Thursday, November 20, 2014

#NewRelease: PRODIGAL GUN—All Royalties to Charity

By Kathleen Rice Adams

My debut novel, Prodigal Gun, bowed today. I am just tickled as all-get-out about that. Thanks to Livia Washburn Reasoner and Cheryl Pierson for taking a chance on an unknown author and for doing an outstanding job of putting the book together. Livia’s cover captures the characters, the setting, and the essence of the story beautifully, and Cheryl is an editing goddess (except for the occasional comma fight, but we both emerged unscarred).

Folks who know me will tell you I’m hardly ever serious (except about those dang commas), but I want to break with tradition for just a moment.

For twenty-three years, I was privileged to share life with a loving, generous man. Lee was so proud of all the anthologies with my name on the cover, and I think he was more excited than I about the publication of my first novel.

Sadly, he didn’t live to see the dream fulfilled. Lee died in June.

To honor Lee’s memory, all royalties from the sale of Prodigal Gun will go to charity. He would have liked that.

All right—enough of the seriousness. On to details about the book…and a couple of giveaways (one of which isn’t a book)!

Prodigal Gun
A dangerous man. A desperate woman. A love no war could kill.

Widowed rancher Jessie Caine buried her heart with the childhood sweetheart Yankees killed on a distant battlefield. Sixteen years later, as a Texas range war looms and hired guns arrive to pursue a wealthy carpetbagger’s agenda, Jessie discovers the only man she ever loved isn’t dead.

At least not yet.

Embittered by a brother’s betrayal, notorious gunman Calhoun is a dangerous man, come home to do an unsavory job. A bushwhacker’s bullet nearly takes his life on Jessie’s land, trapping him in a standoff between the past he tried to bury and the infamy he never will. One taste of the only woman he ever loved puts more than his life and her ranch in the crossfire.

With a price on his head, a debt to a wealthy employer around his neck, and a defiant woman tugging at his heart, Calhoun’s guns may not be enough to keep him from the grave. Caught between his enemies and hers, Jessie faces an agonizing choice: Which of her dreams will die?


April 1877

A red-tailed hawk circled in the cloudless sky, dipping one wing in a silent salute before plunging to the earth like a bullet. Twenty feet from the gelding’s hooves, a jackrabbit barely had time to shriek.

The horse tossed his head and danced a few steps. Calhoun pressed his knees against the saddle and drew the slack from the reins. “Easy, fella.” He patted the chestnut’s neck. “You’re too big for him to carry off.”

Tugging the brim of his Stetson closer to his eyes to block the afternoon glare, Calhoun settled into a lazy slouch. Texas hadn’t changed—still big and open and empty. A man could ride for days with no company but his own.

He scanned the surrounding terrain. Rocks and scrub littered the sand on both sides of the dry wash. Occasional stands of oak and mesquite interrupted the grama grass and prickly pear toward the skyline, but nothing moved. No insects or reptiles. No birds. Not even a breeze. Only the gelding’s hooves thudding against parched dirt and the creak of saddle leather violated the silence.

Too still. Too quiet. Too…empty. Unease had dogged him for the past six months, ever since the trouble in Kansas. Now, deep in the Texas Hill Country, an army of ants crawled the fringes of his nerves.

Someone hunted the hunter. Who? His gaze darted from sand to scrub to rock. “Show yourself, you son of a bitch.”

The horse’s ears swiveled to catch the mutter. Good God, you’re talkin’ to yourself.

Rubbing eyes dried by heat and fatigue, he sucked a lungful of scalding air. Two weeks of hard travel could prey on a man’s mind. Both he and the horse could use a brief rest. If memory served, a watering hole and some blessed shade lay just over the next rise.

A familiar rancor swelled in his chest. Some memories persisted despite a man’s best effort to forget.

Boggs better have a damn good reason for yanking him away from the high-dollar comfort of Miss Lavinia’s in Silver City. A wry twist pinched one corner of Calhoun’s lips. Now there was a memory to savor. The heat in New Mexico Territory could burn a man clear to his bones without leaving a mark.

Wildfire in Texas left scars.

Paperback  •  Kindle  •  Nook  •  Smashwords


Do you have a favorite charity? Tell me in the comments! I’ll give a print copy of Prodigal Gun to one person who answers and a CD of Marty Robbins’s Gunfighter Ballads to another.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Kathleen, so happy for you and the release of this story. What a gift you are giving the world, not only with the novel, but the charity you will help. There are so many needs in the world and many great charities. I will tell you my passion is children and animals. So many needs, but I have always felt if a child could read then they have the ability to learn and hopefully make a difference. Reading is fundamental does a pretty good job and if I had to choose, they would be the one today.

    Continued success on this career path you are on. You will do well. Doris

    1. Doris, thank you for the kind words. I've been fortunate in my life. So many others haven't. Prodigal Gun's publication is a gift to me, thanks to Livia and Cheryl. If the book can provide a gift to others, I will be eternally grateful.

      I'm with you about reading and animals. Abused and neglected animals can't help themselves, so we who care are obligated to help them, I believe. Education is a passion of mine. Reading, in particular, gives people wings.

      HUGS to you, sweetheart! I have a feeling you're on the cusp of greatness with your writing. I eagerly await your next story. :-)

  2. Kathleen, the day is here! I bet you thought it would NEVER roll around! But as my mama used to say, "Good things come to those who wait." And that is so true.

    You say Livia and I made your dream come true, but did you know you made OUR dream come true, too? You may not believe this, but Livia and I started PRP with YOU in mind! were the beginning of it ALL. And Livia and I are so glad you were the catalyst to get us going on this big dream of ours, and that we could help you realize yours! Prodigal Gun is an AWESOME story. It's going right on my keeper shelf, for sure.

    And Marty Robbins? My all-time favorite in this world! My ring tone on my cell phone is El Paso--embarrasses my kids to death..."MOM, can't you put that on silent?" LOLLOL This is a wonderful CD. I've got one in my car and one in the house.

    How generous you are, Kathleen, with your royalties, and what a great remembrance for your Lee. There are so many charities out there that need a hand. Like Doris, children and animals pull on my heartstrings, and there is no end of good charities to donate to for both of them. Probably the two I try to give to when I'm able more than anything are Pamela Wray's Lighthouse Recovery Ministries because she has charities for animals (especially dogs) that no one else wants or will take--dogs with disabilities, etc. and pets of the homeless. She's very "hands on" and makes sure things are "taken care of" in all branches of her foundation.

    Another cause I give to often are various reputable charities that rescue dogs and need money for their medical/surgical care.

    You have a huge heart, and I'm so thrilled for you today on this RELEASE DAY of your debut novel! Congratulations!


    1. Thank you, Okie! You embarrass me every time you say that about me and PRP. You and Livia have worked tirelessly to make PRP a huge success, and I'm extremely proud of the two of you, to say nothing about how proud I am to be a Prairie Rose. I could not have asked for a better, more caring, publisher -- not only about authors, but also about the world as a whole. :-)

      Pamela Wray is an extraordinary woman who works tirelessly, too. Bless her for all the good she does in a world that needs more good: good people, good thoughts, good behavior. She's definitely one of those Points of Light around which the foundation of the same name was formed (based on President George H.W. Bush's inaugural address). I wish there were more people like her.

      BIGGEST HUGS to you and Livia, my dear friend. I'm forever in your debt. :-)

  3. Hi Kathleen, and congratulations on your book. Great writing, and a terrific cover! You have always been, and continue to be, a beacon of light for my own work at PPB. My personal favorite charity is the National Association to Protect Children. (And I can't say enough good about Marty Robbins!) Congrats again!

    1. Thank you, Rich! I'm humbled by your kind words. Your Jo Harper series is great fun and an extraordinary read. The plots, the characters, your writerly voice amaze me all over again with each new book.

      I'm very fond of, too. They do a lot of good work with children who need someone to protect them. Don't you wish there were no need for an organization like that?

      I can't say enough good about Marty Robbins, either! :-D

      HUGS!!!! Oh -- and get that next Jo Harper book out there!

  4. Kathleen! Congratulations!! What a day - the release of your debut novel! A writer's dream come true. Ahh, wonderful...I cannot wait to read it! I adore the warmth of your heart paired with the flourish of your pen. Best wishes and well deserved on your successes. May this be a beautiful beginning of many more novels from our favorite Texan!

    1. Thank you, my Prairie Rose sister! I'm waiting for your novel, you know. **tapping fingers on desk** I appreciate the warm congratulations. :-)

  5. WTG, Tex! So happy for you. I have several charities I support. Altzheimer and MS research, Humane Society, Meals on Wheels, and Womens shelters.

    Congratulations! I can't wait to read this.

    1. All of those are worthy causes, Connie! Bless you for supporting them. Even the smallest of contributions help ease someone else's burden. :-)

      I hope you enjoy PRODIGAL GUN! I know I've enjoyed your short stories. Keep it up, darlin'! When's your next release?

  6. Congratulations! I've been waiting for this book, and it arrived this morning on my Kindle. Woo hoo!

    What a wonderful dedication and tribute to Lee. You know he's smiling, don't you? And you're so right about being fortunate to have a loving, generous partner in your life. I won't take mine for granted. I'm so proud of you for your generous gift to charity. Your heart is--if you'll pardon the cliche--as big as Texas.

    When it comes to charities, I can think of so many worthy causes it's hard to chose. Harvesters, a Community Food Network, is one of my favorites here in Kansas. Feeding hungry people today, ending hunger tomorrow. Can't get much more basic that that.

    Best wishes for your debut novel! I'll be looking forward to the next one.

    E.E. Burke

    1. Elisabeth, thank you for downloading PRODIGAL GUN so quickly! I've got your newest, A DANGEROUS PASSION, on my Kindle, and it keeps begging me to dive in. Can't wait! A villainous hero? What's not to love? We should be careful not to let our heroes get together. All those black hats in one place at one time might reach critical mass. ;-)

      Love the idea of donating to a charity that feeds the hungry! It just breaks my heart to know there are so many people in this country -- many of them children -- who don't have enough to eat. How does that even happen? I read somewhere that about half the food in the U.S. -- one of the most prosperous nations in the world -- goes to waste. Let's cut down on that percentage and make sure everyone is fed, why don't we? :-)

      HUGS to you, darlin'! I look forward to each of your new books. They're all inspiring reads. :-)

  7. How strange... I signed in, wrote a comment and it disappeared. Anyway, I wanted to congrats you Kathleen on the release of your very first novel. I'm so happy for you. And I think offering your royalties to a charitable org. is wonderful. I don't know you that well, but from our exchanges, I know you're the kind of person who thinks about others first. Again, congrats for your release and thanks for being one of my new friends.

    1. Liette, I am beyond happy to have "met" you, as well. Speaking of big hearts...yours is not slouch, my dear.

      As for the comment disappearing? Google (which owns Blogger) loves to thumb its nose at all of us. Today was your turn. (Google usually pics on ME, so I appreciate you taking my place today. :-D )

    2. not = no. Evidently, Google isn't picking on me today because my my keyboard wanted to. :-D

    3. pics = picks! Good heavens. When my keyboard decides to go berserk, it does a bang-up job. **sigh**

  8. Miss Kathleen! Howdy! And HUGE congratulations to you!!! Doesn't it feel great! And I know this is just the start of much more wonderful work to come! You are a star!!!! I am so happy to be in the same little 'group' as you! (please forgive all the exclamation marks, its just that I'm soooo excited for you m'dear! Ooops there's another one!) Bless you, and how soon will the next one be ready? Just askin'! X

    1. Jill, you and those exclamation points! Must be a British thing. ;-)

      I'm pleased as punch to count you among my Prairie Rose sisters, dear English Rose. Speaking of next releases... You've got several coming up in the next few months! Congratulations ahead of time!

      And big HUGS always!!!! :-)

  9. I am so proud of you and all you've done, Tex...for sure, Lee is smiling. ♥

    1. I hope so, Owl. I miss him. :-)

      Thank you for stopping by. That means a tremendous amount to me. So does all your help when I was writing the book.

      BIGGEST HUGS!!!!

  10. Yay, got it!! Can't wait to read it. Many congratulations! Your Lee would be very proud indeed, and I'm sure he's bragging on you to all the other angels. As for the CD, what a cool giveawayI do love me some Marty Robbins. (Except now all day I'll be hearing, "Out in the West Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl..." LOL)

    1. LOL, Lorrie! I hope Kaye Spencer suffers from the same affliction today. Heaven knows she's done that to me often enough. :-D

      I hope you enjoy the book. If it's half as good as the first of yours I read, TERMS OF SURRENDER, I'll consider the book a job well done.

      HUGS, sweetheart!

    2. Kathleen,

      What? Are you talking to me? <<in my best Robert DiNiro voice<< I'll have you know Marty rises above earworm status. ;-)

    3. Well thank goodness SOMEONE does, Kaye! ;-)

  11. Congratulations! I can't wait to read it! It's already on my Kindle.

    1. CAP'N! It's so good to see you! How is your series doing? I saw The Last McKlenna and The Sapphire Brooch are out. :-)

      Thank you for buying a copy of the book. That means a lot to me.

      I really did respond to you earlier, but Cheryl just drew my attention to the deplorable lack of a comment. Darn Blogger. I have no idea what it did with my response. :-(

      Big overdue hugs!!!!

  12. YAAAAAAAY!!! (picture Kermit the Frog running back and forth across the stage) HUGE CONGRATS! I remember PG from a few years back and can't wait to read it to see what's changed and what wonderful lines remain.

    As for charities, I usually like to do more than money. I used to run a Christmas giving for the business I worked at. We would gather donations and then adopt a family or two or three from a local school and make their Christmas dreams come true (or just get beds for the children). They still do that there and I'm proud it continues to thrive. Anyway, I'd say if you have a local charity that takes care of abandoned children that would be a great use of any funds. I couldn't believe how many pre-teens and teens come home from school one day to an empty house. Also, the military always tugs at the heartstrings. I'm not talking huge organizations like Wounded Warrior, but there are smaller programs that help build the bonds of family while the serviceman or woman was away.

    All the best, Tex, and wishing you much success!

    1. Rustler, you do an awful lot for charity. As much as rag you about your tendency toward "livestock acquisition," you've got a tremendously generous soul and huge heart. (Don't tell anyone how much I admire that. ;-) )

      Military charities are high on my list, too. As the child of a service member and a veteran myself, I'm always appalled at the number of military families who find themselves on food stamps because salaries make it difficult to feed their families. That's just sooooooo wrong.

      Thanks for the congrats! I'd hug you, but... Well, you know. ;-)

  13. I loved this excerpt from Prodigal Gun. It brings back memories of the Texas I experienced. Your opening with the red tailed hawk also reminded me of my dad. It was his favorite bird.
    I love your stories, Kathleen. You always have some quirky stuff going on, and your characters are endearing.
    What a wonderful way to celebrate Lee. Charity and love are often interchanged in the bible. To give to charity is to show love...a befitting remembrance for Lee. I love animals and my favorite charities are for animals: Defenders of Wildlife, The ASPCA, and The Humane Society of America as well as The Humane Society of Charlotte, NC. These are my regular charities. I also give, on occasion, to others like the Wildlife Federation, Chimpanzee Sanctuary, and others.
    Congratulations on the release of Prodigal Gun and I wish you all the best of everything because you so deserve it.

    1. Oh, Sarah, I'm so unworthy of your kind thoughts. If anyone deserves all the best, it's you. I hope one day to be the kind of soft-spoken, caring, generous individual you are, dear friend.

      I was just horrified to hear about your neighbor's dog, but warmed all over by your efforts to make his life easier. There's a special reward for people like you.

      BIG HUGS, Southern Belle with an edge. :-)

  14. Blessings on you dear lady, you've got a heart of gold. I'm sure your sweet husband, Lee is standing at your side, with his chest filled to popping his buttons with pride. I can see the red tailed hawk as it circles in the sky above and feel the heat so hot it hurts to breath. Such a fantastic story line. Wishing you all the best kiddo.

    1. Okay, there went the tears again. Y'all are making everything soggy over here. I NEVER cry. Thanks a bunch, guys. ;-)

      I'm just floored you got all that from the excerpt. Can you see the big grin on my face?

      BIG HUGS to you, my Prairie Rose sister!!!!

  15. Congratulations, Kathleen! There is nothing like holding that first book. Two charities near and dear to my heart are the "Reading is Fundamental" program (I guess I'll never stop being an educator) and the other is a bit more focused--the Collie Health Foundation, managed by the Collie Club of America. What the Health Foundation does assists all breeds--they've donated money to study the causes and ways to prevent gastric dilitation volvulous (also known as "bloat", is exactly like colic in horses and just as deadly to dogs), funded a study to find the genetic markers for progressive retinal atrophy (a devastating hereditary affliction of many breeds that causes blindness) and through that study were able to isolate and develop a simple cheek swab DNA test so that this can be eliminated from the canine population as the marker is the same in all breeds affected with the juvenile onset form of PRA. Through education, we have eradicated this in more than 90% of the collies and other breeds affected.

    I'm proud to say I know you (even if only through FB)

    1. I didn't realize the Collie Health Foundation has undertaken all those wonderful projects! They have my earnest kudos for their work. What a wonderful group that must be.

      Collies are dear to my heart. There was always one at my grandparents' home, always a male, and I'll never forget their tireless efforts to herd all of us kids into something resembling order. You could just see the hopeless sigh on their faces. Wonderful dogs. :-)

      BIG HUGS to you, sweetheart. I'm proud to say I know you, too. :-)

  16. Kathleen, congratulations on your release! I know you're over the moon. I'm so sorry your husband is not with you to share the joy, but have no doubt he's sending down applause and good vibes. Can't wait to read this. Gotta love those westerns.

    My favorite charity would have to be for breast cancer.

    Best of luck with sales and I'll get my copy as soon as I find the buy link.

    1. Linda, the buy links are up above the Marty Robbins album cover. Paperback hasn't shown up yet, but should be available any moment now...but the others are live.

    2. Yeah, I'm a little miffed with Amazon right now, but I'm willing to forgive them if they'll put the darn thing up sometime today. :-D

      Linda, your comments are dear to me. You're one of those authors on my auto-buy list, and have been for quite some time. I've got your first inspirational, SHATTERED VOWS on my Kindle, where it will stay until I can read it again.

      Blessings to you, dear lady, and BIG HUGS!!!!

    3. Kathleen, congrats. on your big day. Debut day is such a feat. Besides loving your cover, your excerpt pulled me right in. Will be downloading Prodigal Gun as soon as I finish here. Can't wait to read more. As for your giving to a charity. Kudos and many thanks to you for doing such a wonderful gesture and what a lovely tribute to Lee. I too, know he's looking down on you with a fulfilling pride and much love for your success and your loving thoughtfulness to him and others. On my debut novel I gave a % to to the ALS Association as my first novel (with another publisher--we won't go there) as my book was to raise awareness of ALS. My first novel published by PRP in Sept. was a tribute to Social and Protective Services as well as a dedication to my oldest son who we lost several years ago. So your tribute to your husband touches my heart very deeply. I have many charities that are near and dear to my heart. But any of them that deals with animals, especially dogs pull at my heartstrings. I work at the local shelter and have a rescued dog. Also Literacy Volunteers is a big one for me. I could go on and on, but another, as several others mentioned already, is anything to do with helping children in need. Wishing you the very best with this novel and all your future ones. I'm sure all those to come will be as good as this one sounds.

    4. Bev, I'm so sorry about your son. That must have been a terrible blow. I've heard it said that no other loss is as sharp as the loss of a child.

      Thank you for your wishes and for your kind words. All of your charities are blessed to have someone with such a big heart as a benefactor. And I'm very, very proud to have you as a Prairie Rose sister.

      All my best to you, sweetheart! :-)

  17. Kathleen, you are a one woman class act , with a heart bigger than the state Texas. Congratulations on your book release!

    1. Claudia, I'm so not worthy of your praise, but I'm very flattered by it. You, my dear, are another point of light. You spread cheer wherever you go.

      BIG HUGS!!!

  18. Kathleen,

    Congratulations!!! This is some exciting *stuff* (I know, I know, my vocabulary is truly dazzling). I downloaded Prodigal Gun earlier today, and I also have the Marty Robbins gunfighter cd...and cassette tape...and vinyl record...and in digital format, so I'm covered in the event of a cataclysmic event. Surely one of those formats will work. lolol

    While I don't have favorite charities that I donate to regularly, I help out with funding at my nearest animal shelter (50 miles away), I feed (and try to tame and neuter) the feral cats in my neighborhood. I have a houseful/yardful of rescue cats and dogs. The organizations I support in my small community are our food bank and volunteer fire department. I'm also the volunteer secretary-of-sorts for the fire department.

    So, I would like to make a toast to lying, stealing, cheating, and drinking. If you're going to lie, lie for a friend. If you're going to steal, steal a heart. If you're going to cheat, cheat death. And if you're going to drink, drink with me as I drink to your continued success.

    1. And here I expected you to get another song stuck in my head, Ms. Earworm Queen. :-D

      I'm jealous of all your gunfighters on every medium imaginable! In the event of cataclysm, I'm moving in with you. At least we'll have good music -- and, evidently, likker. :-D

      We share a love of rescue dogs. No matter what circumstances caused their misfortune, animals are always willing to love again if we give them a chance. Bless you for giving so many another chance.

      As for lying, cheating, stealing, and drinking? Tough choice! ;-)


    2. Ahem, Kathleen... on the earworm situation... scroll back up to the comment I left to your comment to Lorrie Farley. *so there* lol

  19. Congratulations, Kathleen. Great excerpt. And what a wonderful gesture to donate your royalties to charity. I am sure that your husband Lee will be enjoying this day for you.


    1. Keith! It's always a joy to see my favorite Scot. I've never figured out how you manage to write such engaging westerns, but I'm glad you do. I especially enjoy Marcus Quigley and your other doctors. The stories are fiction, but I learn something new from every one. :-)

      Thank you, also, for you invaluable help with my most recent short story. Without the information you provided, I would have been up the proverbial creek. You, sir, are a doll. :-)

      Hugs across the water, Dr. Souter!

  20. My goodness, you have so many comments I wonder if you'll ever get down here to mine! Marty Robbins..oh, what a man and what a voice. I do love his songs. But you already have me as a fan, so give that to someone else. And favorite charity--Children's homes throughout Texas run and maintained by the Presbyterians.
    I will definitely read Prodigal Gun! Your excerpt is wonderful.
    Pure Texas. Pure KRA. Congratulations.

    1. Celia, I would NEVER miss a comment -- or anything else, for that matter -- from you. Not only are you among my favorite authors (I'll never forget The Catteman's Ball -- such a tender, touching story), but you're also a very dear Texas lady whom I'm proud to call a friend.

      Thank you for the kind words about PG. Skip over the spots with rough language, please. No F-bombs or anything like that, but Calhoun has a tendency to pop off with a D-word or H-word ... until Jessie gets ahold of him. Funny how that works, huh?

      The Presbyterian Children's Homes do such blessed work, don't they? They truly demonstrate the biblical principles of love and charity. :-)

      BIGGEST HUGS to you!!!!

  21. Kathleen, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so thrilled for you. I love when good things happen to good people, and that's certainly you, dear. Your heart is as big as our state of Texas. My favorite charities are St. Jude's Children's Hospital with a second being Ronald McDonald House. There are numerous others who don't take administration costs from donations.

    1. Thank you, Caroline! I'm blushing over here. I've been so fortunate to get to know a number of sterling ladies in the author community, and you are one of the most sterlingest. (Yes, I know that's not a word. You mean I'm not supposed to make up words?)

      I'm not at all surprised so many of us are fond of children's charities. Children are the world's future. It always saddens me to see them in need. St. Jude's does so much good work. We have a Ronald McDonald House here, and although it's well-funded, they always need little things to ease the worry of families they house.

      I so appreciate your thought about administration costs. That's one of the things I watch when donating to charities. I'd better not start on a rant. ;-)

      BIG HUGS, sweet lady!!!!

  22. I'm so happy that Prodigal Gun is here! Can't say enough good things about your talent and your stories. Lee was proud of you for good reason. ☺

    My favorite charity is the Children's Tumor Foundation , ending neurofibromatosis through research. Proceeds from my first book went there. NF is devastating to mind, body, and spirit.

    I'm excited to host you today at the Pickle Barrel Bar & Books! We'll have a wonderful time--and I'm so excited for the release of your debut novel. I could complete with Jill on the exclamation marks!

    1. LOL, Trail Boss! Thanks for the congratulations. I think the English Rose probably still has you beat by a couple of !s or so. :-D

      I know how committed your entire family is to the Children's Tumor Foundation, and what a worthy cause that is. You're right: NF is particularly insidious because of the damage it does to a person's spirit. Some young ladies, though, have grown up with enormous hearts despite the challenges. :-)

      I'm looking forward to the PB&P shindig! It's about time we got another chance to fill the ol' saloon with a bunch of hawt cowboys and go hog wild. See you there in about 90 minutes! (And thanks again for putting the party together. That was enormously sweet and generous of you. :-) )


  23. What a great response. You know I loved the book, so I'll keep this one short.

    My favorite charity is Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. TSRHC was a life saver for my youngest, as they've been for many children over the years.

    1. Livia, thank you for taking time out of what I know is a truly hectic schedule to drop by and comment. You and Cheryl are wizards. :-)

      We have a Scottish Rite hospital here in Galveston. It's a wonderful place where doctors, nurses, and others do wonderful things for children who desperately need medical care. The thing that impresses me most, I think, is the way they help a child regain self-esteem -- or learn it for the first time. That is miraculous and so important for their wellbeing throughout life.

      BIG HUGS to you, dear lady.

  24. Congratulations on your release of Prodigal Gun. PRP is a wonderful publisher to be associated with. They've been wonderful to me and from all these comments, you seem to know them better than I do, though I feel like one of the family.

    I loved what I've read of your book and as soon as I finish this I'm going to download it.

    One of the charities I support is Kids of childhood cancer. org. A friend of mine who lost her 11 year old son to cancer started this charity with the support of Brenner's Children's Hospital. Yearly I sponsor a book signing for Kids of Childhood Cancer and writers give all or most of their profits to this cause.

    Now, I'm off to buy your book!

    1. Thank you, Agnes! PRP is an outstanding publisher from all perspectives. The Prairie Roses are delighted to have you among us. PRP is like a family, and that's by intent. Livia and Cheryl set out to create a publishing company with heart, and I think they've done a bang-up job. :-)

      I've not heard of Kids of Childhood Cancer, You can bet I'll check them out. That they work with generous authors s a great idea! Thank you for sponsoring such a heartfelt effort to help others with your career.


  25. Congrats on the new book. I support charities for animals. They need some help as well.

    1. Thanks for the congrats, Debby! Animal causes are near and dear to my heart. You're so right about them needing help. Bless you for helping! :-)

  26. Congrats Tex on your new novel! I think that is a wonderful thing you are doing by donating the proceeds to a charity and helping animals. I know Lee is watching with a big smile of pride. We all are so proud of you and I am honored to be called your friend. Best of luck on huge sales of the Prodigal Gun! I have mine on my kindle ready to start reading today. <3

    1. SHIRL! It's so good to see you, sweetie! I hope y'all's health is settling down.

      Thank you for buying Prodigal Gun! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks, too, for the best wishes and for your kind words. You are one of the lights in the world, honey. Please don't ever change.

      BIG HUGS!!!!
