Thursday, February 26, 2015

#NewRelease -- HANNAH'S WISHES by Agnes Alexander -- #Giveaway

Agnes Alexander will be giving away a free ecopy of Hannah's Wishes to one lucky person, so be sure and leave a comment to be entered into the drawing.

When Hannah Hamilton is born with a shriveled foot, her sick mother knows she’ll never live to raise the child. Upon her mother's death two years later, Hannah’s two older sisters care for her until their father finally admits that the child will never walk. Hannah is sent to live a lonely life with her widowed Aunt Verbena Wedington in Savannah. Though Hannah's sisters attempt to visit her, they are thwarted by their Aunt Verbena, who manages to take control of every aspect of Hannah's life.

Jarrett MacMichael, an Arizona detective, is hired to go to Savannah and check on Hannah’s welfare. Jarrett is surprised to find the object of his mission is a beautiful young woman who is being controlled by her devious aunt. During his investigation, not only does he discover Hannah’s evil Aunt Verbena has a sinister plan for her charge, but Jarrett realizes he’s the only one who can stop her before it's too late.
By the time Jarrett frees Hannah, she has fallen head-over-heels in love with him--but she understands she can't hope for a life with the handsome detective.

Practical man that he is, Jarrett  knows life would be hard if he tied himself to a woman who can’t walk...but how can he live without her? There's only one thing to do. Will he be able to grant HANNAH'S WISHES?


    "How about your brother?”
    “Everett is happily married to a woman he met when he went to England on business. Her daddy is a lord, or a count…or some type of royalty. They live in England and have a little princess of their own.” He wondered how Everett would feel if he knew he’d graduated him from the detective business, married him off, and elevated him to royalty in England
    Verbena’s eyes lit up. “Really? Royalty?” He nodded, and she went on. “Have you visited them?”
    Hannah looked interested, but there was something in her eyes that made him wonder if she knew he was telling a tall tale. He gathered that this young lady was no fool. He answered Verbena’s question with, “I’m so busy with my own enterprises that I’ve only had time to visit them once. They have promised to come visit me in the next couple of years. Everett wants to show his wife and daughter his country.”
    “I think that’s wonderful.”
    There was a knock on the parlor door, and Minerva poked her head in. “Supper is ready, Miz Wedington.”
    “Send Tobias to get Hannah.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” She scurried away.
    Jarrett couldn’t help wondering why the man was to come get Hannah. The fact was, he’d been looking forward to offering her his arm so he could escort her to supper. Jarrett’s question was answered in a matter of a moment. Tobias returned pushing a wheelchair. Jarrett was stunned as the butler pushed it up to the settee and reached down to lift Hannah into it.
    So that was her problem. She couldn’t walk. He never would have guessed.
    Verbena stood. “Shall we go into supper, Mr. MacMichael?”
    “Of course.” He stood, and since he had no alternative, he offered her his arm. They went out of the parlor leaving Tobias to push Hannah’s chair behind them.
    Hannah wondered about Mr. Jarrett MacMichael. Yes, he was as handsome as she thought he’d be now that she’d seen his face. In fact, he was the kind of man she often dreamed about and wished she could meet. Yes, he told a good story about his life, but something didn’t ring true to her. Was he trying to impress Aunt Verbena? If so, why? What could her aunt do for him? And why hadn’t he mentioned her sister? She’d kept quiet just like her Aunt Verbena had told her to, but she didn’t intend to let him get through the meal and leave this house without answering a question or two about Drina.     



  1. Sounds fascinating, Agnes! Congrats on the new release.

    1. Thanks, Jacquie. I really enjoyed writing about Hannah and her problem.

  2. What an unusual premise. Congrats.

    1. Thanks Alisa. I was inspired to write this story because a member of my family was born with a short leg. Of course, her leg was not as severe as that of Hannah. As a writer, we have the right to stretch things, don't we?

  3. So many people were born with problems and yet we have very few tales. Thanks for giving us this one.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. I've always believed those with problems have the same feelings inside as we do, Debby. It was my pleasure to write about Hannah and her withered foot.

  4. Sounds like a great story. I'm curious to find out if she really needs that chair, or if that is part of her aunt's doing. I look forward to reading it. Best of success on the sale of your book. Robyn Echols writing as Zina Abbott

  5. Sounds like a great story. I'm curious to find out if she really needs that chair, or if that is part of her aunt's doing. I look forward to reading it. Best of success on the sale of your book. Robyn Echols writing as Zina Abbott

  6. Congratulations on the new release Agnes. Your story is very intriguing. Kind of a Cinderella story line but the heroine has a withered foot and one wonders if she and Prince Charming will find their happily ever after. We often forget that now days we have the miracle of modern medicine and perhaps Hannah's foot could have be corrected shortly after birth, but back in the day something like this could lead to a life of being disabled and pretty much living just living half a life.

    1. Thanks for the congratulations, Barbara. I always wanted to write about a person with a disability and this story was the results. I mentioned Hannah in Drina's Choice and I had several people ask me when I was going to write about Hannah. I hope they will be pleased with the way I handled it. I agree that it's a shame people had to live with things that could have been 'fixed' in the past.

  7. Congratulations on an interesting and unusual story. It sounds marvelous! Best of luck. ~Connie

    1. Thanks, Connie. I appreciate you commenting on my new book. I'm pleased with the way it turned out.

  8. Oh, I do love the way this story is going. The trials we put our characters through are endless, but I do love Hannah and her dective. Best and looking forward to reading this one. Of course, the villians and their desires can make everything even more intriguing. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines.

    1. Thanks Renaissance Woman. The three Hamilton sisters have had their problems, but Hannah's was unique. I tried hard to make her someone people would like and not feel too sorry for. Hope you enjoy reading the book.

  9. I really enjoyed this story, Agnes! I just wanted to throttle Hannah's Aunt Verbena. Love how everything worked out!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed Hannah's Wishes, but you know this book turning out so well is a tribute to you and Livia, Cheryl. I appreciate PRP more than I can put into words. You do such a wonderful job with editing and covers. Since I'm in locked inside during this unusual snow storm in the south, I'm working on the third book in the series. Thank you for everything you do.

    2. Aw, thanks so much Agnes. We appreciate that, and YOU! We are so glad to have you with us here at PRP! We've got snow here today in Oklahoma, too--so I'm hoping to get LOTS of work done! LOL Take care!

  10. Your comment to Doris about writing a heroine that people will like and not feel too sorry for resonated with me. There is that fine line between creating a heroine who has faced and dealt with troubles/challenges, which makes her interesting, without having her come across as whiney or weak or unsympathetic to the reader. From your excerpt, I get the feeing that Hannah has a bit of spunkiness to her. *wink*

    1. Thanks, Kaye. I hoped nobody would think of her as whiney. She is a strong woman in her own way. Thanks for the comment.

  11. I want to wish you the very best with your new release, Agnes. Hannah's Wishes looks like such an unusual story. I love a good villain, and Aunt Verbena appears to be perfect for that role. I like that the story takes place in Savannah.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I hoped people would think Aunt Verbena was an awful person, because she was. As for Savannah, I have a nephew who lives there and I love visiting the beautiful city. It is so full of history and those lovely old homes are filled with stories.

  12. Winner of the free copy of Hannah's Wishes is Robyn Echols/Zina Abbott.

