the other voices that were slinging mean names and busting out in laughter.
    “Leave me alone!”
    It was Polly, all right.
    Joe threw down the fishing pole and charged through brush higher than a man’s head to reach the clearing near the pond in seconds.
    Lefty Turkenbaugher and two of his buddies circled Polly. Lefty’s rock hit its target, and all three boys laughed when Polly cried out.
    Polly curled in a ball, cringing on the ground. Her chocolate brown arms shielded her head and face. Polly’s faded dress was ripped at the sleeve and dirty on one side where she must have hit the ground.
    She spotted Joe from beneath her arms and sat up. Tears made a trail through the grime on her face and a drop of blood rolled down her forehead.
    “You’re gonna pay!” Joe headed for the three bullies.

BUY LINKS                   B&N Nook        Smashwords      Kobo


  1. Karen,

    This sounds great. I love the misunderstanding of what a 'seamstress' means. But, oh my, poor girl. lolol

    And welcome to the Sisterhood of the Roses. *grin*

    1. Thank you Kaye. I consider it an honor to be part of the Roses!

      Yes, there's nothing I love better than a misunderstanding! Ha!!

  2. Sounds like a really fun read! I look forward to reading your novel. Best of success and welcome to the Roses.

    Robyn Echols w/a Zina Abbott

    1. Thank you, Robyn. I hope this story brings you many chuckles!

  3. Sounds like a really fun read! I look forward to reading your novel. Best of success and welcome to the Roses.

    Robyn Echols w/a Zina Abbott

  4. Karen, I really enjoyed reading this story. You kept me guessing about what in the world was going to happen next--and I loved all the surprises. An excellent tale!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! I love nothing better than putting a smile on people's faces and brightening their day. I appreciate you, Karen

  5. Congratulations. Karen has been a friend since high school. James Scaminaci III.

    1. James, yes, and the brain is still operating on a different wave band.

  6. I've read Digging Holes and yes, it is a great read -- fast paced and full of delightful twists and turns. I recommend this story! It's also a reflection on the character of its author -- full of surprises and intensely gifted. Welcome to PRP, Karen......

    1. Thank you, Gail! Awww, shucks . . . they are going to think I paid you. . . .

      A book is only as good as its talented critique partners! Karen

  7. What wonderful characters you have written, if the excerpt is any indication. I have always favored the stories where the woman holds her own, or even surpases that of the others. Moving up my list. Thank you for telling Josettes' story. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    1. Thank you! Yes, we can't wait for the hero to ride in on the white horse! We need a strong, and maybe some times a little quirky, woman to take things into her own hands....!

  8. Hi there pretty lady! We had no idea that you are a writer!! Congrats!!! We wish you all the success in the world!!!
    ❤️ RJ & Michelle

  9. Thank you, Gorgeous. Yes, its a western comedy that is a fun adventure.

  10. Love, love, love this fun book! Congratulations Karen, from one of your long time fans.. :-) 💕

    1. Thanks, Sally.

      Ours is a mutual admiration society, you talented and special Lady.

  11. I enjoyed this story and found it a light fun read for an old Cowboy. For a fun read I give this book a positive thumbs up.

    1. Melvin, thanks! Who knows, maybe you inspired one or two of those characters.....

    2. And if not this book, maybe you need to be in the next! Watch out!

    3. And if not this book, maybe you need to be in the next! Watch out!

  12. Welcome to the Roses, Karen. Your story sounds wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Kristy. I seem to be in some very good company. I look forward to reading your work as well! Karen

  13. So, so glad to see Digging Holes finding the light of day. It's truly an out of the box story with your trademark humor.

    1. Thanks, Vella.

      Not only for your thoughts, but for your big shoes that are an inspiration and just the right size for kicking my ----

  14. Oh my such a huge response to your new book. I hope there is enough room for me to add my comment. Welcome to the Roses and Congratulations on your new release. Wishing you many sales and great reviews.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. And I hope to get to know each of you and your work.

  15. Hi sweety. Congratulations, can't wait to read it while laying in my kayak entertaining truly. Haha

    1. You really must teach Truly how to read so that he can entertain YOU while in that kayak! Thanks for writing in! HUG!

  16. I can tell from your blurb and excerpt that Digging Holes in Paradise is going to be a very entertaining and exciting story. I wish you all the very best with your new release, Karen.

  17. Thank you, Sarah! I hope I can bring some smiles to a few faces! Thanks for writing in.

  18. THANK YOU ALL for writing in on my exciting opening day.

    I wrote all names down on individual pieces of paper and had DH (Dear Husband) draw out of a hat. The winner of the free copy of DIGGING HOLES IN PARADISE is KRISTY McCAFFREY!

    Thanks again, and may life always bring new adventures! Karen Mihaljevich
