Thursday, November 13, 2014

PRP New Release -- Christmas Stroll by Kirsten Lynn -- Giveaway

Please be sure to leave a comment along with your contact information to be entered in the drawing for a digital copy of Kirsten Lynn's novella, Christmas Stroll.


After his wife’s betrayal and years on the Western Front in Europe, Will Connor has lost his faith in humanity and has no use for love.  He’s content in his bitterness. That is, until the holiday season brings him face to face with little Meggie Barrow. Meghan isn’t so little anymore, but she still looks at him like he lassoed the moon and set it in place.  But what can a broken man who has lost his soul offer a beautiful young woman with more heart than anyone he’s ever met?

Meghan Barrow has loved William Connor since she was ten years old. She’s endured years of watching him marry a woman who didn’t love him, and more years of worrying about him when he leaves Wyoming to fight another country’s war. Now that the handsome cowboy is back, Meghan is determined to fill Will’s life with joy, and prove he’s all the man she needs.

With the help of friends and a Christmas stroll, these hearts might learn to walk through life together.


    Pa, Pa!
    Will raced toward his son’s cries, the pounding of his horse’s hooves rumbled like boulders bringing down part of the mountains. His blood roared through his brain until his eyes burned and narrowed in on a lake in the distance. A black shadow burst through the frozen surface holding a smaller shadow. The distant forms bobbed then disappeared as though sucked below by an underground twister.
    Without even a “whoa”, Will jumped from his mount, his feet clawing for purchase on the frozen earth even as he forced them forward.
    Benjamin! Pa! Benjamin!”
    Neither his father nor son appeared above the ice. Will released his wool coat from his arms, tossing it aside and dived in…
    Will jack-knifed up in bed, his body frozen with terror and his heart ripped open with an old pain. He’d give anything to have a flashback of the battlefields of the Western Front compared to this ever-occurring nightmare. Always just a minute away…and a minute too late.

BUY LINKS  B&N Nook      Smashwords


  1. Oh my, the pain in those few lines. Great job! Glad this one is winging its way to those readers who are going to love it. (That does include me in that list.) Congrats. Doris

  2. Thanks so much, Doris! I so appreciate your support! (looks like you might be the winner of an e-copy, too). :)

  3. Kirsten, I don't know if there was ever another hero who was as emotionally wounded as Will, or a heroine as heartsore as Meghan. Watching them "discover" their love for one another and act on it was so much fun and just made me want to cheer for them by the end. GREAT CHRISTMAS STORY!

    1. Thanks so very much, Cheryl!! When I started this, I didn't know just how emotional it was going to be, but as usual I started out with my plan and the characters took it on a completely different trail...for which I'm eternally grateful. So glad you enjoyed Will and Meg's story, I loved writing it!

  4. What an intriguing excerpt, Rustler! I nabbed a copy (so don't put me in the drawing) and I'm looking forward to reading it more than ever now. Keep up the good work!

    1. Tex, Will has had his share of heartache to be sure, it's a good thing Meg's heart is stronger than his stubborn hide. :) Hope you love the story! Thanks for going out and laying down good money for it!

    2. I gotta tell you: It was tough to part with that 99 cents, but I forced myself to make the sacrifice.

    3. I appreciate the sacrifice, Tex, that's a cup of coffee...or would 99 cents even buy a cup of coffee anymore?

  5. Oh, my goodness, what a scene. This story has got to be riveting and highly emotional. It's sure to be a Christmas story winner. Good luck!

    1. Celia,

      This story had me choking up and shedding tears a few times...and I knew how it was going to end. :) I hope Will and Meg will find their way into many hearts this Christmas.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!

  6. This is the perfect time to release a Christmas story. I wish you every success, Kirsten.

  7. Kirsten,

    Well, that excerpt got my attention right off--twisted my insides, sent shivers crawling up my arms. It brought up some old war wounds that occasionally pop up for me in the middle of the night. Great description,

    Off to buy a copy of your book... *hugs*


    1. Thanks, Kaye, though I'm sorry the scene brought up old pain for you. I hope you enjoy Will and Meg's story!

    2. Kirsten,

      Not really old pain, because I've put it in its place after all these years, but certainly vivid memories. So see what a great excerpt that was? *grin*


  8. Sorry, I didn't get this posted yesterday, but Celia Yeary won the free copy of CHRISTMAS STROLL! Congratulations, Celia! Thanks to all who stopped by, hope you enjoy Meg and Will's story!
