Thursday, September 18, 2014

Prairie Rose Publications New Release -- ALL FOR LOVE by Beverly Wells -- Giveaway

Beverly will be giving away one ecopy of her new novel All For Love. If you would like to win, add your email address in your comment.

Toleman, Wyoming 1880’s

Feisty, outspoken schoolmarm, Lorelei Webster, is determined to stop the neglect and abuse in Toleman. And if it means raising havoc such as the town has never known, and deterring any man's attraction to her, so be it. But when faced with the compelling task of righting the wrongs in the handsome new doctor’s life, she desires more than merely cleansing his soul.

Reserved and dedicated to medicine, Doctor Seth Taylor has resigned himself to be content with his practice and a peaceful, uncomplicated life. Nothing more. But when the irritating Miss Webster stirs up memories he's long tried to bury, his complacent world tilts off kilter. Forced to accept her help in saving a youngster’s life, Seth finds he must deal with his dark haunting past before he can ever hope for more…But can he?

Both of them must make some changes in their dreams, but it's ALL FOR LOVE...

Toleman, Wyoming 1886

The well-aimed object impacted dead-center between Lorelei Webster’s shoulder blades. Knife-piercing pain stabbed deep as flames sizzled across her skin. Its bite didn't begin to match her humiliation, or the warning behind the insulting attack. Braking her foot on the first step up to the walkway, she fought to catch her breath. And inhaled the odor of tomato.
Whoops of male laughter pierced the stifling air, triggering tears to cloud her vision. Juice oozed through her cotton blouse and across her tingling skin as a chunk of pulp plopped to the ground with a muted thud. She prayed the steps would open up so she could sink below. Refusing further disgrace, she sniffled back the sudden weakness, raised her chin and squared her shoulders. Unmannered, ignorant bastards. All of them.
"Take that Miss Neb-nose,” Sam Ahearns bellowed from across the street. “That's what we think of your damn meddlin'." Raucous mirth rose from his cohorts.
"Yeah, maybe now y’all know to keep yer unwanted snoot out of affairs that don't involve ya," Andy Piedmont's voice thundered worse than she'd ever heard.
Oh my, I've riled them but good this time. One, two…she silently counted to ten, striving for any kind of dignity she could muster. Don’t let them see your fear. You’re right in doing what you believe in. You are! She hoped her wide-brimmed bonnet hid her distress.
Gathering courage, she held her back taut to brace against another assault and, hesitantly but determinedly, lifted her left foot to the next step. She focused on her original destination straight ahead, yet the bank seemed a mile away. If her rubbery knees did not fail her, maybe, just maybe, she could make it inside with a smidgeon of poise.

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  1. Beverly,

    Ouch! A tomato???? Unmannered, ignorant bastards indeed. ;-) Great teaser excerpt. Now I HAVE to know how she handled this. Off to download...

    1. Thanks for your comment. I agree, I wanted to hook my reader right in and I hope you too will smell that nasty tomato as you read further. I had so much with this book. Hope you get back to me after you finish. Would love to hear any feedback. And thanks for joining me today,

  2. Beverly,

    Congratulations! The excerpt wet the appetite for more, and I never did like tomatoes, to eat or have thrown at you. That Lorelei would be subject to such an outrage makes one wonder what she did and the strength of her convictions to withstand the assault. Now it's off to the add another to a growing list of winter reads. (After I finish writing of course. ) Doris

    1. My tomato beginning seems to be working. I had that idea of the Twack for a long time. Of course I wouldn't want to get hit with one either, but it seems the only logical thing to have the angry men throw that wouldn't hurt her and then she wouldn't be able to go on with....well you have to read on won't you? So happy you joined me today. I love hearing from readers and especially other authors. Good luck to you, Doris--and happy writing.

  3. I really enjoyed this story, Bev. I identified with Lorelei--and it must have been really hard for her during that day and time to stick with her convictions as strongly as she did.


  4. Welcome to Prairie Rose, Beverly! Your book sounds wonderful!! Great excerpt.

    1. Thanks so much, Kristy. I more than appreciate you stopping by to say hi. Today I feel like I'm soaring. And wishing you the best also. I'm so proud and pleased to be part of PRP.

  5. Loved the opening --- a great hook! Since I'm canning tomatoes right now, I know just how juicy they can be..... Congratulations. Nice cover, too!!

    1. Gail, just make sure no one throws one at you. It's not a nice sound to hear that TWACK! Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement. I'm so very pleased that this warm--heartwrenching at times--and humorous story is finally being told. It's near and dear to me and I hope everyone enjoys it. I love the cover too. Wishing you much success with your writing. And I hope we'll get to know each other better.

  6. Cheryl, Thanks so much joining me today. I'm flyin' high. And a big heartfelt appreciation to you and Livia for believing in me and seeing this story bloom. Your words of wisdom, your patience with all my inept ways with the computer and promo have given me inspiration and fortitude to keep writing what I love. And keep your books coming too, I love each and every one of them--I adore those cowboys. I'm so very pleased to be part of PRP. I can't wait to really connect with all the other authors. Oh, did I say how very pleased I am with the cover? Yeah!

  7. Welcome to our rose bush, Beverly. This definitely s a must-read for me. Best wishes for much success!

    1. Tanya, thank you so much for your welcome. It is an exciting day to say the least. I enjoy reading your books, haven't read Covenant as yet but will definitely do once I settle down. I'll be giving a book away at the end of the day--good luck. Best wishes.

  8. This sounds fantastic! Love the cover too.

    1. Thanks so much, Connie. I love the cover too. Thanks for visiting me on my big day. Wishing you the best.

  9. Welcome to PRP, Beverly! Wishing you much success!

    1. Kirsten, thanks so much joining me today and wishing me well. I'm lovin' this. Everyone has been so wonderful at PRP. Wishing you much success also and hope we'll be talking again soon.

  10. First of all, congratulations in taking the plunge and welcome to my friend's Cheryl's and Livia's PRP - they and the authors they publish are a great bunch of ladies.

    This sounds great, not the TWACK!, mind you, but the story. I do love tomatoes but not when they're thrown at me. :) Makes me wonder what Lorelei did to incur those people's wrath.

    Wishing you lots of success with this book and all the future books you'll write.

    Liette (

    1. Liette, thanks so much for joining me and your congrats. And yes Livia and Cheryl and all the PRP authors are a delight to work with. I'm blessed to have this opportunity to work with all of them. You'll just have to read the story to find how Lorelei rials the town. I'll be giving a book away at the end of the day so I'll wish you luck. I think I'm going to put names in a hat and draw one. Thanks again.

  11. A very warm welcome to the Prairie Roses, Beverly. I enjoyed the intense beginning of this story. Now I'm wonderin' what she ever did to cause such angst and what's she gonna do about it. It's no fun being the target of anger, so I'm thinking she must be dead certain she's doing the right thing.
    This story should be a good one.
    I wish you every success and I hope you enjoy being a rose.

    1. Sarah, thank you so much for your very kind words. And yes, LoreIei has a very good reason for fighting against abuse--I hope you'll agree. It was touchy writing about such a topic, especially with the young boy's plight(I don't want to say more) and keep enough humor and happiness in it to make it a meaningful but fun read. I love writing about a lesson learned or raising awareness of certain issues while making my readers laugh themselves silly. I put my heart and soul into this story(as we all do) but working in Public Health as a homecare nurse and dealing closely with Social and Protective Services I felt the need to write All For Love. Hope you enjoy. And who knows, you may win this book tonight. Wishing you much success too.

  12. Bev, I left a comment yesterday morning but it looks as if the computer ate it! I pre-ordered All for Love earlier in the week and, like magic, it downloaded yesterday. I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this ever since I read 'Only When the Loon Sings' and loved it. Can't wait to sit down this weekend and spend some time with Lorelei...Hurray! All the best to you, Bev, and good luck with sales! Roz

  13. Roz, thank you so much for joining me on the PRP blog. A release of a writer's baby is like you've walked into heaven, as you well know. Also, wishing you the best with Bob at the Lake and the next installment.

  14. WINNER! I am so very pleased to announce that Connie Bowen is the winner of a copy of All For Love. Thank you Connie for joining me on this page, and your comments. I hope you enjoy reading about Lorelei fiascoes. Would love to hear back from you after you read it. I found you on your web page and left a comment to email me but will again say, please email me at Best wishes and good reading.

  15. A beginning that hooks the readers is worth its weight in gold. Well, that might be a slight stretch, but the better the opening, the more likely the reader will continue. I wrote more than one blog about openings, and one of my favorite little writing books is "Hooked" by Les Edgerton. Also, with a good opening, you have avoided the dreaded "description" opening. This sound like a lively story with a very good heroine. Best wishes and luck for the success of you book.

  16. Thanks so much for your vote of confidence, Celia. I certainly hope my readers enjoy Lorelei's story as much as I had in writing it. And wishing you the best also.
