Thursday, February 12, 2015

#NewRelease -- HEARTS IN WINTER By Kirsten Lynn — Giveaway!

Kirsten Lynn is giving away a free ecopy of her new novel, HEARTS IN WINTER. Be sure and leave a comment to be entered in the drawing.


Christmas Eve, 1894...

The night Garrett McPherson finds his wife violated and murdered is the night he turns his back on his Wyoming ranch to become the most feared bounty hunter on either side of the Mississippi.  But what keeps Garrett on the hunt for Elsie's murderers and unable to come home is his sister-in-law, Jenny Westin. He's never stopped loving her, and if it weren't for his young son, Ethan, he might never return to the ranch again to keep from facing her and his feelings.

Jenny has never understood why Garrett threw her over for her sister, beautiful Elsie.  When Jenny returns to Wyoming, a tense reunion at the train station for the two former lovers becomes a nightmare when they discover Elsie's battered body upon their return to the ranch. Garrett vows to find Elsie's murderers and avenge her death, and Jenny has no choice but to stay and care for Garrett’s son.  For three years, she manages to live at the ranch raising Ethan, keeping her secrets and heartbreak hidden.

Another Christmas will bring Garrett back from his search for Elsie's murderers to the Double M Ranch. Will this be the season for Jenny and Garrett to sort through the hurt and betrayal and face the truth of their love? The secrets of the past are the only key to unlock their HEARTS IN WINTER...


    A shadow blocked his way. “I wouldn’t go up there, Garrett, unless you’re ready to face the music.”
    Garrett scowled at Elliot, although he doubted the man could see it through the dark blanket of midnight. “And just what music is it I need to face?”
    “None you want to this time of night, boyo. Leave the lass to her grief.”
    “Her grief?” Garrett blustered, not caring if he woke the whole ranch. “What the hell does she have to grieve?”
    He couldn’t see Elliot’s features, but irritation was clear as sunshine in the older man’s voice. “More than you could ever know, lad. Now, I’m tellin’ ya, go back to your house and leave the lass. You’ll not want to be hearin’ what she has to say without sleep.”
    Garrett rested his eyes on Jenny kneeling by something he couldn’t make out at this distance. What the hell was on the hill? He hadn’t noticed anything when he rode in, but he’d been a week without sleep. If it had been anyone else blocking his path to her, Garrett would have introduced the man’s backside to the cold snow, but he trusted only one man more than Elliot O’Leary. It was one of the reasons he’d offered the foreman’s job to O’Leary when his father died. Simon Westin had pitched a fit when his trusted hand took Garrett up on his offer.
    Garrett swallowed past a lump in his throat. “You’ll watch over her?”
    “You can count on it, lad.”
    A strong hand squeezed Garrett’s shoulder, then the shadow disappeared. The urge to bolt up the hill forced Garrett’s hands into fists, but he turned on his heels and marched back to the house.



  1. Wow Kirsten I love the premise of the story. The excerpt paints a vivid picture of Garret hell bent on confronting Jenny. It will be interesting to find out why Garret threw her over for her sister, Elsie. And who killed his wife...

    1. Barb, Thanks so much. Garrett and Jenny have many rivers to cross that's for sure.

  2. I have to agree with Barb--what the heck was Garrett thinking when he married Jenny's sister? But it wouldn't be a good story without that great conflict. I also like the mystery of who killed his wife and what keeps Jenny at the ranch taking care of the ranch and Garrett's child for 3 years. Wow, what a woman. I'm looking forward to reading it.
    Congratulations on your new release, Kirsten!

    1. Sarah,

      Thanks so much for stopping by. A new release is always a fun way to start the day. Yeah, Garrett and Jenny are in for a bit of a ride before all can settle down, although I'm not sure it ever really settles around them.

  3. Garrett and Jenny's story sounds so exciting. They both have to over come their sorrow and memories and grow with the future. Will it be together? You can feel the tension in reading the above. Can't wait to read it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Shirl! There's a lot for these two to wade through. Yeah, in this excerpt Garrett is none too happy to be kept away, but he might just be grateful once he finds out why. :)

  4. Love the premise, Kirsten. Looks like this will be a "need to get this book" for me. Can't wait to read it.

    Congrats on your new release, Kirsten.

  5. Liette, I sure hope you love Garrett and Jenny's story once you read it. I just love this couple and a few of their crazy friends, too. :)

  6. Congratulations on the release of HEARTS IN WINTER, Kirsten! Garrett and Jenny's story sounds captivating!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks so much, Britney! New releases are always fun and scary, but I'm thrilled to have Garrett and Jenny's story out there.

  7. Intrigue, love, secrets, what a wonderful story this will be. The excerpt, perfect, just wish I had the book in front of me (and the time) to read it right now. Best on this story, it sounds so good. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    1. Thanks so much, Doris, for all your support! I know what you mean about time to read, they're few and precious moments when we can catch our breath and enjoy a good book or five. :)

  8. looks exciting. A plot within a plot. I love your work, Kirsten. I'm sure this will be another winner. best of success to you.

    RobYnez Echols writing as Zina Abbott

    1. Thanks so much, Robyn! It gets a bit tangled that's for sure. I so appreciate the support!

  9. looks exciting. A plot within a plot. I love your work, Kirsten. I'm sure this will be another winner. best of success to you.

    RobYnez Echols writing as Zina Abbott

  10. Kirsten! Congratulations! I really enjoyed reading and seeing the plot unfold--kept me turning the pages and forgetting I was supposed to be editing. LOL I really loved this story!

    1. Thanks a million, Cheryl! That means a lot coming from an author who knows how to keep people turning those pages!

  11. On my tbr list, can't wait to read.

    1. Margie, I so appreciate your faithfulness and encouragement! Sure hope you enjoy the story!! HUGS!

  12. Kirsten,

    Tipping my congratulatory glass of bubbly your way. I'm looking forward to reading this story (as I do all of yours). *grin*

    1. Kaye, Thanks so much for stopping by! It's such an honor to have my fellow roses, who know how to rock the words, stop in and give encouragement. Hope you enjoy Garrett and Jenny's story!

  13. Emotions run high in this one.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  14. Okay all names were put into the cowboy hat and given a good shake. The name pulled from the hat is Margie Vickers! Congratulations, Margie! I'll be in contact with the code and how you can retrieve your copy of HEARTS IN WINTER! Thanks so much to all who stopped by and left a comment!
