Thursday, October 2, 2014

PRP New Release -- Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico Volume 1 & 2 -- Giveaway

 Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico Volume 1

Halloween is here along with some romantic western-y ghost tales to share around a campfire! Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico, Vol. 1 is guaranteed to make you wonder what in the world–or in the “other” world—is going on. But are you sure you really want to know?

The Sheriff of Hel’n Gone by Lorrie Farrelly is a supernatural tale of a western lawman who must live one hellish Halloween night over and over, until a young woman from the future finds her way back to save him.

In Tanya Hanson’s The Bridesmaid, a bridegroom is doomed to marry a woman he becomes terrified of…but finds her bridesmaid is the love he’s been dreaming of. But will his sleeping or waking hours become his true nightmare?

Sarah J. McNeal’s  The Beast of Hazard is a story about a predator that stalks the small community where veterinarian Joey Wilding practices. But is the vicious animal-killer on the loose of this world, or another?

Author Shayna Matthews makes a riveting debut with her tale of The Legend of Venture Canyon, about an exotic young woman who dances in the circus…where the show must go on—at all costs—and love survives everything.

Cher’ley Grogg’s story, Wild Injuns, Wicked Trains, and Cerulean Blue is an unforgettable tale of a young woman who comes west to get a sensational newspaper article and pictures, but in doing so, finds out that she will never leave.

Veteran author Linda Carroll-Bradd’s story, Wanderer, Come Home, is a poignant tale of the discovery of true love and trust amidst some strange Samhain happenings on a small farm.

Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico Volume 2

What better way to spend Halloween than with some handsome cowboys and feisty heroines who are determined to fall in love despite their supernatural powers—or lack thereof? Halloween’s a good time to take a chance on love—and to see what these Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico Vol. 2 stories might reveal to the unsuspecting reader—YOU!

Cheryl Pierson’s Spellbound will have you on the edge of your seat as safecracker Brett Diamond and witch Angie Colton take on a border gang leader who is pure evil. Can Angie’s supernatural powers save them? No matter what, Brett and Angie are hopelessly Spellbound.

C. Marie Bowen’s Hunter and Lily Graham is an unforgettable tale of a beautiful school marm’s love for her children that surpasses all. When a Cajun bounty hunter known only as “Hunter” shows up, Lily Graham knows he, and no one else, can help her save a young girl.

Have Wand — Will Travel is Jacquie Rogers’s offering about a handsome young mage, Tremaine Ramsey, who has a wand and knows how to use it…sometimes. Will his magic be strong enough to pull off a daring rescue of his father from the evil Gharth? Or will he need the warrior Nora’s love to help him see his Fate through?

Will Kaye Spencer’s character, Mercy Pontiere, be able to break a centuries-old curse and find true love all at the same time?  It all depends on Reid Corvane and what he’ll do For Love of a Brystile Witch.

In Kristy McCaffrey’s story, The Crow and the Coyote, Hannah Dobbin is after an evil Navajo sorcerer who murdered her father, and she’s determined to see him dead. But she’ll need a bounty hunter, The Crow—to help find this vile man. With Hallowtide upon them, more evil is afoot than they can handle; but love will find a way.

A failed bank robber, Tombstone Hawkins, along with a fake gypsy fortune teller, Pansy Gilchrist, set out to make both their deceased fathers proud in one final spectacular heist. Family Tradition is Kathleen Rice Adams’s tale of the discovery of true love amid the commission of a crime—or the failure to commit a crime—while being overseen by the ghosts of the couple’s fathers. How can there be a happy ending? It’s Halloween, and anything can happen! 

Be sure to leave your contact information in your comment for a chance to win a free ecopy of Vol. 1 or 2. Since there are 2 anthologies, we will be picking 2 winners.

Buy Links     B & N Nook Vol. 1  Vol. 2   Smashwords  Vol. 1  Vol. 2 



  1. Sounds amazing. I love anthologies.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. We've got your name in the virtual hat, Debby! Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  2. I'm going to do me some buying this weekend. Been waiting for the print editions. (My favorite way to read these anthologies-sorry, the feel of the book keeps me rooted in 'reality' when I read ghost stories) Doris

    1. LOL, Doris! I know what you mean. Sometimes we just need a security, book. Thanks for stopping by, sweetie! Hope you have a wonderful day. :-)

  3. Wow, such a large selection of stories all wrapped up into one scary, spellbinding package. The stories are sure to fire up ghostly images and witchery on a cold Hallows Eve Night. I'd love a copy. Send on my way.

    1. We've got you in the drawing, Barn! These really are good stories -- and so different from what all the authors have written before. That's a good thing, though. The romances are as lovely as ever -- and each authors fans will recognize the author's "voice" -- but the surrounding stories are take a supernatural twist. They're fun! :-)

    2. Oh good heavens. I can't even blame all the errors in that response on lack of coffee. **sigh**

  4. Congrats to all the authors!! Every story sounds amazing! I don't need my name in the hat, I just wanted to wish you all the best with these new releases!

    1. Since you don't need your name in the hat, we'll stuff you in a burlap sack instead. ;-)

      Thanks for the wishes, Rustler! :-)

    2. Eh. Cookie'd just break her out. Ain't no containin' the Rustler.

  5. Wow! They all look good. Cowboys and Halloween. Can't wait to get into them.

    1. Thanks, Shirl! I put your name in the hat, too. :-)

  6. I can't wait to read these.

    1. We're kinda proud of them, Kristin. Thanks for stopping by. You're entered! :-)

  7. Oh boy! Shivers and tingles! Tingles and shivers! Got to get these! Trying to spread the word as hard as I can on this side of the pond everyone. Good luck to you all!

  8. Bravo! Yeah! They're out. Can't wait to get my wings - huh, my hands - unto it. Seriously, ladies, all the stories look good - scary, spooky, fantastic, evil sorcerers and whatnot - you got it all. Well, you know where to get me if I win. And if not, well, these will be added to my TBB (To Buy Books). And sorry I'm late... just came back from my "free guinea pig osteopathy treatment" (daughter needs to practice her newly-acquired skills on someone and it also gave me a chance to spend a bit of time with my new granddaughter). :)

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Liette. Sounds like you've got a lot going on!

      We've got you in the drawing. Good luck! :-)

  9. Congrats, y'all. I've been waiting impatiently for these to come out. I'm going to get both, but it would be cool if I won one of them. Please place my entry in the magic cowboy hat.

    1. Gotcha entered, Alisa! Good luck, honey! :-)

  10. This is wonderful. Thanks for the interest, complimenys, and for spreading the word about our anthologies.

    1. Lol compliments. Silly Galaxy phone.

    2. LOL! Cher'ley, I have the same problem. :-D

      I'm with you in thanking everyone. Is this a great crowd, or what? :-)

  11. Sounds wonderful. I can't wait to read them.

    1. Connie, you didn't leave us your email addy. I've got your name in the hat, and we'll figure out how to contact you somehow if you win. Thanks for stopping by, honey! :-)

  12. Between the two volumes, there's just about every kind of oddball story you can think of, and all western romance. What could be better for Halloween? Was this fun or what??? :)

    1. They're all oddball stories because all of them were written by oddballs. Yours just may be the oddest of the lot! Centaurs? Unicorns? Man-eating centipedes? Who knew? :-D

  13. They do sound like fun stories. I look forward to reading them. I love the covers.

    1. Robyn, the authors had a lot of fun with these stories. We hope all readers will, too. When are we going to get you to join an anthology? :-)

  14. I can't wait to read them. Western romances, anthologies and Halloween are my favorites.

  15. I had so much fun reading all these stories. I was writing a Christmas story, but the characters let me know right quick it was NOT a Christmas story, but was a HALLOWEEN story, and I finally got the message.

    Everyone really had wonderful contributions.

    These were pure delight!

  16. We have winners! Drum roll, please...

    Christine Stagdon, you've won a bright, shiny, new e-book of Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico Vol. 1

    Shirl Deems, you've won a lovely copy of Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico Vol. 2

    I'll email both of y'all with instructions for how to claim your prizes.

    Thanks to everyone for dropping by and sharing our excitement about PRP's Halloween anthologies. Happy reading! :-)

  17. Yayyy!!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to read all these exciting stories! Cowboys Romance and Halloween, what fun! Thank you again!
    Congrats to Christine too!

    1. Thank you and congrats to you!!! :) How can you beat good western romances and Halloween stories all in one. :)

  18. Congratulations to our winners! Hope you all enjoy, and thanks to everyone for stopping by!

  19. Congrats to Shirl and Christine. Happy reading to both of you. :)
