Monday, November 10, 2014


Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day. Please take a moment to remember--and thank--all those who have served our country.

I’m always in awe of the men and women who have given so much to protect this thing we call freedom. Today I want to invite you to remember those in your family who served our United States in some way.

My great-uncle was shot down over Germany in World War II.

My father served during the Korean War. I’m grateful he was not sent overseas. He completed his service in San Francisco, CA, at the Presidio.  His brothers all served stateside, except the eldest, who was a Sargent in the Army in Korea.

And my maternal uncle, Gene, served in Britain during the Vietnam War.

I’m grateful for their service, for what they sacrificed so that I can be what I want to be, do whatever I want to do. But they also gave me a gift of responsibility.

A responsibility to care for my neighbors. A responsibility to love my enemies—but protect those I love.

Thank you, Daddy, and Uncle Robert, Uncle Edward and Uncle Gene—and all those who have given of themselves so that I can live as I do. There is no way to repay your sacrifice.

What about you? Who in your life has served our country?

COMING HOME, originally released in the “Hearts and Spurs” anthology from Prairie Rose Publications, will soon be released as a .99 single. In celebration, I will give one copy of the full anthology [print copy] to one person who leaves a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I have many uncles and aunts who served over the years. My maternal grandfather served twice, once in The Great War and then when his four sons were being called up for WWII he wouldn't let them go unless he also could re-enlist. Lving now in a military town, I am constantly reminded of and honored to be around those who served and still serve.
