Monday, September 8, 2014


Over the Labor Day Holiday weekend, dh and I headed south to Hot Springs, Arkansas, for Shootin’ In the Shade, the Arkansas State Championship for Cowboy Action Shooting. I didn’t shoot all that well, but we had a lot of fun.

I thought you’d enjoy seeing some of the costumes worn on the shooting range and the dress-up duds from the party. Some of these cowboys clean up real nice!

Here's a typical morning as the shooting gets started.

Sometimes we get silly. Antelope Ann "lost" to the snake. :)

Gentleman G looked fine in his gambler vest and black hat--if you could see him through the black powder smoke!

All dressed up for the party. (That's me and dh on the left--it was just too hot for taffeta!)

Cowboy barons!

Gentlemen--looking fine!

Cowboy pals!

There were so many beautiful costumes at the party--too many to show here. But we all made quite a pretty picture.

Tracy Garrett


  1. Tracy, this looks like so much fun! The costumes are fabulous -- both for generating a good first-thing-in-the-morning smile and as research material. And the Old West "handles" everyone comes up with...brilliant!

    Thanks for sharing an inside look at Cowboy Action Shooting. :-)

  2. Kathleen, I'm a slacker when it comes to the costumes--at least when compared with some of these ladies. And gents! Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Those costumes look great! Do you all make your own or are they purchased? Oh, one thing, I see lots of Barons and Ladies, where are the cowboys? Or are they all outside looking after the Barons horses? LOL! Looks great fun!

    1. Jill, the cowboys just get all duded up for the party. lol No scrubby boys here. The costumes are a combination of purchased and made. Some of the ladies are really talented!

  4. Dressing up, shooting firearms, what's not to love. Such fun and to be around folks who love doing what you do, priceless. Thanks for sharing your photos. I feel this way every time I do a show or costumed speaking engagement. Thanks for sharing a part of your 'fun' time. Doris

    1. Isn't it fun, Doris? Except for having to wear LAYERS when it's hot. That is no fun at all. At least not for me.

  5. Tracy,

    What a fun time! I love all the costumes and the silliness. :)

    1. Thanks, Kirsten. Dressing up gives me a chance to feel a bit of what our characters would. Still won't wear a corset, though. lol

  6. Oh my, it looks like such fun. I love the hats. It's too bad ladies don't wear them like they did back in the day.

    1. Sorry, Barb, but I can't go there with you. I don't like hats! Too hot, too itchy. I wear one when I'm shooting because the sun is hot and so is the brass flipping out of my rifle. For the party, tho, I go for a fascinator.

  7. Tracy,

    "Fascinator" - This is a fabulous name for a hat. Who in the world would look at a hat and say, "I think I'll call it a fascinator." So, by any chance, do you know the know the history behind the name?

    1. Kaye, a fascinator isn't a hat. It's a hairpiece, like a comb or a headband. They were intended to "fascinate" a man--hence the name. There was a blog on the history of the fascinator by one of the Roses, I think. I'll have to go searching.

  8. Tracy, I'm late to the party but just want to say I really enjoyed your post with all those awesome pictures!
