Sunday, December 14, 2014

PRP New Release--OPEN HEARTS by Tanya Hanson--GIveaway!

Be sure and leave a comment on the blog for a chance to win a free ecopy of OPEN HEARTS by Tanya Hanson.


To honor her brother’s last request, Barbara Audiss takes on his identity. Letting loose her secret will get her arrested. But keeping it prevents her from giving her heart to handsome sheriff Keith Rakestraw.

Furious at “Judge Audiss’s” latest verdict, Keith discovers she’s a fake and consequences seem easy: toss her in jail. Instead, he finds himself eager to give her his heart.


Barbara choked over the long-nine cigar. A vile habit to be sure, but smoking kept her voice sounding hoarse and her body smelling manly.
The linen strips binding her bosom also contributed to her strangled lungs.
But mostly it was Sheriff Keith Rakestraw, staring at her from the front row and stealing her breath clean away. He was the one man who could get her feeling like a woman.
If she’d been allowed to be one, that is.
The verdict all but gagged her, too. However, Uncle Samuel had died at the hands of vigilante justice. She and Badge had sworn to improve things in the lawless west. Keep things to the letter of the law. Her twin brother’s bad luck, dying on the way to Colorado.
And, her good luck—the chance to put her legal education to use in his stead when everybody back East said no.
Even if it meant acting like a man.


Tanya Hanson loves those cowboys and writes Western romance, both historical and contemporary, both sensual and inspirational.  Claiming His Heart, her first full-length inspirational romance is a recent Prairie Rose Publications release.

Writing as Anya Novikov, she is developing a Young Adult series for the Painted Pony line.

She lives on California’s Central Coast with her firefighter husband and considers their son and daughter the best thing she’s ever done. Volunteering at the local horse rescue is a treasured activity. 
Best of all are two little grandsons whom she considers the halves of her heart.

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  1. Intriguing concept. I do not think I have read one like this. Certainly do hope to.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Debby, it was a fun story to write. It's a snowbound romance, one of my favorites, and I started it last year while we were in Vail Colorado on a wonderfully snowy day, snug inside the condo. Thanks for posting.

  2. I love the story premise in Open Hearts. Smoking cigars to smell like a man is pretty inventive. I loved Shakespeare's Twelfth Night where Olivia pretended to be a man to protect herself, but fell in love with a man who thought she was his friend and confident. I like how the situation usually makes them friends and leads to even deeper love when it's discovered the "he" was actually a "she." This is a wonderful story, Tanya.

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah. I actually loathe smoking LOL (fortunately I live in California where it's outlawed pretty much everywhere) it was hard to have Barbara smoke...but it fit the plot line. Thanks again, my friend. xo

  3. Such a beautiful story. So happy others will get the chance to read it. Best on this and others. (I do have a passion for Old West women doctors, and this is a good one.) Doris

    1. Thanks so much, Doris. I so admire the professional women of the west for the incredible obstacles they had to overcome. Since my husband encouraged our daughter to be anything she wanted, it's so hard to understand the male mind-set of that day. Sheesh.

  4. Sounds great, Tanya. You got me at "legal". I would love to read it. Beat of luck.

    Robyn Echols

    1. Thanks, Robyn Hope you enjoy it! Of course it's a happy ending LOL.

  5. Thanks so much for another wonderful opportunity, PRP. I was away from home all weekend so didn't get to post my thank you before now. xoxox
