Tuesday, February 3, 2015

#NewRelease -- By the Break of Dawn by B. J. Betts -- Giveaway

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free ecopy of the Valentine's day story By the Break of Dawn by B. J. Betts.


Eli King has been in love with Isabella Rossi since they were children. Every year, he has given Isabella a valentine on Valentine’s Day. But this year, Isabella is old enough for Eli to court.

Since Isabella was a young child in Italy, her grandmother, Countess Rossi, has told her of the old wives' tale that a maiden must look out her window on Valentine’s Day morning, just before sunrise. The man she sees is the man she will marry within the year. Isabella hopes to see Eli, but the man she sees is one she's never met--Chace Monette.

Chace puts a villainous plan into action, determined to have Isabella for himself or ruin her family name. How can Isabella ever be happy with him? Can there be a happy ending for Eli and Isabella, or will the old wives' tale prove true?


Isabella rose from her bed just before dawn broke across the sky. She slipped quietly from her bed and took her place at the window. When she was a little girl her grandmother, Countess Carmen Rossi told her of an old tradition passed down from generation to generation.

“On the morning of Valentine’s Day a young maiden must go to her window and look out just before the dawn breaks. If she sees a man walking below her window, he is the man she will marry before the year is out,” Carmen said smiling down at her granddaughter.

Isabella looked up at her grandmother her brown eyes full of questions. “But  nonna, how can this be?”

“It is how I knew I would marry your grandfather, angelo. I looked out my window and there he was. So very handsome.” She’d put her hand over her heart and acted like she would swoon.

A smile had broken over ten-year-old Isabella’s lips.

Now, since she was of age to marry she took her grandmother’s saying to heart, that and she was a great fan of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In the play the character Ophelia sings of the tradition:

“Good morrow! “

“Tis St. Valentine’s Day. “

“All in the morning bedtime.”

“And I a maid at your window. “

“To be your valentine.”

Isabella stood quietly in the darkness of her bedroom. She slid the window open and peered out, praying it would be Eli’s form she would see.

A man approached and she held her breath, afraid to even breathe.

The street lamp gave a clear view of the likeness of the man below….it was none other than Chace Monette, an associate of her fathers.

Buy Links
B&N Nook        Smashwords


  1. Intriguing excerpt. I would love to read more.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Good Morning Debby. Thank you. It was a bit of a change for me to write but I love the story. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Oh, I love the concept for this one. The path to true love...sigh. Best to you on this release. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

    1. Thank you Doris. It is a sweet read just in time for Valentines Day. I enjoyed writing this. Thank you for the good wishes.

  3. Ah, that cover is gorgeous. The excerpt was very good--uh-oh--wrong man out there--or is he the right man? I'll have to read it to find out!

  4. I agree Celia, about the cover. Livia captured the essence of the story perfectly. And the story is ages old, kind of a Romeo and Juliet in the wild west. Thank you for stopping by. Have a good day.

  5. Well, your excerpt certainly left me hanging! Will she end up with Chance or Eli? I can hardly wait to read the rest of it. Best wishes on the success of your book, Barb.

    Robyn Echols writing as Zina Abbott

    1. Thanks for stopping by Robyn. I hope you enjoy my book. A little bit of sweetness for Valentines Day. Thank you for the best wishes on my book.

  6. This sounds like it will keep me up reading. Love the idea of the book and what a beautiful cover.

    1. Agnes it is a beautiful cover and really matches the story. Two young people so in love and then torn apart. I hope enjoy reading it. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  7. Barb, I really enjoyed this story--so different! And boy, did it keep me reading. LOL Gorgeous cover by Livia and congratulations on being a ROSE, but we already thought of you as one, dear lady!


    1. Thank you Cheryl. I do love the story line and the cover. I tried to find a story within me with a cowboy but I started researching St. Valentines Day traditions. Slowly Eli and Isabella's love story emerged and the characters grabbed hold and wouldn't let go until I told their story. :)

  8. Love the premise of this story, Barb! Sounds like a great read in time for Valentine's Day!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Kirsten and for the nice compliment about the story. It is a sweet story of first kisses and broken promises.

  9. I like that you had a villain show up instead of the predictable hero. Love conflict! Great excerpt and I love the gorgeous cover. Wow!

  10. Thank you Sarah. I love the story line and the cover is great! Livia did a fantastic job. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Time for me to announce my winner of digital copy of my book By the Break of Dawn.... Debby236@gmail,com sent in her email and commented. Congratulations Debby!
