Tuesday, February 17, 2015

#NewRelease -- WILD TEXAS WINDS by Kit Prate -- Giveaway

Kit Prate is  is giving away a free ecopy of her novel, WILD TEXAS WINDS. Be sure and leave a comment to be entered in the drawing.

Dru Beltrain is on the hunt for the men who raped and murdered his wife. Texas drovers, part of the crew led by his friend and mentor Matt Latham, have robbed him of the woman he loves and now threat to his stepson Cass, who's seeking his own revenge against the men who killed his mother.

Torn by a thirst for vengeance and the need to find Cass, Beltrain aligns himself with Latham's daughter Kate, a strong-willed woman who will protect her father at all costs. As the unlikely pair heads for Wichita, passion flares hot between them.

When they reach Wichita, they part company despite their attraction. Dru's revenge still drives him to find Latham and his crew, and Kate is determined to help her powerful father build a railroad spur.

And then, one by one, Matt Latham's men begin to die in a series of brutal killings.

In a desperate bid to discover who the murderer is, will Latham be forced to seek Dru's help? Will Dru and Kate be able to rekindle the passion they'd discovered? Everything depends on what hidden truths the WILD TEXAS WINDS reveal before the killing ends...
** Strong language and sexual content**

    The fire, fanned by the capricious summer wind, had crawled across the flatlands like a plague of hungry locusts. In one night, the town of Newton, Kansas–with the exception of a single brick building–was reduced to a broad wasteland of charred ruins, the heat so intense the Santa Fe tracks buckled and wrenched free from their ties, the warped steel rising skyward like the tentacles of a great dying beast.
    It took them a year to rebuild the town, to erase the black scars of the flames, and to begin again. But the townsmen had learned their lesson. The wood frame structures were replaced with buildings constructed of red brick and stone, an essence of durability and continuity in the carefully trawled mortar and pillared façades.
    Prosperity had touched the town once more. The influx of money from Eastern speculators had boosted the local economy, and the itch to grow–to keep growing–had touched them all. The town had recovered and the cattle pens north of the tracks had been rebuilt.
    And from Texas, the first of four hundred thousand cattle began the slow crawl north.



  1. Sounds like a lot of conflict in this one. Would love to read it.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Thank you, Debby. I'll be tossing all the names into a hat later tonight to see who wins the free copy. As soon as I figure out how to do that on my laptop. ;)

  2. Kit, I just wanted to drop by and say hello. Welcome to Prairie Rose Publications! I wish you every success with Wild Texas Winds. All good things to your corner of the universe!

    1. Thank you, Sarah. It's good to be here. From your mouth to God's ears.

  3. Welcome Kit to Prairie Rose. You're going to love it here. I love the excerpt and the cover is fantastic. A perfect match for Wild Texas Winds.

    1. Livia does such a great job with covers. I'm old school, and am still adjusting to hunky men and pretty women showing up on a western, but I think I can learn to live with the change. Thank you for the welcome.

  4. Kit, how nice to see you here. Congrats on your new book release. Love the excerpt - and the cover - and am dying to read it. Wishing you lots of success.

    1. Hi, Liette! How are the grandbabies doing? I'm willing to bet they are spoiled to the max. Remember the first rule of proper grand-parenting: fill them full of sugar and then send them home.

  5. Kit, here's to much success with Wild Texas Winds. Have I told you lately how much I love your writing style? You are one of a kind!

    1. It's been a nice homecoming, Cheryl. Thank you for all your encouragement and your hard work. I promise the next book will be shorter.

  6. Great to see you here Kit, hope Wild Texas Winds. Is a success. I know I like. Your writting style. This book sure has me hooked. Good luck

    1. Thank you, Marlene. It's nice to hear from a friend who appreciates my efforts.

  7. Kit,

    Welcome to Prairie Rose! Wishing you many sales and much success.

    1. I hope the gods of good sales are listening, Kirsten. It's been a long winter, and I want to keep my propane man happy.

  8. The cover's as wild as the title :-)

    1. Still getting used to all that sexy stuff on a cover! I hope the insides don't distract from the art work, Gordo.

  9. Kit Prate is one of my favorite authors. Her westerns are always real, action-packed and original with interesting characters and plots. Can't wait to read her newest offering.

    1. Thank you for pony-expressing the message. I need to call Char tonight to find out if everyone has thawed out. Just as soon as I finish this next glass of wine.

  10. Wishing you heaps of success with your new book, Kit
    I have loved all your stories, so far, so expect I will love this one, to

    1. Hi, Lynne! Thank you for the kind words. And it is so good to hear from a good friend. Where does the time go?

  11. Your book sounds like a classic! I welcome you to PRP and congratulate you on your new release.

    1. Hi, Celia. Thank you for the warm welcome. I've read some of your tales, and it is a bit scary to think of being held up to your measuring stick, but I'm sure going to try.

  12. Whoa, this sounds like a great story, and more than a bit of mystery. Love the concept and wish you the very best. Congratulations! Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    1. Thank you! I hope you aren't disappointed. I appreciate the comments, and the warm wishes.

  13. I want to thank everyone for the very warm welcome! It's been a long journey full of far too many curves and potholes, but very much worth the trip. It's great to be a member of PRP's team; and the feeling of family is much appreciated!

  14. Congratulations Kit! I look forward to reading this. I love your writing-and the cover's not bad either. ;)

  15. Thanks, Mary. I appreciate the kind words. And I agree with you about the cover, although I had to be dragged through hot coals to let go of the more "traditional" western cover. I guess pictures of someone pointing a gun at you just doesn't do it anymore. I think it's called titillation? No pun intended.

  16. And the winners are (I decided to pick two): Gordo and Mary Olson. Please e-mail me at kitprate@yahoo.com and I will send you the code for claiming your prize!

  17. Congratulations, Gordo and Mary! You all are in for a treat!

  18. Kit, so sorry I missed the 17th, but also wanted to welcome you to PRP. I joined PRP last year and I've had the ride of my life since. You'll love it here. Great bunch to work with. Love the cover and can't wait to read your fascinating story--great excerpt. Wishing you much success.

  19. Hi, Beverly! As usual, I am a day late and a dollar short! Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.
